Phyllanthus sanatandharmae

Phyllanthus sanatandharmae JOSE MATHEW & REGY YOHANNAN, Phytotaxa Vol. 498 No. 4: 5 May 2021;
Southern Western Ghats;

New species, Phyllanthus sanatandharmae:
A new species, Phyllanthus sanatandharmae, allied to P. megacarpus, has been published a few days ago, from the Southern Western Ghats of Kerala.

The specific epithet is really interesting….religious, cool…!!




Phyllanthus sanatanadharmae (Phyllanthaceae): a new species from southern Western Ghats, India– JOSE MATHEW & REGY YOHANNAN, Phytotaxa Vol. 498 No. 4: 5 May 2021 (Abstract: A new species of Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae: Eriococcus), P. sanatanadharmae, from the southern part of Western Ghats, India is described. Detailed taxonomic description and colour photographs are provided along with key to the section Eriococcus in Kerala region of Western Ghats)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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