Pseuderanthemum arunachalense D. Borah, R.Kr.Singh and M. Taram, Indian Forester, 146 (7) : 660-664, 2020;
Inclusion of Pseuderanthemum arunachalense and P.leptanthum : 5 posts by 3 authors. 2 correct images as above. 1 pdf. Here attached two species for inclusion in eFI. Thank you very much. Moreover abstracts of all those articles are there, except this one. I however missed to provide you one. Here it is: A new species, Pseuderanthemum arunachalense from eastern Himalaya, India is described and lectotype for Pseuderanthemum album, P. leptanthum and Sphinctacanthus parkinsonii are designated here. The new species is easily distinguished from its allied species, P. leptanthum by its broad oblanceolate or broad elliptic, longer leaves, longer inflorescence, rachis stipitate glandular hairy, smaller peduncle, stipitate glandular hairy, pedicel stipitate glandular hairy and calyx stipitate glandular hairy, smaller flower, corolla tube broadly ovoid, shorter than limb, limb 1-lipped, smaller lobes, the entire abaxial surface and the base of adaxial surface densely stipitate glandular, smaller filaments, smaller style and smaller capsule.
Fwd: Lobelia? Papum pare,Arunachal Pradesh. 13.10.16 : 4 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attachments (1) |
Pseuderanthemum arunachalense
Updated on December 23, 2024