Melaleuca bracteata F.Muell., Fragm. 1: 15 1858. (Syn: Melaleuca daleana Blakely; Melaleuca genistifolia var. coriacea Ewart, L.R.Kerr & Derrick; Melaleuca glaucocalyx Gand.; Melaleuca monticola J.M.Black); . Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales), trop. Africa (introduced), Pakistan (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life; . commonly known as: cannon ball tree • Bengali: kaman gola • Dutch: bosch kalabas • French: bala de cañón • German: Brasilianische wildkirsche • Hindi: नागलिंग nagalinga, तोप गोला tope gola • Kannada: లింగద మర lingada mara, నాగలింగమ nagalingam • Marathi: कैलासपती kailasapati • Portuguese: castanha de macaco • Spanish: coco de mono • Tamil: நாகலிங்கம் naagalingam • Telugu: naagalingam, naagamalli, mallikarjuna ; . amituid 30072012 01: I think Melaleuca bracteata ??? Yes Sir, the plants resemble to M. bracteata Ornamental plants – II from Guwahati : ID pl.: Attached images are ornamental plants. Please ID for it. Date :26/11/12 Location: Guwahati, [Dist- Kamrup(Rural)] Habitat: Grows on garden Habit :Shrub Is it a var. of Mellaluca– known as Golden Bottlebrush in Delhi? Looks like Melaleuca bracteata – golden crest/ Golden bottle brush. But one has to check / compare the floral and vegetative characters of the species before confirmation. this is Melaleuca bracteata Golden bottle brush Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight : Myrtaceae : Melaleuca bracteata : Golden Bottle-brush : Delhi : 21DEC14 : AK-62 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Melaleuca bracteata with Golden foliage, id confirmed by …. Seen in a private garden in Delhi on 16/3/13. Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: Myrtaceae-Melaleuca decora/bracteata pl validate from Delhi-GSDEC78 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Melaleuca bracteata F. Muell. or M. decora (Salisb.) Britten pl. validate Photographed from Herbal Garden Delhi very nice to see it an important source of tea tree oil For me it is Melaleuca bracteata only. I have this tree in my house but it has not flowered. 92-TSP-ID-28-JUL2016-2: A Myrtaceae sp @ Bangalore for ID : 14 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Kindly identify this tree belonging to Myrtaceae. Habit: Tree Habitat: Cultivated, Ornamental Sighting: Bangalore, Karnataka, about 800 msl Date: 08-03-2016 Perhaps Callistemon pallidus Thanks, … Do you have an habit picture ? Was it at Lalbagh ? Yes … it was at LBG… forgot to mention….. But I do not have more images Forwarding a habit picture as desired by you From images of Callistemon pallidus at the following, it does not seem to match: Seems to be some species of Callistemon. To me it looks close to Melaleuca bracteata of Myrtaceae. Thanks … I endorse your views. I have uploaded the habitat image as a supplement in this thread on … request. Kindly examine the image…..or else I will upload again for your reference. Thanks … for the habit image. It does look like Melaleuca bracteata to me. Need help in identifying this ornamental tree – seen in corporate real estate in Bangalore – Thanks in advance! : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) – 1 Mb. Need help in identifying this ornamental tree – seen in corporate real estate in Bangalore – Thanks in advance! Though a distant shot, yet I can guess, Melaleuca sp. Melaleuca bracteata Golden bottle brush Calliandra species for ID – 181012 – RK: I meant Callistemon species! I make this mistake frequently.Please excuse… Callistemon sieberi DC Stamens are occurring in bundles, suggestive of Melaleuca and not Callistemon Looks like one of the Melaleuca species Melaleuca armillaris, (Sol. ex Gaertn.) Sm. <=> Bracelet Honey Myrtle Tree I had photographed the same flower in Lalbagh during visit to Bangalore in July. Since light was very less and branches were swaying in the breeze, I couldn’t get reasonably good pictures. So I did not post them on our group. On searching in, where I generally search for common names, I found Melaleuca bracteata to be the closest to my flower. Common name Golden Bottle Brush. Kindly have a look and confirm if its the same. Banglore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this tree in Ooty Botanical Gardens :: ARK2019-27 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Requesting to please ID this tree captured in the Ooty Botanical Gardens, Ooty in November 2013. The placard states Melaleuca leucadendron. However, I think, the leaves don’t match the images in efi. Requested to please ID. Pics. very less clarity … Attaching a cropped pic if that helps. Appears close to images at Melaleuca bracteata F.Muell. Pl. check. . Id please place Kota Rajasthan: 1 high res. image. May be . Myrtaceae: Calistemon sp.: Calistemon sp. Syn. Melaleuca sp. Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden & Betche) Cheek ?? I think it looks different as per POWO. Yes! … sir, It’s close to Melaleuca bracteata . References: |
Melaleuca bracteata (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024