Pedicularis gracilis

Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth., Scroph. Ind. 52 52 1835. ;
S-Tibet, Pakistan (Kurram, Hazara, Murree), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin), Nepal as per Catalogue of life;
Slender Lousewort;


Pedicularis gracilis? ABJUL2017/20 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)

Found this pedicularis at about 2500m. The plant had a height of about 30cm. The stalk had four rows of white hair. I think this is P. gracilis and not P. pyramidata but I could have made a mistake. Please advise.
Pedicularis gracilis?
Mcleodganj-Triund, Dharamshala, HP
2500m approx.
03-04, 10-11 July 2017

ON August 5, I went up on a ridge and found a few plants of this pedicularis growing among grass. The light was good and I could collect more evidence to support the identification. I still think it is closer to P. gracilis and this is why;
1. Calyx hairless to the naked eye with 5 triangular lobes (wider than long) with hairy, entire margins.
2. Bracts do not conceal the calyces.
3. 4-rows of hair on the stem
I have neglected to check the stamens and do not know how those are inserted.
Please advise.
Attachments (8)

In view of your publication (Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth. (Scrophulariaceae) Complex in the Himalayas – A Taxonomic Reinvestigation Taiwania, 48(1): 46-52, 2003 – Tariq Husain and Arti Garg), may I request you to pl. confirm this as Pedicularis gracilis var. ? or some other species.

Please also see P. pectinata.

Thanks, …, But to me looks different from images at Pedicularis pectinata Wall. ex Benth.

Needs dissection of flower.

Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Pedicularis for id from Gori Valley-NS 31 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors.
This delicate herb was shot from Gori valley area, is this Pedicularis pyramidata  from Orobnachaceae?

To me appears similar to images by … at Pedicularis gracilis? ABJUL2017/20 (yet to be finally identified)

I agree with your observation as images are quite similar to P. gracilis

As you have recently identified … images at Pedicularis pyramidata? ABSEP2016/19, I feel this post is similar and may be Pedicularis porrecta Wall. ex Benth.

Thanks, …, I will finally go with you only for Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth.


Kailash-Manasarovar Yatra:: Wild Flowers for ID NSJ-OCT 16/15 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild flowers for ID. Photo taken at Chhialekh Valley of Flowers (Approx 11000 feet). Aug 28, 2016.

Pl. see comparative images at Pedicularis

I think appears close to images at Pedicularis porrecta Wall. ex Benth.

May even be Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth. as per images herein.


Pedicularis pyramidata? ABSEP2016/19 : 6 posts by 2 authors. 6 images.
This was there below Triund at 2300m or so even though these photographs were taken at 3000m. Is this Pedicularis pyramidata? Please advise
Pedicularis pyramidata?
Mcleodganj-Triund-Ilaqa, HP  2300m and above 03-04 September 2016

efi page on Pedicularis pyramidata  

Pl. also check with images at the following threads under Pedicularis pyramidata    

To me appears similar to images by you at Pedicularis gracilis? ABJUL2017/20 (yet to be finally identified)

Please see P. porrecta

Thanks a lot, …, for the id.
To me also appear close to images at Pedicularis porrecta Wall. ex Benth.

On further check up, I feel these are more closer to Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth. rather than those of Pedicularis porrecta Wall. ex Benth. as per images herein.

You may be right in saying so. It does not look like P. pyramidata. However I can authenticate only after dissection, but you may put it with P. gracilis for the time.

Pedicularis pyramidata Royle ex Benth. from Chakrata,, Scroph. Ind. 52 1835.
Species closely similar to Pediculari tectinata Wall. but more showy with long hairy stems, inflorescence villous-hirsute, bracts longer than calyx, calyx inflated, basal broader portion of galea half as long as corolla tube, stamens inserted near middle or above, corolla tube longer than calyx, and much longer curved beak.
Photographed in September from Chakrata Budher caves Road at about 2700 m alt.

Sir after seeing ur uploads from Chakrata, i could imagine how rich and diverse the ecosystem is especially herbs. Another superb upload.

To me looks different from it Type as attached.
I think it may be closer to images at Pedicularis porrecta Wall. ex Benth.

The photographs are certainly close to P. porrecta

It is closer to P. porrecta by photographs.

There is no reason to confuse this plant in which beak is much longer and curved to coiled. I have photographed both P. porrecta from below Tungnath note shorter straight beak, and P. pyramidata from Chakrata Budher caves. I am sharing both for better comparison.

P. porrecta has short straight beak, pyramidata long curved to coiled beak.

Pl. see the Type specimen of Pedicularis pyramidata attached here. It is much different from your posted plant.
Also see Pedicularis pyramidata identified by you in another thread: Plant for ID from Paddar valley J&K. 151211 SRANA 01
Dr. Arti Garg is the Expert on this genus.
Attachments (5)

These are the two of my uploads which I repeated in previous post. Please go through the key in Pennels treatment of Western Himalayas Scrophulariaceae. To me they are so distinct that there is no scope for any confusion.

Pl. also check Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth.
But definitely not Pedicularis pyramidata


Pedicularis pyramidata Royle ex Benth. from Chakrata,, Scroph. Ind. 52 1835.
Species closely similar to Pediculari tectinata Wall. but more showy with long hairy stems, inflorescence villous-hirsute, bracts longer than calyx, calyx inflated, basal broader portion of galea half as long as corolla tube, stamens inserted near middle or above, corolla tube longer than calyx, and much longer curved beak.
Photographed in September from Chakrata Budher caves Road at about 2700 m alt. in September.

To me looks different from it Type as attached in another thread.

I think it may be closer to images at Pedicularis porrecta Wall. ex Benth.

Requested to please ID this Pedicularis seen en route Ghangaria from Govindghat, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. 

Attaching some additional pics clicked some distance away from the place where the above pics were clicked.
Attachments (4)

Appears close to images at


SK 3046 15 October 2021: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Jumla, Nepal
Altitude:  2893m.
Date: 18 August 2021 
Habit : Wild
Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth. ??

Yes, as per images at Pedicularis gracilis


SK 3168 24 November 2021: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Mugu, Rara, West Nepal
Altitude: 2913m.
Date: 20 August 2021 
Habit : Wild
Pedicularis… ???

To me appears close to images at Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth.


SK 3178 28 November 2021: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Mugu, Rara, West Nepal
Altitude: 2913m.
Date: 20 August 2021 
Habit : Wild
Pedicularis… ???

Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth. ??

Yes, to me also appears close to images at Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth.


VOF, August 2018 :: Pedicularis for ID :: ARK2022-109: 4 high res. images.

This was clicked enroute Ghangaria from Gobindghat in August 2018.
This was missed when all other plants from the VOF trek were posted back in 2018.
I thought this to be Pedicularis punctata.
Requested to please provide ID.

Pedicularis bifida (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Pennell

eFI page states that the leaves of P. bifida are entire, not lobed.
However the specimen above has lobed leaves as can be seen in pic 2.
Kindly share your thoughts.

Looks like Pedicularis gracilis.

Yes, it appears close to images at Pedicularis gracilis Wall. ex Benth.


Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell  (1942- with keys)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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