Chapter in Book: Lithophyic Diversity of The Yercaud hills in The Eastern Ghats Tamil Nadu, India. Modern Methods in Phytomedicine. Daya Publishing House A Division of Astral International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi – 110 002. Vol.24.Page.359-368.2015. ISBN 978-93-5130-684-9 New Distributional Novelties in Yercaud Hills of the Eastern Ghats. Biodiversity Conservation: Aspects and Prospects. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ist ein Imprint der/ is a trademark of OmniScriptum GmbH and Co.KG Heinrich-Bocking- Str.6-8,66121 Saarbrucken, Deutschland / Germany. Vol.18.Page.197-208.2015. ISBN:978-3-659-69584-1. List of Publication detail: Research Journals: Ø Habitat diversity, Morphological and systematic analysis of multipotential species of Aloe barbadensis Mill. (Liliaceae) from the Southern Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Research in biology, Vol. 3: 237-241. (ISSN – Print: 2231 – 6280; Online: 2231- 6299). Ø Medico – Botanical Study of Yercaud Hills in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India, Ancient Science of Life, Vol. 30, and No.4 Pages 104 – 109. (ISSN: 0257-7941). Ø Drosera pellata Thunberg. Sub – species. auriculata (Backh. ex Planchon) Conn Droseraceae: a new distributional record for India. Journal of Biosciences Research, 3(4): 264 – 267. (ISSN No.: 0976 – 2272) Ø Occurrence of Dalechampia scandens L. var. cordofana (Hochst. ex Webb) Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) in Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Zoo’s Print, 28(1): 24 (ISSN 0971-6378 (Print) (ISSN 0973-2543 (Online). Ø Distribution of Hybanthus puberulus M.Gilbert. (Violaceae) – A new record for Karnataka. Zoo’s Print, 27 (12): 24. (ISSN 0971-6378(Print) (ISSN 0973-2543 (Online). Ø Selaginella opaca Warb. (Selaginellaceae) – A new record for India. Zoo’s Print, Vol. 28 (2): 17 – 18. (ISSN 09716378 (Print) (ISSN 0973-2543(Online). Ø Occurrence of an endemic taxon Alysicarpus naikianus Porkle in the Eastern Ghats, India. Zoo’s Print, Vol. 28 (2). 28 – 29. (ISSN 0971-6378 (Print) (ISSN 0973- 2543 (Online). Ø Selaginella eurynota A. Braun (Selaginellaceae) – a new record for India. Zoo’s Print, Vol. 28 (2): 27. (ISSN 0971-6378 (Print) (ISSN 09732543) (Online). Ø Hybanthus verticillatus.-Violaceae: a new record for India. Zoo’s Print, xxviii (3): 16 – 17. (ISSN 09716378 (Print) (ISSN 0973-2543 (Online). Ø Extended distribution of Hybanthus puberulus M. Gilbert. (Violaceae) in India. Zoo’s Print, 28 (12): 15 – 16. (ISSN 09716378 (Print) (ISSN 973-2543(Online). Ø Extended distribution of Caralluma diffusa (Wight) N.E. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) in Tamil Nadu, India. Zoo’s Print, 29 (9):23-25. Ø Cissus quadrangularis L. (Vitaceae): Epiphytic Habitat? Indian Forester, 140 (11): 1148-1150, 2014. ISSN No. 0019-4816 (Print) ISSN No. 2321-094X (Online). Ø Occurrence of Selaginella arbuscula (Kaulf.) Spring. Selaginellaceae – in Eastern Ghats, South India. Zoo’s Print,29(12):35. Ø Distribution of Adiantum capillus – veneris L (Adiantaceae) in India. Zoo’s Print, 30 (9):11.2015. |
Parthipan Mano
Updated on December 24, 2024