Oldenlandia corymbosa L., Sp. Pl. 119 1753. (syn: Gerontogea biflora (Lam.) Cham. & Schltdl.; Gerontogea corymbosa (L.) Cham. & Schltdl.; Gerontogea herbacea (DC.) Cham. & Schltdl.; Hedyotis biflora var. corymbosa (L.) Kurz; Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam.; Hedyotis alsinifolia R.Br. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Hedyotis biflora Hornem. [Illegitimate]; Hedyotis biflora var. graminicola (Kurz) Kurz; Hedyotis burmanniana R.Br. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Hedyotis corymbosa var. ampla Fosberg; Hedyotis corymbosa var. tereticaulis W.C.Ko; Hedyotis depressa (Willd.) Roem. & Schult.; Hedyotis diantha Schult.; Hedyotis graminicola Kurz; Hedyotis hermanniana R.M.Dutta; Hedyotis intermedia Wight & Arn.; Hedyotis pseudocorymbosa Bakh.f.; Hedyotis pusilla Hochst. ex A.Rich.; Hedyotis ramosa (Roxb.) Blume; Hedyotis scabrida Steud.; Hedyotis sperguloides A.Rich.; Oldenlandia alsinifolia G.Don; Oldenlandia biflora Lam. [Illegitimate]; Oldenlandia burmanniana G.Don; Oldenlandia capillaris DC.; Oldenlandia depressa Willd.; Oldenlandia herbacea DC. [Illegitimate]; Oldenlandia mollugoides O.Schwarz; Oldenlandia praetermissa Bremek.; Oldenlandia pseudocorymbosa (Bakh.f.) Raizada; Oldenlandia ramosa Roxb.; Oldenlandia scabrida DC.); . Trop. & Subtrop. Old World as per WCSP; . Alabama; Andaman Is.; Angola; Arkansas; Assam; Bangladesh; Belize; Benin; Brazil North; Brazil Northeast; Brazil South; Brazil Southeast; Brazil West-Central; Burkina; Burundi; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Caroline Is.; Central African Repu; Central American Pac; Chad; Chagos Archipelago; China South-Central; China Southeast; Christmas I.; Cocos (Keeling) Is.; Colombia; Congo; Cook Is.; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; East Himalaya; Ecuador; El Salvador; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Florida; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Gilbert Is.; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Gulf of Guinea Is.; Guyana; Hainan; Haiti; Honduras; India; Ivory Coast; Jamaica; Jawa; Kenya; Korea; Laccadive Is.; Leeward Is.; Liberia; Louisiana; Malawi; Malaya; Maldives; Mali; Marianas; Marshall Is.; Mauritius; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Mississippi; Mozambique; Myanmar; Nauru; Netherlands Antilles; Nicaragua; Nicobar Is.; Nigeria; North Carolina; Northern Provinces; Northern Territory; Ogasawara-shoto; Oman; Panam; Peru; Puerto Rico; Queensland; Runion; Rwanda; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South Carolina; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Sulawesi; Taiwan; Tanzania; Texas; Togo; Trinidad-Tobago; Uganda; Venezuela; Western Australia; Windward Is.; Zambia; Zare; Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of Life; . old-en-LAND-ee-a — named for Henrik Bernhard Oldenland, Danish botanist and curator kor-rim-BOW-suh — full of corymbs (flat topped flower heads) . commonly known as: corymbose hedyotis, flat-top mille graines, old world diamond-flower, wild chayroot • Hindi: दमन पप्पड़ daman pappar, पित्तपापड़ा pitpapra • Kannada: ಪರ್ಪಟ ಹುಲ್ಲು parpata hullu • Konkani: पोरिपट poripat • Malayalam: പര്പ്പടകം parppatakam, പര്പ്പടക പുല്ല് parppatakappullu • Marathi: पित्तपापडा pitpapda • Nepalese: पिरिङगों piringo • Sanskrit: पर्पटः parpatah, पर्पटकः parpatakah • Tagalog: malaulasiman, ulasiman-aso • Tamil: காட்டுச்சாயவேர் kattucayaver, பாப்பான்பூண்டு pappan puntu, பர்ப்படாகம் parppatakam • Telugu: వెన్నెల వేము vernnela-vemu . Native to: India, tropical Africa; elsewhere naturalized in tropics & subtropics . Small annual herb, mostly procumbent, profusely branched, barely growing 10 cm high; leaves linear-lanceolate, 10-40 mm long, minutely hairy, margin often recurved; stipules small membranous; flowers white or tinged purplish, barely 1.5-2 mm across, solitary on long stalk or 2-4 in a cyme; pedicel 4-6 mm long, elongated in fruit; calyx teeth 1 mm long; tube less than 1 mm long, lobes 1 mm long; capsule globose, 2 mm long. . Calyx-teeth contiguous …… ——- Hedyotis Calyx-teeth remote (distant) ….. —– Oldenlandia . Fwd: [efloraofindia:198706] SGNP, Aug 2014 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKAUG-19- 2 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5). Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Kanheri Caves, SGNP in Aug 2014. Is this Oldenlandia corymbosa? Yes, seems to be Oldenlandia corymbosa. Family: Rubiaceae Yes No doubt. It is Oldenlandia corymbosa L. (Syn. Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam. ID Request 151214SG : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Please help identify this weed spreading 1-1.5’. Photo taken on 15Dec14 at Dhavlas, Maharashtra. Oldenlandia corymbosa in my opinion.. This is Oldenlandia pumila. Oldenlandia corymbosa flowers are carried on a long peduncle. There are some other misidentifications of Oldenlandia pumila on eFI. I think it should be Oldenlandia corymbosa only as per keys at Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Plants of the Lower Ganga Delta, which is based on leaves: Leaves elliptic, about 2 times as long as broad. for O.pumila and Leaves usually linear, about 4-10 times as long as broad in O.corymbosa. Regarding inflorescences, For O.corymbosa, Flora of China says ‘Inflorescence axillary, 1-flowered or usually cymose and 2-5-flowered, glabrous, pedunculate; peduncles 1(or 2) per axil, filiform, 1-16 mm; …’ (Flowers axillary, 1-4, rarely many. Peduncle 10-15 mm long, glabrous. Pedicel c. 4-5 mm long, enlarged in fruit as per Flora of Pakistan). For O.pumila, IBP says ‘Flowers axillary, opposite or alternate, solitary or in 2-flowered cymes; peduncle 0.7-1 cm long; pedicel 1-1.5 cm long’ The flowers in the image are actually solitary in leaf axils. They deceptively look like in a corymb. In Oldenlandia corymbosa the corymb itself is carried on a peduncle. See the images on POWO to see how the corymbs in O. corymbosa look like. Moreover, while Oldenlandia corymbosa is an erect plant, Oldenlandia pumila is by and large prostrate. Pl. see the 1st specimen in the POWO link. SK143OCT16-2016:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11) Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Pashupati Forest Kathmandu Nepal today at 4400 ft. I hope the pics belong to Oldenlandia corymbosa… Thank you for the ID. SK214NOV21-2016:ID : 12 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9) Location: Pilot Baba Ashram, Bhaktapur , Nepal Altitude: 5200 ft. Date: 11 September 2016 Hedyotis or similar genera ? For me it looks like Oldenlandia herbacea or diffusa. Need to check all the characters. Oldenlandia herbacea var. herbacea (accepted name) ?? it is a Oldenlandia umbellata Linn Yes it looks like Oldenlandia herbacea, but it is not Oldenlandia umbellata Some guess as per listing in Nepal ??? http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=110&taxon_id=242324555 (Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam.) I think more closer to Oldenlandia corymbosa compared to images at Oldenlandia herbacea Request all for the final validation. Oldenlandia corymbosa L.
efloraofindia:”For Id 12112011MR1’’ wild herb white flowers 4 & 5 petals Pune: Kindly help Id this wild herb at Pune growing on dry land Date/Time- Nov 2011 Height/Length- 3-4 cms Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-about 1 cm Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- white flower growing singly 1mm but both 4 and 5 petals observed Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- fruit green with 4 spikes around and some showing black seed I think A member of Rubiaceae, Borreria sp ??????? I was thinking about the same but the fruit descriptions do not match. Also I am confused as some flowers have 4 petals and some 5 petals tried to capture some better images today of the flower and the fruit. From these pictures the flower does not appear to show exerted stamens as seen in Spermacoce.(I hope the resolution of the camera is enough to capture this as the flower is barely 1mm in diameter) I hope these pictures are of some help to Id this wild herb. Please check Oldenlandia corymbosa L. (Syn: Hedyotis corymbosa) It looks exactly like Oldenlandia corymbosa as suggested by you. Yes, called Pittapaapada etc in ayurvedic medicines… in gujarat and Bengal… vaidya/kavirajs give it for fever… and in Maharastra also used by vaidyas in Measles..per classical literature… Parpadaka pullu in Malayalam. I think same as … Oldenlandia corymbosa or related species. Rubiaceae Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request. Location: NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore Date: 01.12.2011 Habitat: Wild Habit: Herb Yes it is O. corymbosa. Yes Oldenlandia the tiny Rubiaceae member. Herb for ID RDS 160612: Some species of Oldenlandia, I think On the FoI (Flowers of India) website, when I searched, this looked to be Botanical name: Oldenlandia corymbosa Family: Rubiaceae (Coffee family) . Members may validate. I think yes. old-en-LAND-ee-a — named for Henrik Bernhard Oldenland, Danish botanist and curator kor-rim-BOW-suh — full of corymbs (flat topped flower heads) Aug 2, 2008 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra commonly known as: corymbose hedyotis, flat-top mille graines, old world diamond-flower, wild chayroot • Hindi: दमन पप्पड़ daman pappar, पित्तपापड़ा pitpapra • Kannada: ಪರ್ಪಟ ಹುಲ್ಲು parpata hullu • Konkani: पोरिपट poripat • Malayalam: പര്പ്പടകം parppatakam, പര്പ്പടക പുല്ല് parppatakappullu • Marathi: पित्तपापडा pitpapda • Nepalese: पिरिङगों piringo • Sanskrit: पर्पटः parpatah, पर्पटकः parpatakah • Tagalog: malaulasiman, ulasiman-aso • Tamil: காட்டுச்சாயவேர் kattucayaver, பாப்பான்பூண்டு pappan puntu, பர்ப்படாகம் parppatakam • Telugu: వెన్నెల వేము vernnela-vemu Native to: India, tropical Africa; elsewhere naturalized in tropics & subtropics References: Flowers of India • PIER species info • NPGS / GRIN more views: Aug 2, 2008 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra One week common in Delhi
Rubiaceae Week : Oldenlandia corymbosa Pune: Oldenlandia corymbosa Again a very very small herb with flowers 2-3mm only. Yes … very small difficult to shoot Rubiaceae Week: Oldenlandia corymbosa from Delhi: syn: Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lamk. Small annual herb, mostly procumbent, profusely branched, barely growing 10 cm high; leaves linear-lanceolate, 10-40 mm long, minutely hairy, margin often recurved; stipules small membranous; flowers white or tinged purplish, barely 1.5-2 mm across, solitary on long stalk or 2-4 in a cyme; pedicel 4-6 mm long, elongated in fruit; calyx teeth 1 mm long; tube less than 1 mm long, lobes 1 mm long; capsule globose, 2 mm long. Photographed from Vikas Puri, Delhi This is a common herb with tiny white flowers. “Bengal Plants” describes 7 Hedyotis species and 11 Oldenlandia species. I am totally confused. Species : Oldenlandia corymbosa L. ??? H & H : small prostrate herb on roadside or wasteplace Date : 25/2/13 Place : Hooghly Sorry for bad quality photographs. Interestingly many of the herbaceous Hedyotis are wrongly identified. We need to study the specimen first before jumping into its naming. I will try to get better pictures of this species. According to the “Bengal Plants” and FoP – Calyx-teeth contiguous …… ——- Hedyotis Calyx-teeth remote (distant) ….. —– Oldenlandia I thought the calyx-teeth in this plant are remote, so i suggested Oldenlandia sp. Now I think Hedyotis has priority over Oldenlandia hence all previously described species of Oldenlandia are considered synonymous under Hedyotis. … can explained it more. I am in Riyadh having no access to the recent monograph on Hedyotis. Attaching some more photographs, recorded today at another place. I think this species is Oldenlandia corymbosa L.. as in – Wild Herb For ID : Mumbai : 200813 : AK-1 : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors. A tiny wild herb seen yesterday (19.8.13) growing on an old compound wall with tiny white flowers. Sorry for the picture quality. Can be Oldenlandia corymbosa… Thanks for this id as well. For me also Oldenlandia corymbose
Please ignore the yellow coloured flower, it is a part of another request I have posted today, got erroneously included herein.. Hedyotis corymbosa, I suppose. Yes Hedyotis for sure. Thank you … and … for ID… The new name for this as the the plantlist.org is Oldenlandia corymbosa Hooghly – Oldenlandia corymbosa (maybe var. corymbosa) : Attachments (5). 1 post by 1 author. Photographed today (15.9.13), this seems to be Oldenlandia ramosa Roxb. = O. corymbosa L. = FoC link = FoP link = http://plantillustrations.org/species.php?id_species=711106 04092013 BRS 512 : Attachments (3). 7 posts by 4 authors. Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. confirmation. Location: Adyar, Chennai Date: 04.09.2013 Habitat: Urban Habit: Herb Most probably Oldenlandia diffusa It is Oldenlandia corymbosa var. corymbosa; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India =Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam., Encycl. 1: 272. 1792 Weed for ID Hyderabad (28-09-2013 NAW 2) : Attachments (2). 8 posts by 4 authors. Kindly identify this ground-cover weed growing in abandoned house in Hyderabad. shot on 25th Sept. leaves succulent upto 8 mm long. tiny white flowers. This appears to be Hedyotis sp. I misidentified the leaves as succulent – they are quite flat and 1-1.5 cm long. Would this be Oldenlandia corymbosa? studying the extensive coverage on the efi page on oldenlandia corymbosa, it would appear my pictures are of the common weed of that name. thanks to all and efi for the identification. I’m not having any background in botany and have been rather unfamiliar with plants around me, a gap i’m trying to fill. Thanks to all again and please bear with me as i hope to find more seemingly silly ‘gaps’ for you all to help fill. Thanks for your comments … This forum is exactly meant for the same. Please continue sharing on the forum. Yes, Looks like Oldenlandia corymbosa, HERB FOR IDENTIFICATION 22102013 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors. Looks like Oldenlandia corymbosa.. Wild Weed : Oldenlandia corymbosa : For Validation : Muscat : 230714 : AK-40 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). SGNP, Aug 2014 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKAUG-19 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (5). Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Kanheri Caves, SGNP in Aug 2014. Is this Oldenlandia corymbosa? This has been validated as Oldenlandia corymbosa here… Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Date: 2 November 2018 Elevation: 1300 ft. Habit : Wild Syn : Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam. May be as per images at Yes this should be Oldenlandia corymbosa. For ID. Date: 06/09/18 Location : Jawalagiri (near Hosur) Altitude : 997 ASL Habitat. : wild The last picture is of the same plant when dried. Mollugo species. Any close up photos of flowers and foliage ? Thank you … I do not have any more photos as of now. Pl. check comparative images as per suggestion from … at Thank you … To my untrained eyes it looks like M. Pentaphylla. But in the pictures the flowers have 5 petals whereas mine has only 4 petals. May be able to observe closely on location tomorrow. Will try and study at close quarters and get some more pictures. I will also go with Mollugo pentaphylla L. as per comparative images at Mollugo i don’t see flowers with five discernible petals. cant classify it that precisely. it may be as you suggest but we would need clearer face of the flowers Thanks, …, You may be right. Thanks for pointing out. It looks more like an Oldenlandia species, Rubiaceae, possibly Oldenlandia diffusa, (Willd.) Roxb. … may be right. the first picture does show four petaled flowers, two them, not in focus but enough to see four petals Was the plant at distance? No close ups of flower and Thanks … The flowers have only four petals. Sorry about the quality of the photo. I have not been able to get a better pic. thats ok i think. … gave you the direction for possible id I feel more closer to images at Oldenlandia herbacea compared to those at Oldenlandia diffusa I feel more closer to images at Oldenlandia corymbosa rather than those at Oldenlandia herbacea Yes, I think so. Requesting ID validation – Oldenlandia (?) :: ARKNOV-47 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6). Requesting to please validate ID of this plant captured in October 2014 in Mumbai. It was growing in a discarded pot in my balcony. Is this Oldenlandia herbaceae? Yes the fruits look similar As per descriptions in “Bengal Plants”, “Botany of Bihar and Orissa”, “Flora of British India” and “Flora Indica” this is not O. herbacea Roxb., I would say might be O. corymbosa L. For me your ID is correct – Oldenlandia herbacea. It is not Oldenlandia herbacea. looks like Oldenlandia corymbosa ??? but with very narrow leaves Thanks for the feedback. Hoping to get the ID resolved between O. corymbosa and O. herbacea…. If only leaves are concern, a herbarium of type species may help – Thanks … for the link. I take it as O. corymbosa. Fwd: possibly Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. : 5 posts by 1 author. Attachments (7) Seems to match with images of … at Hedyotis sp. from Kamrup district, Assam No other species of Oldenlandia or Hedyotis can be defined with this specimen I think. Whether to follow GRIN & TPL or FoC depends on your selection. … specimen may be similar but I do not see calyx of that specimen clearly, neither do i know flower or leaf size. I think more closer to images at Oldenlandia corymbosa L. rather than those at Oldenlandia diffusa SL 61 291113 : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 5 authors. I think, Eclipta alba (dominant) and Phyllanthus niruri (in the middle) I don’t think Eclipta. Perhaps a member of Rubiaceae. If Rubiaceae then is it Hedyotis purpurea? Probably hedyotis herbacea and Phyllanthus debilis. I think more closer to images at Oldenlandia corymbosa L. rather than those at Oldenlandia herbacea (L.) Roxb. Location : Kathmandu , Nepal Altitude: 4500 ft. Date: 21 October 2018 Habit : Wild Neanotis sp. ?? I think may be some other genus. May be some Hedyotis or Oldenlandia species ? May be some Hedyotis or Oldenlandia species ? Pl. check. Oldenlandia corymbosa L. ?? Pl. check It is Oldenlandia species, flower and fruit are like that of Oldenlandia Yes … … and myself guessed so. Dinesh ji’s image at Useful tropical plants : 3 posts by 2 authors. Your image at Useful tropical plants is incorrect. It should be of Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Pl. correct. Thanks … for pointing out the error. I have sent a mail to the site-owners about the erroneous picture included in their Oldenlandia affinis page. Mistake was mine – I had included “Oldenlandia affinis” among other tags for Oldenlandia corymbosa page in my collection. I have revised my notes at flickr – I have removed the confusing tag from all pages of Oldenlandia corymbosa. There is / was one Oldenlandia affinis Blanco (perhaps a misapplied name for Oldenlandia corymbosa) … different from Oldenlandia affinis (Roem. & Schult.) DC. (an accepted name). I hope the site owners remove the erroneous picture soon. SK 2277 06 November 2019 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)- around 1 mb each. Location: Ranimahal, Palpa Date: 25 September 2019 Elevation:453 m. Habit : Wild Scleromitrion pinifolium (Wall. ex G.Don) R.J.Wang. ?? Syn: Hedyotis pinifolia Wall. ex G.Don What about Oldenlandia herbacea ? Oldenlandia corymbosa L. ?? Syn: Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam. I also feel more closer to Oldenlandia corymbosa L. rather than Oldenlandia herbacea (L.) Roxb. . Requesting ID: Sigur dry forests, Nilgiris, TN: 2 images. Oldenlandia sp., Thank you. I agree. I am trying to see if it is Oldenlandia herbacea or something else. I think Oldenlandia corymbosa L. as per images and details herein. . 177 ID wild plant: 11 images. Please ID wild plant growing in my courtyard, Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Altitude: 1400fsl Flower date: 14.10.2021, 03.40pm Habitat: wild moisture Plant habit: erect/obliquely, branches, slender weak fleshy stem 01.5mm diameter, annual Height: 08cm Leaves: opposite, oblong, apex, soft, fleshy, mucous when chewed, size:03×0.4cm Flower: racemose, 4 petals, diameter:01.5mm, white, non fragrant Fruit: globular, green into brown, diameter:2.5mm Seed: brown, numerous, micro granular Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Oldenlandia corymbosa / SK 3137 14 November 2021: 7 very high res. images. You’re right . Requesting a herb id 2 (15112021): 2 high res. images. Please check oldenlandia corymbosa ! Do you have other images like a habit image? If so, pl. post. To me appears more closer to images at Oldenlandia herbacea Attaching another image posted by you in another mail. . Identification help: 2 very high res. images. May I request you to help me in identification of the attached sample. The flowers are like those present in Schrophulariaceae, pentamerous, fruits in clusters on single peduncle. Habitat: Terrestrial Habit: Prostrate herb growing in crevices in dry area like on rock surface. Small plant. Flowering season- March-June Place of collection: Karimganj, Assam, 2.04.2023 Avg elevation: 19m Looks like Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Sir please find in the attachment some more pictures for your reference. My guess seems to be correct, however please cros verify ! Pl. verify it at your end Yes, Oldenlandia corymbosa. Sir, Thank you all for your help. As for …, i have confirmed from the link that you have sent me. Yes, matches with images at . Oldenlandia corymbosa L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Aug 2, 2008 · JUN23 DV158: 3 images. Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Aug 2, 2008 · 2:04 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl Many thanks to Gurcharan ji for validating the ID at efloraofindia. . Rubiaceae: Oldenlandia corymbosa L.: 1 high res. image. .
Habit: Herb Location: Bundi Rajasthan Date: 14092024 Can you post habitat images and some more images? No, sorry. https://efloraofindia.com/2011/03/17/oldenlandia/ Thank you. PL. check . References: |
Oldenlandia corymbosa
Updated on December 24, 2024