Phyllanthus palakondensis

Phyllanthus palakondensis K. Raja Kullayiswamy, N. Sarojini Devi, K. Praveen Karanth, Nord. J. Bot. (IF 0.802) Pub Date : 2021-10-13;
Palakonda hills of Andhra Pradesh;

Submission of Phyllanthus leschenaultia : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Plant name: Phyllanthus leschenaultii Müll.Arg., Linnaea 32: 37. 1863. 
Family:  Phyllanthaceae
Woody herbs; stems erect, 30-250cm tall; branches not leaf like. Foliage-leaves alternate, laxly arranged, orbicular, 0.5-1cm across, thick, coriaceous, acute at apex; stipules minute, acute. Male and female flowers small, occurring together in same axils. Male flowers 2mm. Perianth lobes 6, greenish with scarious margins, obtuse. Stamens 3, connate into a column; anthers reniform. Female flowers green, 3mm across, perianth accrescent; fruiting pedicel thickened; disc broadly lobed, styles erect. Capsule globose, and the seeds are darker brown in colour.
Habitat & location: Rare. Found in rock crevices in forest under growth. Photographed at Panchalingaala kona.

I observed the images and the description that you provide with much interest.

First, is this species recorded for Andhra Pradesh?
Second, the leaves of P. leschenaultii are usually membranous to thinly chartaceous. Could the coriaceous leaves (as in this case) be individual variation? What was the altitude?
Further, you have mentioned that the stipules are minute – what is the size and shape?
The images otherwise agree well with Phyllanthus leschenaultii.

Yes, … It is from Andhra Pradesh

Phyllanthus palakondensis as per discussions at A new Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae) from Andhra Pradesh

Id of this Phyllanthus species is requested : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Earlier I have identified it as  Phyllanthus leschenaultii Müll.Arg., but when cross checked with Phyllanthus species of efi it is different, doesnot match with any of the posted species; please help me in the id.  It is photographed at Panchalingaala kona of Nellore district.
Description: Woody herbs; stems erect, 30-50cm tall; branches not leaf like, wiry but hard. Foliage-leaves alternate, laxly arranged, orbicular, 0.5-1cm across, thick, coriaceous, mucronate at apex; stipules minute, acute. Male and female flowers small, occurring together in same axils. Male flowers 3-4mm across. Perianth lobes 6, greenish with scarious margins, obtuse. Stamens 3, connate into a column; anthers reniform. Female flowers green, 3mm across, perianth accrescent; fruiting pedicel thickened; disc broadly lobed, styles erect. Capsule globose, and the seeds are darker brown in colour.
Habitat & location: Rare. Found in rock crevices in forest under growth. Photographed at Panchalingaala kona.

At first the name comes to mind is Phllanthus rotundifolius which it is not because of the coastal habitat and prostrate or ascending habit.
The present images are referable to Phllanthus leschenaultii except for the orbicular and coriaceous leaves, apiculate at apex.
A new varietal status for this plant on these characters may be considered.

Phyllanthus palakondensis as per discussions at A new Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae) from Andhra Pradesh

Thanks a lot. I resubmitted after reading the paper, clarified by …, you may change the name.

Perfect match!


A new Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae) from Andhra Pradesh: 1 image and one pdf.
I congratulate the authors for bringing out this new Phyllanthus.

Thank you …, I had posted such plant under the name P.leshnaultii in efi ; but now it seems it is similar to the above species; I collected it from Velugonda hills, which are nearer to Palakonda; attaching few more images for clarification; habit-in rock crevices , woody undershrub; would you please help
5 images- 1 high res.

I think yes, this is the same plant.
In fact the first author Swamy sent me plant samples of many species for naming and I also called the present plant as P. leschenaultii but with some deviations. Then he informed me that it has some differences and finally after DNA studies he confirmed it as a new species.


Posted in 2016, published as a new species in 2021:
This was posted by Lalithamba ji in 2016 and again in 2017 in efloraofindia as per details at Phyllanthus palakondensis.
This has now been published as a new species in 2021 as per Phyllanthus palakondensis sp. nov. (Phyllanthaceae) from Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India– N. Sarojini Devi, K. Praveen Karanth, Nord. J. Bot. (IF 0.802) Pub Date : 2021-10-13
This again highlights that many new species are posted and shown in efloraofindia, before being published.

Congratulations to all. Good news.

Indeed a good finding. There is no material at CAL. My attention on this plant was drawn by the first author, the young researcher Raja Kulliyaswamy. He sent me a few photographs for identification and I informed him that this is P. leschenaultii but there are some differences. Finally he collected P. leschenaultii from Tamil Nadu and after comparison with literature he concluded that it is a new species. The images posted by Lalithamba ji belong here.

eFloraofindia has become a rich repository of indian plants. Many new species have been identified based on its resources.
Thank you, …, for creating such a wonderful platform.
…, kindly make a separate page for this at

Currently I have started to keep such posts at Role of eFI in Sc. publications

that is great, a moral boost to all contributors, thank you

Details also are there in the respective species page.



Phyllanthus palakondensis sp. nov. (Phyllanthaceae) from Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, IndiaN. Sarojini Devi, K. Praveen Karanth, Nord. J. Bot. (IF 0.802) Pub Date : 2021-10-13 (Abstract: The new species of Phyllanthus palakondensis found under shrub in Palakonda hills of Andhra Pradesh state, India, is described here. The new species resembles Phyllanthus rotundifolius and P. leshenaultii but differs in habitat (under-shrub), stem nature (terete and corky) shape of leaf (orbicular, elliptic-obovate), solitary phyllanthoid branch, pedicel length of female flower (1.5 mm) and shape and size of tepals. A detailed description, a key to the species of Phyllanthus sect. Phyllanthus distributed in Peninsular India and illustrations are provided for easy identification.)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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