Pimpinella wallichiana

Pimpinella wallichiana (Miq. ex Hofaen.) Gandhi in C.J. Saldanha & Nicolson, Fl. Hassan dist. 417. 1976; P.K. Mukh. in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 24: 45. (1982) 1983. (syn: Helosciadium wallichianum Miq. ex Hohen.; Pimpinella monoica Dalzell) as per BSI Flora of India checklist; 
Common name: Wallich Hogweed
Came across this plant at the rock wall of Nandgiri (Kalyangad) Fort near Satara.
The plant was seen to be emerging from the rock. Looks like some Apiaceae sp.
Date/Time: 29-08-2010 / 01:35PM
Location: Nandgiri Fort near Satara

Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb (approx. 1m long).

It looks like a Pimpinella sp. possibly Pimpinella wallichiana var. katrajensis [or even P.wallichiana locally called Ranjire].

This is Pimpinella wallichiana but I am not aware of its variety 






Please identify this herb – NS 150113:  Photographed at Khandala. 

Photographs 1 & 2 were taken on 26th August ’12 – [looked like a species of Begonia]
Photographs 3 to 6 on 7th October ’12.
Photographs 7 to 9 on 13th January ’13. 
Is it a species of Pimpinella [P.heyneana] or a species of Heracleum ?

Pimpinella wallichiana.

Thanks … The local name is Banga.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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