Phyllanthus tetrandrus

Phyllanthus tetrandrus Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. 1832 3: 674 1832. (syn: Diasperus roxburghii Kuntze; Diasperus tetrandrus (Roxb.) Kuntze; Epistylium roxburghii Baill. [Illegitimate]; Phyllanthus roxburghii Müll.Arg. [Illegitimate]; Reidia tetrandra (Roxb.) V.Naray.);
Assam to Bangladesh as per POWO;

Fwd: Phyllznthus sp. : 4 posts by 1 author. 3 images- 1 to 5 mb each.
Sir, I’m sending herewith images of Phyllanthus sp. for your n/a

Phyllanthus tetrandrus has been collected and photographed by … presumably after 60 years. His paper in this regard has been accepted for publication in Nelumbo and likely to be published in July 2020 issue



Catalogue of Life  POWO  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora Watercolour World
Notes on Re-Collection of Phyllanthus tetrandrus (Phyllanthaceae) from Mizoram, India– M Sawmliana, Gopal Krishna, Tapas Chakrabarty-  July 2020 Nelumbo 62(1):46-49 (Abstract: A lesser known species, Phyllanthus tetrandrus Roxb. (Phyllanthaceae) recollected after a lapse of six decades from Mizoram, India. This present communication deals with a brief taxonomic description of the species along with notes on its habit, habitat and distribution. Occurrence of the species in Assam State is also reported here)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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