Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen (syn: Antheliacanthus micranthus Ridl.; Dianthera latifolia (Vahl) Benth. & Hook. fil. (ambiguous synonym); Ecbolium latifolium (Vahl) Kuntze; Eranthemum crenulatum Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Eranthemum elatum Kurz; Eranthemum latifolium (Vahl) Kurz; Eranthemum palatiferum (Wall.) Nees (ambiguous synonym); Justicia honamoriensis Herb. Madr. ex Wall.; Justicia latifolia Vahl; Justicia palatifera Wall. ex Nees; Justicia rubicunda Buch-Ham.; Pseuderanthemum palatiferus (Wall.) Radlk. ex Lindau; Rhytiglossa latifolia (Vahl) Nees) as per Catalogue of Life;
Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen, Nordic J. Bot. 9: 213. 1989. (Syn: Justicia latifolia Vahl; Eranthemum malabaricum C.B.Clarke; Pigafetta malabarica (Clarke) Alston; Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (Clarke) Gamble) as per A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon -, Volume 12 By M. D. Dassanayake (1998- Details with keys)
Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen, Nordic J. Bot. 9: 213. 1989. (Syn: Justicia latifolia Vahl, Symb. Bot. 2: 4. 1791; Antheliacanthus micranthus Ridley; Eranthemum palatiferum (Wallich) Nees; J. palatifera Wallich; Pseuderanthemum palatiferum (Wallich) Radlkofer.) as per Flora of China ;
Pseuderanthemum malabaricum Gamble, Fl. Madras 1064 1924. (Syn: Eranthemum malabaricum C.B.Clarke; Justicia honamoriensis Wall. (Unresolved); Pigafetta malabarica (C.B.Clarke) Alston (Unresolved)) as per The Plant List Ver.1.1;
. Indian Subcontinent to China (Yunnan to Guangdong) and W. Malesia: Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO; .
China (Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan), Cambodia, Bhutan, Darjeeling, India (peninsular India), peninsular Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Kachin, Sagaing, Shan), Nepal, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;
soo-der-RANTH-ee-mum — false eranthemum; eranthemum meaning beautiful flower … Dave’s Botanary mal-uh-BAR-ih-kum — of or from the Malabar Coast, southern India … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: Malabar false eranthemum • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಗೋರಂಟೆ bili gorante • Konkani: बिंदू कोरांटी bindu koranti • Malayalam: ചുട്ടിമുല്ല chuttimulla • Marathi: ठिपके पाकळी thipake pakali • Tamil: புள்ளி போட்ட பூச்செடி pulli potta poochedi • Telugu: చుక్క మల్లె chukka malle • Tulu: ಬೊಳ್ಡು ಗೋರಂಟಿ boldu goranti Names compiled / updated at . Shrubs, stem terete, white, smooth. Leaves 7-10 x 4 cm, elliptic, acuminate at both ends, glabrous, glaucous below, nerves 5 pairs; petiole to 2 cm long. Spike 3-8 cm long, terminal, slender; bracts and bracteoles similar, 3 mm long, linear. Flowers in small interrupted clusters; calyx 6 mm long, lobes united at base, acuminate; corolla tube 30 mm long, slender; lobes 10 mm long, obovate, equal; stamens 2, free, anthers oblong; stigma bilobed. Capsule 18 x 5 mm, clavate, basal portion solid; seeds 5 x 3 mm, compressed, reticulate. Flowering and fruiting: December-March
Near streams in deciduous forests
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi
Pseuderanthemum malabaricum hopefully:
Pseuderanthemum malabaricum hopefully havelock island, andamans
last week of december
small woody shrub the tallest was about eighteen inches
white flowers without any markings on any of the flowers
i assume that most of the flowers had fallen in the storm earlier in the day, glabrous leaves
these plants were growing in a semi degraded forest Nice photographs of P. malabaricum.
We have a huge collection of Andaman plants in our garden ( at Palode, Kerala. ANDEC87 Pseuderanthemum malabaricum : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)
Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka Detailed post, nothing remains to question, thanks … Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Pseuderanthemum malabaricum :: Phansad WLS :: DVMAR90/101 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.
Pseuderanthemum malabaricum Gamble
at Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary on March 20, 2011 So kind of you to show us this endemic. Names of Plants in India :: Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (C.B.Clarke) Gamble : 3 posts by 2 authors.
via Species > P > Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (C.B.Clarke) Gamble … family: Acanthaceae
Update, name added: soo-der-RANTH-ee-mum — false eranthemum; eranthemum meaning beautiful flower … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Malabar false eranthemum • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಗೋರಂಟೆ bili gorante • Konkani: बिंदू कोरांटी bindu koranti • Malayalam: ചുട്ടിമുല്ല chuttimulla • Marathi: ठिपके पाकळी thipake pakali • Telugu: చుక్క మల్లె chukka malle • Tulu: ಬೊಳ್ಡು ಗೋರಂಟಿ boldu goranti
botanical names: Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (C.B.Clarke) Gamble … synonyms: Eranthemum crenulatum Wall. ex T.Anderson • Eranthemum malabaricum C.B.Clarke • Pigafetta malabarica (C.B.Clarke) Alston … Hassler, Michael (1994 – 2024): World Plants. Synonymic Checklist and Distribution of the World Flora. Version 19.3; last update May 18th, 2024. Last accessed 22/05/2024. Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
Malabar false eranthemum
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಬಿಳಿ ಗೋರಂಟೆ bili gorante
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (कोंकणी), Kannada (ಕೊಂಕಣಿ), Malayalam (കൊങ്കണി), Perso-Arabic (کونکنی), Romi (Konknni) … spoken in: Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat
बिंदू कोरांटी bindu koranti
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala, Lakshadweep
ചുട്ടിമുല്ല chuttimulla
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (मराठी) … spoken in: Maharashtra, Karnataka
ठिपके पाकळी thipake pakali
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
written in: Telugu ( తెలుగు) … spoken in: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Puducherry
చుక్క మల్లె chukka malle
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
written in: Tigalari (Tulu) was used for writing Vedic texts in Sanskrit, Kannada (ತುಳು), Malayalam (തുളു) … spoken in: Karnataka, north Kerala
ಬೊಳ್ಡು ಗೋರಂಟಿ boldu goranti
Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, * Tamil Nadu
* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state ~~~~~ Last updated: 14:43 23-05-2024 ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at Both Malayalam and English names are correct. Tamil coined name added … commonly known as: Malabar false eranthemum • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಗೋರಂಟೆ bili gorante • Konkani: बिंदू कोरांटी bindu koranti • Malayalam: ചുട്ടിമുല്ല chuttimulla • Marathi: ठिपके पाकळी thipake pakali • Tamil: புள்ளி போட்ட பூச்செடி pulli potta poochedi • Telugu: చుక్క మల్లె chukka malle • Tulu: ಬೊಳ್ಡು ಗೋರಂಟಿ boldu goranti
Location : Koh Chang, Thailand
Date: 08 December 2019
Elevation : MSL
Habitat : Wild
Which Pseuderanthemum ??
I think close to Pseuderanthemum latifolium as per comparative images at Pseuderanthemum A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon -, Volume 12
edited by M. D. Dassanayake, Smithsonian Institution Identification: (mixed thread): 1 correct image as above.
i have collected the species from Ranpur, Nayagarh district of Orissa. Please help me in identification
Place of collection: Ranpur again i had sighted the species in the same place and i measured some of the characters.
Field notes: Undershrub, leaves elliptic (up to 15 cm long), acuminate, flowers white, solitary, capsules and seeds were not visible during the time of collection
Can it be Pseudoeranthemum malabaricum, Syn: Eranthemum malabaricum ? Please confirm. … to me it does look like Pseuderanthemum malabaricum … (.. please mind the typo : pesudo … must be pseud)
For some views in my photostream:… thanks for the identification, but i could not see the red dots on corolla. I think my specimen is lacking that
character. Please validate. … frankly, am at a loss at commenting on the presence / absence of dots … not sure of the description put by the author. In many identities, (the dots,) the colour of flower in general varies for many reasons, yet the plant is considered to belong to particular species.
Please let us wait for comments on this point, as well as validation of your plant being Pseuderanthemum malabaricum. We may get to know of any other close species. . Pseudoeranthemum varriabile : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Pseudoeranthemum varriabile
Date/Time :27 Feb,2010 6.00 pm.
Location : Phansad WLS, Maharashtra Habitat : wild Plant Habit : Herb hieght up to 1 m Leaves : opposite Acanthaceae Week : Pastel Flower – Pseuderanthemum variabile : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Pastel Flower
false eranthemums
Pseuderanthemum variabile Acanthaceae (Please correct me if I am wrong)
Height 4-5 ft, Introduced. Shrub,
Date: 10 10 2010
Haldipura, Uttara Kannada Can it be Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen ?
Pseuderanthemum latifolium: 2 high res. images.
Pseuderanthemum latifolium Behali Reserve Forest, Biswanath, Assam, India . Need – ID: Acanth annual in Goa: 2 correct images. There are two species …, please separate species wise, 1995 & 1996 seems some Rhinacanthus sp. I agree with you. The pictures labelled IMG_1995.jpeg & IMG_1996.jpeg are of Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B.Hansen [syn. Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (C.B.Clarke) Gamble]. You’re right . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() MS,May, 2024/04 Undershrub for id: 4 images. Location : Dampa Tiger Reserve, Mizoram Altitude : ca.650 m
Date : 30-04-2024
Habit : Undershrub
Habitat : Wild Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B.Hansen ! . Telugu name for Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (C.B.Clarke) Gamble: I want a name to be coined for Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (C.B.Clarke) Gamble
I am thinking of “చుక్కల రేకు cukkala reku” … I hope it means “dotted petal”.
If you have any name to suggest, please help. It is commonly known as చుక్క మల్లె in Telugu some words need free translation Many many thanks, Lalithamba ji, for help with the name … చుక్క మల్లె cukka malle … literal meaning: “dotted jasmine“. . Tamil name for Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (C.B.Clarke) Gamble: Wanting to coin a Tamil name for Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (C.B.Clarke) Gamble
Going by names that are known in other languages, they literally translate to “white barleria” (Kannada & Tulu), “dotted jasmine” (Malayalam).
I am thinking of “dotted barleria” for Tamil … and looks like this: புள்ளியிடப்பட்ட முள்ளி pulliyitappatta mulli … I am not sure whether it suits like a name; your thoughts please.
In case you have any to suggest, please help. Please ignore my earlier suggestion of “புள்ளியிடப்பட்ட முள்ளி pulliyitappatta mulli” … incidentally “முள்ளி mulli” though a generic name for some Barleria species, the name is also shared by many other thorny plants.
I am thinking of “புள்ளியிட்ட பூவிதழ் pulliyitta pivotal” … simply meaning “dotted petal”.
In case you have any better suggestion, please help. The 2nd version of the name sounds much better. Also, as you mentioned, the name mulli is used mainly for thorny plants (Mul = முள் = thorn). . References:
POWO A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon -, Volume 12 By M. D. Dassanayake (1998- Details with keys) Flora of Peninsular India Flora of peninsular India 2 Herbarium Catalogue The Plant List Ver.1.1 Flora of China Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal IBIS Flora GBIF (Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B.Hansen) GBIF (Pseuderanthemum malabaricum Gamble) POWO |
Pseuderanthemum latifolium
Updated on December 24, 2024