Molineria capitulata (Lour.) Herb., Amaryllidaceae 84 1837. (Syn: Curculigo capitulata (Lour.) Kuntze; Curculigo foliis-variegatis Pynaert; Curculigo fuziwarae Yamam.; Curculigo glabra Merr.; Curculigo recurvata W.T.Aiton; Curculigo recurvata var. variegatea W.Bull; Curculigo strobiliformis D.Fang & D.H.Qin; Curculigo sumatrana Roxb.; Leucojum capitulatum Lour.; Molineria hortensis Britton; Molineria plicata Colla; Molineria recurvata (Dryand.) Herb.; Molineria sulcata Kurz; Molineria sumatrana (Roxb.) Herb.; Tupistra esquirolii H.Lév. & Vaniot; Veratrum mairei H.Lév.); . Argentina Northeast; Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; China Southeast; Colombia; Cuba; Dominican Republic; East Himalaya; El Salvador; Guatemala; Hainan; Honduras; India; Jawa; Laos; Leeward Is.; Lesser Sunda Is.; Malaya; Maluku; Mauritius; Mexico Central; Mexico Northeast; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Myanmar; Nepal; New Caledonia; New Guinea; Nicaragua; Nicobar Is.; Philippines; Puerto Rico; Queensland; Runion; Solomon Is.; Sri Lanka; Sulawesi; Sumatera; Taiwan; Thailand; Tibet; Trinidad-Tobago; Vietnam; Windward Is. as per Catalogue of Life; . Palm Grass, Weevil lily ; . A stout herb. Rhizomes are tuberous, thick, with creeping, slender stolons. Leaves are often 4-7, carried on stalks 30–80 cm long. Leaf-blade is oblong-lanceshaped to suboblong, 40-90 x 5-14 cm, pleated papery, sometimes velvety, margin entire, tip long-pointed. Flowering stems are short, only 15-30 cm, brown hairy. Flower-racemes are nodding, head-like to subovoid, 2.5-5 cm, densely many flowered; bracts ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, 1.5–2.5 cm, hairy. Flower-stalks are about 7 mm. Flowers are yellow with ovate-oblong petals about 8 x 3.5-4 mm, tip blunt. Outer petals are hairy above, inner ones hairy above on midvein or at base of midvein. Stamens are 5-6 mm, filament less than 1 mm; anther linear, about 5 mm. Ovary is subglobose to oblong, hairy. Style are longer than stamens, slender; stigma subcapitate. Berry is white, nearly round, 4-5 mm in diameter, beakless. Seeds are black with irregular stripes. Plant upto 1 m tall Moist places Forests, shady and moist places usually at elevations of 800 – 2,200 metres Southern China, Indian subcontinent, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines. (Attributions- Compiled from secondary sources listed in references by Kishor Deka for the Assam Biodiversity Portal project- from India Biodiversity Portal) .
Attached are photo of the plant Curculigo captitulata. Botanical Name: Curculigo capitulata (syn. Molineria capitulata) Common Name: Palm Grass Family: Hypoxidaceae Location: Horticulture Department, Hiranandani, Powaii (Mumbai, Maharashtra) Date: 09-06-2011 Curculigo is a genus of about 20 species spread across the tropical and subtropical region. This particular plant, C. capitulata is commonly called “Palm Grass” due to the leaves bearing a similar appearance to that of a palm. However, unlike a palm this plant does not produce a aerial stem, but is rhizomatous in growth. The plant produces a puff ball like inflorescence on which small star-shaped yellow flowers are produced. Apart from the ornamental value, the leaves are utilized for making nets. Flora of Panipat: Molineria capitulata from deepak nursery Panipat Haryana: Pics taken on 11-8-11 from Deepak Nursery Panipat– Alt 220 Mt Garden Plant also called as Ammra Palm or motha Palm Molineria capitulata Family Hypoxidaceae Molineria capitulata (Lour.) Herb. Synonyms Leucojum capitulatum Lour., Fl. Cochinch.: 199(1790), Type: ?. Curculigo recurvata W.TAiton, Hortus Kew 2nd edn 2: 253(1811), Type: cult. Hort. Kew ex Bengal, 1805; holo: ?. Molineria plicata Colla, Hortus Ripul.: 331-3(1824), Garden plant from Delhi – TQ-Delhi-02: …, it may be Molineria capitulata (Palm grass) of Hypoxidaceae. Thanks for your quick reply which is bull’s eye! I had been killing myself exploring Zingiberacea and Marantaceae. Thanks … for this ID. I was going to write “Looks like some miniature palm.”, based on the leaves. Thanks my palm (though only part of common name, though botanically distant) was correct. Yes this is very often even sold as palm but its a Curculigo, now transfered to Molineria. Sikkim WB Tour : Id plz : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Can anyone help me id this herb Picture taken on the way Ranvangla , Sikkim I hope Molineria capitulata.. Thanks … Gori Valley Tour: For id from Kosani: It looks like Peliosanthes teeta (Haemodoraceae). Can this be Molineria capitulata.. Hypoxidaceae (Star Grass Family)? more chances to be so.. It looks like Curculigo latifolia. It is Hypoxidaceae. earlier known as Curculigo I assume now a different genus Molineria. I think Molineria capitulata (Lour.) Herb. as per images herein. Molineria capitulata (Lour.) Herb. ??? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Location: Soureni, Mirik, India Date: 18 May 2017 Altitude: 4200 ft. I also think these match with images at Molineria capitulata Location: Telkot, Nagarkot Date: 15 may 2019 Elevation: 1547 m. Habit : Wild Curculigo gracilis (Kurz) Wall. ex Hook.f. ?? To me looks different in size from Curculigo gracilis as per I feel it is closer to images and details at Molineria capitulata (Lour.) Herb. I guess flowers of Curculigo capitulata (Lour.) Kuntze is bunched at the base of the plant or at the tip of the stem whereas these images looks different. Bracteoles (?) and hairiness of the inflorescence and buds is different from your links at . 238 ID wild plant Curculigo: 14 images. Please ID wild plant, Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Altitude: 1400fsl Flower date: 19.12.2021, 11.55am Habitat: wild moisture Plant habit: erect, pseudostem, hairy, tuberous rhizomes, perennial Height: 04 feet Leaves: alternate, broad 25cm, wavy, apex, lengthy 02 feet Flower: racemose, clustered, 06 petals, diameter:2.5cm, yellow, non fragrant Fruit: Seed: Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Only a suggestion, though not sure : Please also check for Molineria species. Curculigo capitulata (Lour.) Kuntze ?? Yes, it is Molineria sp. dear …, thank you for ID my plant. Only basal inflorescence, anyway no axillary racemose. Further observation needs to confirm for peduncle (not visible in the present images). Yes, it appears close to images at Molineria capitulata . Curculigo capitulata (Lour.) Kuntze from Jammu-GS14102023-1: 3 images. . Regarding identification of the sp. collected from Koraput Odisha on May 24: 2 high res. images. Curculigo orchioides This looks different as per images at Please check Curculigo capitulata (Lour.) Kuntze syn: Molineria capitulata (Lour.) Herb. Yes, appears close as per images at . Arecacae member from Assam KD 01, Sept’24: 2 images. Attached images are Arecaceae member from Assam. Please ID the species. Date : 12.02.24 Location: Assam Family : Arecaceae Genus & species : ?? Habit : Flower : Not seen It looks like Curculigo, Hypoxidaceae. Looks different from Maybe something more like Molineria capitulata (Lour.) Herb.: . References: |
Molineria capitulata
Updated on December 24, 2024