
Miliusa codonantha Chaowasku (East Himalaya as per POWO)


(Images by Raju Das (Id suggestion by Pudji Widodo) (Inserted by J.M.Garg))


Miliusa indica Lesch. ex A.DC. (Images by Raghu Ananth (Identified by Giby Kuriakose) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images, click on the links)) 


Miliusa nilagirica Bedd. (Images by Navendu page (Inserted by J.M.Garg))


Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) J.Sinclair (Images by Dinesh Valke, Anurag N Sharma (Validated by Tapas Chakrabarty), Navendu Page & Prashant Awale (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images, click on the links)) 



BSI Flora of India with details & keys (Volume 1- 1993) (Distribution):
Miliusa andamanica (King) Finet & Gagnepain (India: Evergreen forests, up to 100 m. Andaman & Nicobar Islands)
Miliusa dolichantha Craib (India: Assam and Arunachal Pradesh)
Miliusa globosa (DC.) Panigr. & S. C. Mishra (India: Evergreen forests, up to 800 m. West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Tripura and Meghalaya; Bhutan and Bangladesh) [No distribution in India as per as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
Miliusa indica Leschen. ex DC. (India: West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala; Sri Lanka)
Miliusa longiflora (Hook. f. & Thomson) Finet & Gagnepain (India: Tropical and subtropical forests. Bihar, West Bengal, Sikkim and Karnataka; Bangladesh and Bhutan) [syn. of Miliusa sclerocarpa (A. DC.) Kurz as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
Miliusa macrocarpa Hook. f. & Thomson (India: Subtropical forests, 1200 – 1700 m. West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya; Bhutan)
Miliusa mollis Pierre var. sparsior Craib (EXCLUDED SPECIES- south Andamans) [“I suspect that the Andaman collections belong to M. parviflora“- as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
Miliusa montana Gard. ex Hook. f. & Thomson (India: Subtropical hill forests. Tamil Nadu and Kerala; Sri Lanka)
Miliusa mukerjeeana D. Mitra & P. Chakrab. (India: Hill forests. Andaman & Nicobar Islands) [syn. of Miliusa parviflora Ridl. as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
Miliusa nilagirica Beddome (India: Subtropical evergreen hill forests, at 1200 – 1500 m. Kerala and Tamil Nadu)
Miliusa tectona Hutch. ex C.B. Parkinson (India: Deciduous forests. Andaman & Nicobar Islands) [syn. of Miliusa horsfieldii (Benn.) Pierre as per  A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) Finet & Gagnepain (: Deciduous forests. Rajasthan, Bihar, Orissa, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu; Nepal and Sri Lanka)
Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hook. f. & Thomson (India: Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh and Kerala (?); Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand)
Miliusa wightiana Hook. f. & Thomson (India: Evergreen forests of Western Ghats. Kerala and Tamil Nadu)

A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner- Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 257–299, 2015-
Species in India with distribution:
Miliusa andamanica (King) Finet & Gagnep.- India [Andamans] 
Miliusa caudata N. Balach. & Chakrab.- India [Andamans] 
Miliusa codonantha Chaowasku- India [West Bengal] 
Miliusa dioeca (Roxb.) Chaowasku- India [Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya, West Bengal]; Nepal; Bhutan; Bangladesh; Burma 
Miliusa dolichantha Craib- India [Assam, Arunachal Pradesh] 
Miliusa eriocarpa Dunn in Gamble- India [Karnataka, Tamil Nadu] 
Miliusa gokhalaei Ratheesh & al. in Narayanan et al.- India [Kerala] 
Miliusa horsfieldii (Benn.) Pierre- India [Andamans]; Burma 
Miliusa indica Lesch. ex A. DC.- India [West Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu] 
Miliusa macrocarpa Hook. f. & Thomson- India [Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim, West Bengal]; Nepal; Bhutan; Burma 
Miliusa montana Gardner ex Hook. f. & Thomson- India [Kerala, Tamil Nadu]; Sri Lanka
Miliusa nilagirica Bedd.- India [Kerala, Tamil Nadu] 
Miliusa parviflora Ridl.- India [Andamans]
Miliusa sclerocarpa (A. DC.) Kurz- India [Sikkim, West Bengal, Bihar, Karnataka]; Bhutan; Bangladesh; Burma
Miliusa tirunelvelica Murugan & al.- India [Tamil Nadu] 
Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) Baill. ex Finet & Gagnep.- India [Rajasthan, Biar, Orissa, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu]; Sri Lanka; Nepal; Bangladesh 
Miliusa velutina (DC.) Hook. f. & Thomson- India [Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala]; Nepal; Bangladesh; Burma 
Miliusa velutina (DC.) Hook. f. & Thomson var. deviyarina S. M. Rajendran & al.- India 
Miliusa wayanadica Sujanapal & al. in Narayanan et al.- India [Kerala] 
Miliusa wightiana Hook. f. & Thomson- India [Kerala, Tamil Nadu]


FLOWERING PLANTS OF INDIA, DICOTYLEDONS, Vol-I (Acanthaceae-Avicenniaceae) authored by S. Karthikeyan, M. Sanjappa
and S. Moorthy and published by BSI, Kolkata in 2009
is an important document for names, authority and distribution of Annonaceae species in India. As
per this document (Karthikeyan et al., 2009) following species of Miliusa occur in India:
1-  Miliusa andamanica (King) Finet & Gagnep.
2-  M. dolichantha Craib [unresolved name]
3-  M. eriocarpa Dunn. [unresolved name]
4-  M. globosa (A. DC.) Panigarhi & S.C. Mishra
5-  M. gokhalaei
6-  M. horsfieldii (Bennet) Baill. ex Pierre
7-  M. indica Lesch. ex A. DC.
8-  M. jainii Goel & S.C. Sharma [syn. of Miliusa parviflora Ridl. as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
9-  M. longiflora (Hook.f. & Thomson) Finet & Gagnep. [syn. of Miliusa sclerocarpa (A. DC.) Kurz as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
10- M. macrocarpa Hook.f. & Thomson
11- M. mollis Pierre var. sparsior Craib  [“I suspect that the Andaman collections belong to M. parviflora“- as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
12- M. montana Gardner ex Hook.f. & Thomson [unresolved name]
13- M. mukerjeeana Debika Mitra nee D. Das & Chakr. [syn. of Miliusa parviflora Ridl. as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
14- M. nilagirica Bedd. [unresolved name]
15- M. tirunelvelica Murugan [unresolved name]
16- M. tomentosa (Roxb.) Hook.f. & Thomson
17- M. velutina (Dunal) Hook.f. & Thomson (var. velutina; var. deviyarina)
18- M. wightiana Hook.f. & Thomson [unresolved name]

Miliusa nilagirica is mentioned as “Vulnerable” in Indian Red Data Book by Nayar & Sastry (1987-90).

Miliusa gokhalaei, a new species of Annonaceae from India with notes on interrelationships, population structure and conservation status M. K. RATHEESH NARAYANAN, P. SUJANAPAL, N. ANIL KUMAR, M. SIVADASAN, AHMED H. ALFARHAN & JACOB THOMAS: Phytotaxa 42: 26–34 (2012):

(Introduction: ……………. Mitra (1993) recognised 15 species in the treatment for the flora of India. During the last decade, three new taxa, viz. Miliusa velutina var. deviyarina Rajendran et al.(2003: 220), Miliusa tirunelvelica Murugan et al. (2004: 102), and Miliusa wayanadica Sujanapal et al. in Narayanan et al. (2010a: 64) were published from the peninsular Indian region, which has more species than other parts of Asia, and now there are a total of ten species and one variety, viz. Miliusa eriocarpa Dunn (1916: 58), Miliusa indica Leschenault ex Candolle (1832: 213), Miliusa montana Gardner ex Hooker & Thomson (1855: 148), Miliusa nilagirica Beddome (1868-1874: 18), Miliusa tomentosa (Roxburgh: 1795: 31. t. 35.) Sinclair (1955: 378), Miliusa velutina Hooker & Thomson (1855: 151), Miliusa velutina var. deviyarina, Miliusa wightiana Hooker & Thomson (1855: 149), Miliusa longiflora Sinclair (1955: 378), Miliusa tirunelvelica and M. wayanadica in the region.
Of the Indian species, five are endemic to peninsular India, and two have an extended distribution in Sri Lanka. Four species, viz. M. andamanica Finet & Gagnepain (1906: 151), M. mukerjeeana Mitra & Chakraborty (1994: 326), M. tectona Hutchinson ex Parkinson (1923: 75) and M. jainii Goel & Sharma (1991: 629) are present in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands with three endemic to the Andaman region. Miliusa tomentosa, M. indica and M. zeylanica Gardner ex Hooker & Thomson (1855: 149) are distributed in Sri Lanka also (Huber 1985). Western Ghats with tropical evergreen and moist deciduous forests are the habitats of Miliusa in peninsular India.) ………………..

Key to the species and varieties of Miliusa in peninsular India
Subsequent to the discovery of the new species, the total number of species in peninsular India has been increased to 11 species and one variety, and a key is provided to facilitate easy identification of the taxa.
1. Medium trees, 7–20 m tall …… 2
Shrubs or small trees, up to 5 m tall ……….. 5
2. Inner petal largely pouched below; ovules 6 or more ….. 3
– Inner petal flat or shortly saccate below; ovules 1 or 2 …… 4
3. Branchlets puberulous; pedicels to 1 cm long …. Miliusa longiflora
– Branchlets tomentose; pedicels more than 1 cm long ….. Miliusa tomentosa
4. Leaves velutinous; pedicel 4–8 cm long ……. Miliusa velutina var. velutina
– Leaves glabrescent; pedicel to 4 cm long …. Miliusa velutina var. deviyarina
5. Stamens 6–12, uni- or biseriate …….. 6
– Stamens more than 15, many-seriate …… 7
6. Leaves cuneate at base; flowers purplish brown; stamens 8–12, uniseriate … Miliusa nilagirica
– Leaves rounded at base; flowers green; stamens 6+3, biseriate … Miliusa wayanadica
7. Pedicels 2–4 cm long; monocarp pisiform .…. 8
– Pedicels 0.2–1.5 cm long; monocarp globose, ovoid or obovoid …… 9
8. Branchlets glabrous; monocarp-apex apiculate ……. Miliusa wightiana
– Branchlets hairy; monocarp-apex obtuse …. Miliusa tirunelvelica
9. Young branches strigose; sepals glabrous, subequal …. 10
– Young branches glabrous or puberulous; sepals pubescent, equal …… 11
10. Leaves with sub-marginal looping nerves; pedicel glabrous, greenish; carpels linear-oblong, glabrous ………. Miliusa gokhalaei
– Leaves with marginal looping nerves; pedicel pubescent, reddish; carpels oblong, grey tomentose ……… Miliusa eriocarpa
11. Leaf tip obtuse or acute; carpels pilose …. Miliusa indica
– Leaf tip long acuminate; carpels glabrous …. Miliusa montana

A synopsis of Annonaceae in Indian subcontinent by SR KUNDU (pdf-23 pages)- Thaiszia – J. Bot., Košice, 16: 63-85, 2006. :
Miliusa andamanica (King) Finet & Gagnepain, Bull. Soc. Bot .Fr .53 : 151.1906.: India.
M. dolichantha Craib, Bull. Misc . Inf. Kew. 1920 : 108. 1920.: India.
M. eriocarpa Dunn in Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras s 1:21. 1915.: India.
M. globosa (DC.) Panigr . & S.C.Mishra, Taxon 33 : 713. 1984.: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar.
M. indica Les cen.ex DC., Mem. Soc .Phys . & Hist. Nat. Geneve 5:213. 1832.: India, Sri Lanka.
M. longiflora (Hook.f. & Thoms.) Finet & Gagnepain, Bull . Soc . Bot . Fr .53 (4) : 153. 1906.: India, Bhutan, Bangladesh. [syn. of Miliusa sclerocarpa (A. DC.) Kurz as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
M. macrocarpa Hook . f . & Thoms., Fl . Ind. 150. 1855.: India, Bhutan.
M. mollis Pierre var. sparsior Craib, Fl. Siam. Eunm. 1 : 59, 1931.: India, Thailand.  
M. montana Gard. ex Hook. f. & Thoms. , Fl. Ind. 148. 1855.: India, Sri Lanka.
M. mukerjeeana D. Mitra & P. Charab., Fl. Ind. 1 : 200. 1993.: India. [syn. of Miliusa parviflora Ridl. as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
M. nilagirica Bedd., Icon. Ind. Or .88.1868-1874.: India.
M. tectona Hutch. ex C.E. Parkrison, Foe. Fl . Andaman Isl. M75. 1923.: India, Indonesia. [syn. of Miliusa horsfieldii (Benn.) Pierre as per  A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
M. tomentosa (Roxb. ) Finet & Gagnepain, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr .53 : 153.1906.: India, Nepal, Sri Lanka.
M. velutina (Dunal ) Hook. f. & Thoms., Fl . Ind. 151. 1855.: India, Nepal , Myanmar, Kampuchea, Laos Vietnam, Thailand.
M. wightiana Hook. f. & Thoms., Fl . Ind. 149. 1855.: India.
M. zeylanica Gardn. ex. Hook. f. & Thoms., Fl . Ind. 151. 1855.: Sri Lanka.


From Floral Database of Tamilnadu :

Miliusa eriocarpa Dunn ShrubDry Evergreen
to  Moist Deciduous Forests
Flora of Tamil
Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
All districts
Miliusa montana Gard. ex Hook. f. & Thoms.ShrubWestern
Ghats, Moist Deciduous to Evergreen Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Nilgiri, Tirunelveli
Miliusa nilagirica Bedd.ShrubWestern
Ghats, Evergreen Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Nilgiri, Tirunelveli
Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) Sinclair TreeWestern
Ghats & Eastern Ghats, Dry Deciduous to Moist Deciduous Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983; Matthew, 1983
Dharmapuri, Dindigul, Salem,
Tirunelveli, Tiruvanna malai, Viluppuram 
Miliusa wightiana Hook. f. & Thoms.TreeWestern
Ghats, Evergreen Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983; Gamble, 1957
Kanniya kumari, Nilgiri, Tirunelveli


FRLHT Indian Medicinal Plants Nomenclature Database with images/ herbarium, distribution, local names etc. :

Botanical nameSynonymsFamilyCommon name
Miliusa tomentosa Uvaria tomentosa, Saccopetalum tomentosumAnnonaceae Hoom

Species with description in Flora of Pakistan (Distribution):
Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hook. f. et Thorns. (Stewart (l.c.) reports it from ‘the Siwalik zone from Billawar eastwards to Burma’. Sub-Himalayas up to 900 m, India, Nepal and Burma)

Species with distribution in annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Distribution):
Miliusa macrocarpa Hook. f. & Thomson (Nepal: doubtful)
Miliusa roxburghiana (Wall.) Hook. f. & Thomson (Himalaya (Nepal, Sikkim), Assam, Burma) [syn. of Miliusa dioeca (Roxb.) Chaowasku as per A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner (2015)]
Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) Sinclair (Nepal, India)
Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hook. f. & Thomson (Tropical Himalaya, India)


Some species found in India with description & keys from Flora of China [Distribution other than China] :
Miliusa horsfieldii (Bennett) Pierre [India (Andaman and Nicobar Islands), Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand; Australia].
Miliusa velutina (Dunal) J. D. Hooker & Thomson [Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam].


Miliusa tirunelvelica, a New Species of Annonaceae from the – jstor by C Murugan – ‎2004:
Miliusa tirunelvelica is a New Species of Annonaceae from the. Kalakkad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reservev Western Ghats, India. C. Murugan, E S. Manickam,


Miliusa eriocarpa Dunn and Mitrephora heyneana (Hook. F. & Thomson, Thwaites) – Annonaceae, New distributional records for Andhra Pradesh, India by M. Chennakesavulu Naik, S. Salamma, K. Mahaboob Basha* and B. Ravi Prasad Rao- Bioscience Discovery, 5(1):117-120, Jan. 2014

Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy – Details with keys-
Miliusa montana Gardner ex Hook.f. & Thomson

Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993)- Brief details-
Miliusa longiflora (Hook.f. & Thomson) J.Sinclair

Flora of Ranga Reddi District Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, M. Silar Mohammed (2000)- Details-
Miliusa tomentosa

1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants edited by Kerry Scott Walter, Harriet J. Gillett-
Miliusa nilagirica Bedd. – V – Tamilnadu
Miliusa tectona C.E. Parkinsonis a synonym of Miliusa horsfieldii (Bennett) Baill. ex Pierre – I- Andamans


Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (2004)- Details-
Miliusa velutina (Dunal) J. D. Hooker & Thomson

Miliusa : 3 posts by 2 authors.

I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Miliusa

Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links.

Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details.

If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful.

Any comments/ corrections are welcome.

I have added list of species of Miliusa species in India based on Karthikeyan et al. (2009).

Thanks a lot, … We need not write unresolved (as these are most likely accepted names as per the source reference).

Further updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Miliusa


Pl. go through Miliusa page (‎‎Annonaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia (done by me).

If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know.
If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), it will be really nice. Also, if anybody is interested to take up the activity of inserting images on efloraofindia pages from efloraofindia posts, pl. let us know.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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