IISc Launches Online Database Of Plants In Peninsular India : 6 posts by 2 authors.
IISc Launches Online Database Of Plants In Peninsular India
Read story: wonderful. better late than never. good show Flora of Karnataka done by IISc with Herbarium JCB was quite useful. Let us see how this turns out. Here is the link: The eastern Ghat section. i looked at an acacia. they gave one picture but i liked it that they have included a key.
then i looked at abelmoschus. a short key followed. i like it. may be a ready source for quick reference may be!!! will see. but its a good start. they don’t have anything in title “Gallery” in any of the sections. slowly will evolve i hope. good luck to them and all of us It appears in line with Flora of Karnataka. It is certainly going to be very helpful.
Dr. K. SANKARA RAO- The leader of Flora of Peninsular India : 7 posts by 1 author.
Dr. K. SANKARA RAO has done a wonderful job, in leading a competent team to put at a single place known species in Peninsular India, along with details like descriptions and keys from the books (in the form of images), herbarium specimens, digital images, state wise and district wise distribution etc.
We should be proud of him and his wonderful team. You will not believe that he is 80 plus and could execute such a challenging assignment at this age.
We would like to know from him, whenever time permits, how he went about it, difficulties faced during the journey and feelings on getting it done.
We would also like to know the experience of the other members of the team, for everybody’s benefit here.
My hats off to such a wonderful leader and his great team.
I respect them and I want to help them. I just randomly looked at it and it was bad luck that I landed right upon a page where all plants were misidentified. I am sure with … on board, they can get things done, but may be … is too busy. Thanks, … Yes, there are lot of misidentifications. But one has to make a beginning somewhere. May be things get corrected over a period of time.
I have also suggested a lot of corrections in the images- it will be a ongoing process. Thank you for your mail and kind words I cannot thank you enough for your kind words of appreciation. Thank you Sir. We can have a long chat one of these days when I can tell you the entire story of what it took for us to build the portal. Please give your phone number and the best time for us to talk. I had a wonderful discussion with …, for about an hour listening to his story of the making of Flora of Peninsular India. Really inspiring. Thank you … for initiating this wonderful introduction. He is always helpful, and most enthusiastic. His efforts to maintain and digitise JCB herbarium should be much appreciated, similarly contribution towards compiling the eFlora of Peninsular India. Whenever I travel to Bangalore, I love to meet Dr. Sankara Rao (JCB, IISC) and Prof. K. Ravikumar (FRLHT).
I have enclosed a picture of Dr. Rao with his newly furbished JCB herbarium compartments. Flora of Peninsular India : FINAL WEB VERSION : 1 attachment.
This is the brochure we distributed at the time of ‘Flora of Peninsular India’ launch (attached)
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Floa of Peninsular India
Updated on December 24, 2024