Pimpinella adscendens Dalzell , Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 261 1850. (Syn: Pimpinella pinetorum Merr.); India (NW-Ghats (Maharashtra to Goa)), Philippines (I) as per Catalogue of Life;
Plant for ID SMP2 – 26/03/2011: Tamhini I think you are correct attaching images of Apiaceae member for identification. please identify Thanks, … Pl. check comparative images at Apiaceae & Angelica, Bupleurum, Chaerophyllum, Daucus, Eryngium, Heracleum, Pimpinella, Selinum & Seseli Fair chance of it being Pinda/ Polyzygs sp., most likely P. concanensis [Pinda concanensis (Dalzell) P.K. Mukh. & Constance]. With available data it will always remain a guess. This is definitely not Pinda, my apologies. Pls inform location of collection. My 1st guess is Pimpinella wallichiana. location mountain top, height about 3 feet I think my id will be correct then. P.wallichiana is a tall and attractive apiaceae member. Chordate leaves also match On perusal of comparative images at Pimpinella I find it is more closer to Pimpinella adscendens Dalzell rather than Pimpinella wallichiana (Miq. ex Hofaen.) Gandhi in C.J. Saldanha & Nicolson Thanks, … for the initial Id. Thanks …, But … has mentioned that the plant was 3 ft tall and had chordate leaves. P.adscendens is neither 3 ft tall nor has chordate leaves. Thanks, … Leaves & habit are visible in the posted pictures. Thank you all, … i din’t mention that leaves are cordate, i just mentioned that in flora of Nashik leaves of P wallichiana are described as cordate (leaves in the images dont look so) any way good discussion so we settle for Pimpinella adscendens Dalzell Sorry …, But I still go with P.wallichiana. P.adsecdens, as I have seen in and around nashik, is a very small plant which trails on the ground and inflorescence stalk rising upwards. Locally people call it ‘Gaajri’ and the leaves are edible.
identification no. 100417sn1 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) I think this is from Apiaceae family, but cannot place the exact species. please help in identification date/time:dec16 location:Aambyvalley Rd.,Lonavala,Pune habitat:herb height:about 2-3 ft. Thanks, … Pl. Check comparative images in efi at Apiaceae page. I had already tried the Apiaceae page but was unable to find any matching images. May be it is Pimpinella sp.. Any hint would be ideal I think close to images at Pimpinella adscendens Dalzell Also looks close as per high resolution specimen at
Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH :: Small prostrate herb for ID :: ARK2019-67 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) This prostrate herb was seen by the roadside in the Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH in Aug 2019. Requested to please provide ID. I think close to Pimpinella adscendens Dalzell as per comparative images at Apiaceae. References: |
Pimpinella adscendens
Updated on December 24, 2024