Srivastava R. C.



(*- Books; + Chapters in edited books, new taxa   )


1.      Srivastava, R.C. & G. C. Srivastava
(1975). A new host record for Curvularia lunata (Wakkar) Boedjin, Curr.
, 44 (12): 446.

2.      Srivastava, R.C. & G. C. Srivastava
(1975). Two fungal parasites of the eggs of Channa striatus Bl., Curr.
. 44 (12): 817-818.

3.      Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1976). A new leaf-spot disease of Capparis horrida L., Curr.
45 (5): 196.

4.      Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1976). Ability of Achlya 
Coker parasitising certain fresh water fishes, Geobios
3: 139-140.

5.      Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1976). Fungal infection of the eggs of Channa punctatus
Bl., Geobios   3: 160.

6.      Srivastava, R.C. & G. C.
Srivastava (1976). A new host record for Branchiomyces sanguinis Plehn, Curr.
45 (24): 874.

7.      Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1976). A note on the destruction of eggs of Cyprinus carpio
var. communis by the members of Saprolegniaceae, Sci. & Cult. 42
(12): 612-614.

8.      Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1976). Olpidiopsis incrassata-a new record from India, Indian
., 29 (1): 83.

9.      Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1976). Parched rice grain baits for the culture of aquatic
fungi, Fertilizer Technology 13 (II & III): 172.

10.    Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1977). Host range of Saprolegnia ferax (Gruith) Thuret on
certain   fresh water teleosts, Curr.
. 46 (3): 67.

11.    Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1977). Ability of Saprolegniaceous fungi to parasitise Colisa
Bl., Geobios 4 (1): 31-32.

12.    Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1977). Dictyuchus anomalus Nagai-a new pathogen of fresh
water teleosts, Curr. Sci. 56 (4): 116.

13.    Srivastava, R.C. (1977). Achlya
Coker-a new recrod from India, Curr. Sci.

        46 (12): 422.

14.    Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1977). Control of fungal diseases in fishes, F. A. O.
Aquaculture Bull.
Rome, 8 (2): 24.

15.    Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1977). Host range of Achlya prolifera (Nees) De Bary on
certain fresh water teleosts, Mycopathologia 61 (1): 61-62.

16.    Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1977). Achyla caroliniana Coker, as a fish pathogon, Geobios
4: 156.

17.    Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1977). Isoachlya anisospora var. indica-a new
pathogen of fresh water fishes and their eggs, Fertilizer Technology 14:

18.    Srivastava, R.C., G. C.
Srivastava & J. Abraham (1977). Smut galls of Barley-a new observation, Fert.
14: 154.

19.    Srivastava, R.C. & J.
Abraham  (1977). Anatomical studies on
abnormal growth caused by Puccinia 
on Ruellia prostrata, Mycopathologia  62: 113-166.

20.    Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1978). Effect of nutrition and light on Isoachlya luxurians
Bhargava and Srivastava, Geobios 5: 72-73.

21.    Srivastava, R.C. & G.
C. Srivastava (1978). Applicability of certain chemicals in combating fish
mycoses, J. Indian Bot. Soc. 57: 109-124.

22.    Srivastava, R.C.  (1978). Mycoflora associated with Azadirachta
seeds, Fert.

         Tech. 15 (1): 56.

23.    Srivastava, R.C. & J.
Abraham & G. C. Srivastava (1978). Anatomical studies of Ustilago galls
in Hordeum vulgare L., Mycopathologia, 63: 181-185.

24.    Srivastava, R.C. & A.
B. Sinha  (1978). Studies on mycoflora
associated with the seeds of ornamental plants, Fert. Tech. 15: 192-193.

25.    Srivastava, R.C.  (1978). A new host record for Alternaria
Ayengar, Fert.            Tech. 15: 78.

26.    Srivastava,
R.C. & G. C. Srivastava (1978). Fungi associated with the diseases of fresh
water fishes of India,
Mycopathologia 63: 121-26.

27.    Srivastava, R.C. (1978).
Host range of Achlya orion  Coker
and Couch on certain fresh

         water fishes, Mycopathologia
64: 49-51.

28.    Srivastava, R.C. (1978).
Host range of Achlya caroliniana Coker 
on  certain  fresh 
water  fishes, Mykosen  21: 355-358.

29.    Srivastava, G. C. &
R.C. Srivastava (1978). A note on the potential applicability of Malachite
green (Oxalate) for combating fish mycoses, Mycopathologia 65: 169-171.

30.    Srivastava, R.C. (1978).
Anatomical studies on Synchytrium galls of Luffa aegyptiaca Mill., Mal.
J. Appl. Boil.
7: 63-68.

31.    Srivastava, R.C. & M.
P. Lal (1978). Mycoflora associated with the seeds of Carica

          papaya L., Indian Phytopathology 31: 524-525.

32.    Srivastava, R.C., M.S. Khan
& M. P. Lal  (1978). Some new
leaf-spot fungi from India, Indian Phytopathology 31: 524-525.

33.    Srivastava, R.C. (1979). Two new species of Phoma from
India, Mykosen 22: 184-186.

34.    Srivastava, R.C. (1979). A new species Leptodothiorella
from India, Mykosen 22: 311-


35.    Srivastava, R.C. (1979). Aphanomycosis-a new threat to fish
populations, Mykosen 22:


36.    Srivastava, R.C. (1979).
Additions to the fungi of India, Curr. Sci. 48: 996.

37.    Srivastava, R.C. (1979).
Fungi causing plant diseases at Jaunpur-II, Indian Phytopathology 32
(2): 289-290.

38.    Srivastava, R.C. (1979).
Two new leaf-blight diseases from India. Indian Phytopathology 32 (2)

39.    Srivastava, R.C. (1979).
Fungi parasitizing the eggs of fresh water fishes, Mycopathologia 68
(3): 167-169.

40.    Srivastava, R.C. (1979).
New host records from India, M. V. M. Patrika 14 (2): 79-80.

41.    Srivastava, R.C., A. B.
Sinha (1979). Three new host records for India, Curr. Sci. 43:


42.    Srivastava, R.C., O. P.
Tripathi & S. K. Srivastava  (1979).
Antomical studies on abnormal growth caused by Puccinia butleri on Launaea
Hook. f., Mykosen 22: 134-140.

43.    Srivastava, R.C., S. K.
Srivastava & O. P. Tripathi  (1979).
Four new host records for India, Indian Phytopathology, 32 (2): 294-295.

44.    Srivastava, R.C. (1980). A new species of Phomopsis from
India, Arch. Fur Protisten.k                123: 236-238.

45.    Srivastava, R.C. (1980).
Anatomical studies on Synchytrium galls of Phaseolus  radiatus (Anatomische studies uber
abnormes wachstum von Phaseolus radiatus, hervorgerufen von Synchytrium
), Boletus 4 (2): 50-34.

46.    Srivastava, R.C. (1980).
Chemotherapeutical studies on fish-mycoses (chemotherapeutische untersuchemgen beim
fisch Mykosen). Mh. Vet. Med. 35: 267-269.

47.    Srivastava, R.C. (1980).
Fungal parasites of certain fresh-water fished of India,        Aquaculture
21; 387-392.

48.    Srivastava, R.C. (1980).
Host range of  Achlya diffusa
Harvey ex Jhonson on certain fresh water fishes of India,      J. Indian Bot. Soc. 59: 184-186.

49.    Srivastava, R.C. (1980).
Fungi causing plant diseases at Jaunpur-IV, Indian                Phytopathology 33: 221-224.

50.    Srivastava, R.C. (1980). A new fungus from India, ZBl. Bakt. II. Abt. 135: 558-559. 1980 et
137: 72. 1982.

51.    Srivastava, R.C. & H.
C. Srivastava (1980). Two new leaf-spot diseases from India, Ind. J. Mycol.
& Pl. Pathol.
10 (2): 172.

52.    Srivastava, R.C. & S.J.Das(1980). Phoma  meghalayensis Srivastava Das from India, Arch.
123: 324-325.

*53.  Srivastava, R.C. (1980).
Studies in Fish-mycopathology : a review, Mykosen 23: 325-332, 380-391;

54.    Srivastava, R.C. (1981). Two new Coelomycetes from India, Zbl.
Bakt. II.
Abt. 136 (3): 266-268

55.    Srivastava, R.C. (1981). Dictyuchus
Nagai-a new record for India,             Biovigyanum
7: 81-82.

56.    Srivastava, R.C. (1981).
Fungi causing plant diseases at Jaunpur III. J. Indian Bot. Soc.        6: 81-82.

57.    Srivastava, R.C. (1981).
Fungi causing plant diseases at Jaunpur (U.P.) VI, M. V. M. Partika 16
(1-2): 37-38.

58.    Srivastava, R.C., A. B.
Sinha & A. K. Srivastava (1981). On potential applicability of U. V.
radiation in controlling fish-mycoses caused by Dictyuchus anomalus Nagai,
Mykosen 24: 53-55.

59.    Srivastava, R.C., M.S. Khan
& S. K. Verma (1981). Anatomical studies on  Synchytrium galls of Cucumis melo var.
momordica, Zbl. Bakt. II. Abt. 136: 366-368.

60.    Srivastava, G. C. & R.
C. Srivastava (1982). Fungi associated with fungal diseases of fishes, in Bilgrami
et al., (eds.). Recent advances in biology of microorganisms,
Today  &  Tomorrow’s Publ., New Delhi.

61.    Srivastava, R.
C. (1982). Powdery, mildew of
Mart. ex Choisy-a new record from India, Ind.
J. Mycol. & Pathol.
12 (1): 98.

62.    Srivastava, R. C. (1982).
Notes on two interesting fungi from India, Arch. Protistenk.

         125: 331-333.

63.    Srivastava, R.C. (1982).
Anatomical studies on Synchytium galls of Cucumis melo var. momordica
II, Zbl. Mikrobiol 137: 595-598.

64.    Srivastava, R. C. (1982). Phoma amorphophallicola (Rao)
Srivastava from India, Zbl. Mikrobiol. 137: 599.

65.    Srivastava, R. C. (1982).

Fungi causing plant diseases at Jaunpur-V, Ind. J. Mycol. & Pl.
12 (2): 244 -246.

66.    Srivastava, R. C. (1982).
Some new host records of Fungi from India, Ind. J. Mycol. & Pl.
12: 346-347.

67.    Srivastava, R. C. (1983).
Anatomical studies on Synchytrium galls of Sesamum indicum, Zbl.
138: 363-366.

68.    Srivastava, R. C. (1983).
Some new host records of fungi from Uttar Pradesh, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
53 (B) I: 58-60.

69.    Srivastava, R. C. (1983).
Insectivorous plants of Madhya Pradesh J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 4 (1) 319-321.

70.    Srivastava, R. C.  (1983). A taxonomic study of the genus Argyreia
Lour. in Madhya Pradesh, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India, 53 (B) I: 37-42.

71.    Srivastava, R. C. (1983). A
taxonomic study of the genus Ipomoea L. in Madhya Pradesh, J. Econ.
Tax. Bot.
4(3): 765-775.

72.    Verma, D. M. & R. C. Srivastava (1983). A note on the
identity of Ipomoea  fistulosa
Mart. ex Choisy and I. carnea Jacq., J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 4
(3): 903-908.

73.    Srivastava, R. C. (1983). Notes on two infra-specific taxa of
Malpighiaceae, J. Econ. Tax. Blot. 4 (3): 1025-26.

74.    Srivastava, R. C. (1983). Hiptage candicans Hook. f.-a new
record for India, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 4 (3): 939-940.

75.    Srivastava, R. C. (1983). Two new varieties and a new record of
Malpighiaceae from India, Nat Acad. Sci.Letters 6 (7): 223-225.

76.    Srivastava, R. C. (1983). Aspidopterys balakrishnanii
Srivastava sp. nov. (Malpighiaceae) from India, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 4
(3): 1003-1005.

77.    Balakrishanan, N. P. & Srivastava R. C. (1983). A new species
of Hiptage from Andaman Islands, India, J.Econ. Tax. Bot. 4 (3):

78.    Srivastava, R. C. & N. P. Balakrishanan (1983). A new variety
of Aspidopterys Juss. from India, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 25:

79.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984). A new combination in Aspidopterys
Juss., Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81 (3): 728.

80.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984). Two new species of Hiptage
Gaertn. from India, Indian Forester 110 (5): 499-502.

81.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984). Aspidopterys
(Wall.) Juss.-a new record for India, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 5:

82.    Srivastava, R. C. & B.
K. Shukla (1984). The Genus Blumea DC. in Madhya Pradesh, Ibid.
5: 259-281.

83.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984). Hiptage
Hook. f. – an addition to the Flora of India, Proc. Nat. Acad.
54(B) II: 99-101.

84.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984).
Convolvulaceae of Khasi and Jaintia Hills, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 5: 815-826.

85.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984). Aspidopterys jainii Srivastava, sp.
(Malpighiaceae) from India, J. Jap. Bot. 50 (11): 329-331.

86.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984).
Certain nomenclatural changes in fungi of India, J. Pl. Nat. 1(2):

87.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984).
Occurrence of red-rest in Khasi Hills (Meghalaya), J. Pl. Nat. 1(2):

88.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984).
Genus Sonchus L. (Asteraceae) in Madhya Pradesh, J. Econ. Tax. Bot.
5: 1081-1084.

+89.  Srivastava, R. C. (1983).
Uttar Pradesh Ke Van Aur Vanaspati, in Jain & Mudgal, Bharat Ki
, B.S.I  Calcutta.

+90.  Srivastava, R. C. (1984).
Andaman Aur Nicobar Ke Van Aur Vanaspati, in Jain & Mudgal, Bharat Ki
, B.S.I. Calcutta.

91.    Srivastava, R. C. (1984). A
new combination in Heteropteris H.B.K. (Malpighiaceae), Nat. Acad.
Sci. Letters
7: 325-326.

92.    Srivastava, R. C. (1985).
Note on threatened taxa of Malpighiaceae of India, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 6:

93.    Srivastava, R. C. (1985). A
note on the distributional record of Aspidopterys wallichii Hook. f.-an
endemic species of North Western India, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India. 55
(B) IV: 345-346.

94.    Srivastava, R. C. (1985).
Some new host records from Meghalaya, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India 55 (B)
II: 77.

95.    Srivastava, R. C. (1985).
Mycoflora of Jaunpur district (U.P.) – a check-list, J. Econ. Tax. Bot.
6 (3): 665-672.

96.    Srivastava, R. C. (1985).
Genus Saprolegnia C. G. Nees in India, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 7:

97.    Srivastava, R.
C. (1985). Three new diseases of Orchids from N. E. India.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India 55 (B): 547-248.

98.    Srivastava, R. C. (1985).
Anatomical studies on abnormal growth caused by Synchytrium species on Coccinia
(L) Voigt and Clerodendrum infortunatum Zbl. Mikrobiol. 140:

99.    Srivastava, R. C. (1985).
Convolvulaceae of Madhya Pradesh, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 7: 537-545.

+98.  Verma, D. M. & R. C.
Srivastava (1985). Convolvulaceae in Verma et al. Flora of Raipur, Durg
& Rajnandgaon,
BSI, Howrah: 230-250.

99.    Srivastava, R. C. (1986).
Rare components of Madhya Pradesh Flora, J. Trop. Forestry 2: 146-150.

100.  Srivastava, R. C. &
Anand Kumar (1987). Parasitic Angiosperms of Madhya Pradesh, J. Econ. Tax.
9 (2): 391-402.

101.  Srivastava, R. C. &
Anand Kumar (1987). Aquatic and marshy Angiosperms of Madhya Pradesh, Ibid
9 (2): 433-450.

102.  Srivastava, R. C. (1987).
Family Verbenaceae in Madhya Pradesh, Ibid 10 (2): 451-468.

*103. Srivastava, R. C. (1987). Fish-Mycopathology, Today &
Tomorrows Publ. New Delhi

104.  Srivastava, R. C. (1987).
Rare and less-known plants of Madhya Pradesh, J. Econ. Tax. Bot.11(2):

105.  Srivastava, R. C. (1987).
Status of Family Malpighiaceae in N. E. India, Ibid. 11 (1) : 161-171.

106.  Srivastava, R. C. &
Anand Kumar (1988). Rare and threatened plants of Madhya Pradesh-a check-list,  J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 12 (2): 293-303.

+107.   Srivastava R. C. (1988) In
Red Data Book of Indian Plants by Nayar & Sastri, BSI, Calcutta,Vol.
2: 149.

108.  Srivastava, R. C. (1988).
New destributional records for two species of restricted distribution, Proc.
Nat. Acad.   Sci. India
, 59 (B) I:

109   Srivastava, R. C. (1989).
Identity of exotic ornamental Malpighiaceous plants grown in Indian Gardens, Ibid
13 (2): 259-270.

*110.Srivastava, R. C. (1989). Drug
Plant resources of Central India
, Today & Tomorrows Publ., New Delhi

111.  Srivastava, R. C. (1990).
Rare components of Madhya Pradesh Flora, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 14 (1):

112.  Srivastava, R. C. (1990).
Notes on endemic taxa of Malpighiaceae of India, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 14
(2): 393-404.

113.  Srivastava, R. C. (1990). Satyrium
Lindl.-a less known edible orchid of Sikkim Himalaya, Proc.
Nat. Acad Sci.
60 (B): IV: 477.

114.  Srivastava, R. C. (1990). A
note on the arrow-poison used by Lepchas of Dzongu (Sikkim) and its antidote, Nat.
Acad. Sci. Letters
13 (11): 399-400.

115.  Srivastava, R. C. (1990).
Notes on endemic taxa of Malpighiaceae in India, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 14:

+116.   Srivastava, R. C. & B.
Mitra (1990) Juncus sikkimensis Hook. f. in Nayar & Sastry Red
Data Book of Indian Plants
, Vol. III: 161, B.S.I., Calcutta.

117.  Srivastava, R. C. (1991) Gnaphallium
D. Don: a less known medicinal plant of Sikkim Himalaya, Nat.
Acad. Sci. Letters
14: 9.

118.  Srivastava, R. C. (1992)Taxonomic
Revision of the genus Hiptage Gaertn. (Malpighiaceae) in India, Candollea
42 (2): 601-612.

119.  Srivastava, R. C. (1992)
Maple Family (Aceraceae) in Sikkim, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India, 62 (3):

120.  Srivastava, R. C. (1993)
High altitude medicinal plants of Sikkim, Jour. Res. Edu. Ind. Med. 12
(1): 5-14.

121   Srivastava, R. C. (1993)  Gymnosperms of Sikkim, J. Asia Life Sci.
2 :71-87.

122.  Srivastava, R. C. (1993) A
new combination in Fritillaria L. (Lilliaceae), Nat. Acad. Sci.
, 16: 229.

123.  Raju, D. C. S.
& R. C. Srivastava (1993) Family Alangiaceae in Sikkim, J. Nat. Bot.
46: 41-42.

124.  Srivastava, R.
C. (1994) Diversity of Flora of Eastern 
Himalaya in Dwivedi & Pandey, (ed.)
Biotechnology in India. Allahabad.

125.  Srivastava, R. C. (1994)
Medicinal uses and Folk-lores of plants of Sikkim, in M. P. Lama (ed.) Sikkim,
Society, Polity, Economy & Environment,
New Delhi.

126.  Srivastava, R. C. & A.
K. Mainera (1994). A note on Dactylorhiza hategirea (D. Don) Soo: an
important medicinal orchid of Sikkim, Nat. Acad. Sci. Letters 17 (7):

+127.Srivastava, R. C. (1994). 12 Families in Verma et al.
(eds.) Flora of Madhya Pradesh Vol. I.

128.  Srivastava, R. C. (1995).
Certain new combinations in Orchidaceae, Nat. Acad. Sci. Letters 18 (3
& 4).


+129.   Srivastava, R. C. (1996).
Sikkim in B. D. Sharma et al., Intoductory volume of Flora of India,
Vol I., Calcutta. 225-237.

130.  Srivastava, R. C. & C.
Jeffrey (1996). Some new combinations in Asteraceae, J. Bombay Nat. Hist.
93: 318.

131.  Srivastava, R. C. (1996).
Some new plant records for India, Ibid 93: 327-329.

132.  Srivastava, R. C. (1996).
New records of plants for India, Ibid 93: 597-598.

133.  Rao, R. R., R. C. Srivastava
& T. Hussain (1996). A new record for Flora of India from Sikkim, Ibid
93: 598.

*134.Srivastava, R. C. (1996). Useful
trees of Sikkim
, Oriental Enterprises, Dehradun.

*135.Srivastava, R. C. (1996). Monocots of Madhya
, Satyodaya Prakashan, Allahabad

136.  Srivastava,
R. C. (1996). Wild edible plants of Sikkim, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 36:

+137.Srivastava, R. C. (1996). Introduction, 19 families & Index in
Hajra & Verma (eds.) Flora of Sikkim Vol-I- Monocotyledons,
B.S.I, Calcutta.

138.  Srivastava, R. C. (1996). A note on Endemic
and rare plants of Sikkim and their conservation Adv. Pl. Sci. Res. 4:

139.  Srivastava, R. C. (1997). A note on the
occurrence of Pandanus unguifer Hook. f. in Sikkim Himalaya Nat. Acad.
Sci. Letters
20: 44-45.

+140.   Chakraverty, R. K., R. C. Srivastava, S.
Bandopadhya & S. Bandopadhyay (1997). West Bengal in Hajra & Mudgal,
(eds.). Plant Diversity of India, Vol III. BSI., Calcutta

+141.   Srivastava, R. C. (1997). 12 families in
& Mudgal et al. (ed.). Flora of Madhya Pradesh. Vol. II
B.S.I., Calcutta.

142.  Mitra, B. & R. C. Srivastava (1997). Endemic
grasses of Sikkim World Weeds 4: 181-184.

143.  Srivastava, R. C. (1997). A taxonomic study of
the genus Saussurea DC. 
(Asteraceae) in Sikkim. Indian J. For. (Addl. Ser.) VI:

144.  Jeffrey,
C. & R. C. Srivastava (1997). A new species of Saussurea DC.  (Asteraceae) from Eastern Himalaya, Proc.
Nat. Acad. Sci. India
67 B: 235-237.

R. C. (1998). Malpighiaceae of India, Periodical Expert Book Agency, New

R. C. (1998). Flora of Sikkim, Vol I Oriental Enterprises, Dehradun

147.  Srivastava, R. C. (1998). Some new
combinations in Flora of Sikkim, Novon, (USA) 8: 203.

148.  Srivastava, R. C. (1999). Sparaganum
(Sparaganiaceae). A little known useful herb of Eastern Uttar Pradesh,
Economic Botany (USA) 53: 451.

149.  Srivastava, R. C. (2000).Valuable palm may
survive only in Botanic Gardens. Economic Botany (USA) 54 (1) 2-3.

*150.Srivastava, R. C. (2001).पेड़ पौधों की रोचक दुनियाँ (Ped-Paudhon Ki
Rochak Duniya
), Kitab Mahal Allahabad

151.  Singh N. P. & R. C. Srivastava (2002).
Diversity & Economic Importance of Wetland Flora of Eastern U.P. Bull.
Bot. Surv. India.
42: 92-108.

152.  Srivastava, R. C. (2002). Reapraisal of the
genus Lipocarpha (Cyperaceae) in India. Phytotaxonomy 1: 23-37.

153.  Srivastava, C., H. N. Singh & R. C.
Srivastava (2002). Medicinal Plants of Gorakhpur District, (U.P.), Proc Nat.
Symp. Sci. & Ethics of Environ.
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+171.Srivastava,R.C.(2007) Rare and threatened  Medicinal plants of Uttar Pradesh and               their conservation strategies,in Shukla &
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174.  Srivastava,
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175.Srivastava (2008) Certain New combinations and new synonyms  in Polygonaceae of

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176. Srivastava, R. C. & R. K. Choudhary (2008) Species diversity
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180.  Ranjay K Singh Srivastava RC, & TK Mukherjee(2009) Community-based sustainable natural  resources management and development in
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182.  Srivastava, R. C., Bamang Tanyang, Nyishi
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183. Srivastava, R. C. & Adi Community (2009). Traditional ethnic
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184.  Chaudhary,R.K.,R.C.Srivastava and A.K.Das.
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188. Srivastava, R. C.(2010) Ethno-medicines
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190.  Srivastava, R. C. (2009).
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191.  Srivastava, R. C. (2009)
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+192.   Srivastava,R.C. (2009)
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193. Srivastava, R. C. &
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194. Singh,R.K.,R.C. Srivastava, Adi Community and T.K.Mukherjee (2010)
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195. Srivastava,  R.C.,Ranjay K Singh & TK Mukherjee. (2010) Bioculturally important rare new plant species of Heteropanax Seems (Araliaceae) from
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197.  Srivastava, R. C. (2010).Indigenous biodiversity of Apatani
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198. Srivastava, R. C. (2010) Three
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199.  Singh, R.K. RC Srivastava, Adi Community, Monpa Community(2010)Biological geographical indicators of traditional
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200.  Panda,S. & RC Srivastava(2010)New ethnomedicinal practices by the Akas, Nepalese and Dirang Monpas
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205. Srivastava, R. C. (2010) Species
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206.  Srivastava,R.C.(2010)
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+207. Srivastava, R. C. (2010) Diversity of Flowering plants of
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+208. Arawatia, M.L. & R.C.Srivastava (2010)Forests of Himalaya:
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& Av. Bhattacharya(2012) Orchids of N.E. India: Enumeration and

Bikash & R.C.Srivastava. (2012). Kobresia
(Cyperaceae): An addition to

            flora of India. Rheedea 22 (1): 68 – 70 .

Bikash, R.C.Srivastava, G.P.Sinha  &
D.G.Long. (2012). New distributional record of

            a rare sedge Kobresia (Cyperaceae) from Sikkim, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 4

            (6): 2664 – 2666.

Bikash(2012) A New Species of Kobresia
Willd. (Cyperaceae) from Western

            Himalaya. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Science. 2 (2): 256
– 260.

Bikash & R.C.Srivastava (2012) Kobresia gandakiensis Rajbh.
& H. Ohba : A new

 record for India. Nelumbo  54: 250.

         215. Jana,
Bikash,  R.C.Srivastava, Ambarish
Mukherjee,  Subhash Pradhan (2013)
Notes on the

            occurrence of Kobresia squamiformis Y.C.Yang (Cyperaceae) in India. J. Jap. Bot. 88

            (4). 255 – 257, Tokyo.

         216. Jana,
Bikash & R.C.Srivastava. ( 2014). A new species of Kobresia from North Western

             Himalaya. J.Jap.Bot.89:205-208.

217. Srivastava,R.C.(2014) Family Polygonaceae in India, Indian J.Pl.Sci.

218.  Srivastava,R.C.(2014)
Notes on Green Diamonds of AJCBose Indian Botanica Garden Howrah, J.Pl.Sci.

219.  Jana,
B and R.C.Srivastava(2014) Genus Kobresia Willd. (Cyperaceae) in India,
. 3:91-111.

220.  Jana,
B and R.C.Srivastava (2014) Notes on Kobresia fragilis and K. curvata,
J. Bot. res. Inst. Texas (USA) 8:77-82.


Under Publication


        221. Srivastava,R.C. & Bikash Jana (2012) New distributional
 of Kobresia kobresioidea

 (Kük.) J.Kern (Cyperaceae) from


         222.     Srivastava, R. C. A new
species of Aspidopterys. Juss., J. Jap. Bot.

223.  Srivastava, R. C. & S.
V. Singh A new species of Raphanus from eastern U. P., India, Novon

224.  Srivastava, R. C.Flora of
Arunachal Pradesh
, Vol I BSI, Kolkata.

225.  Srivastava, R. C. Polygonaceae
of India
, BSI, Kolkata.

226.  Srivastava, R. C. Species
diversity and economic importance of Polygonaceous taxa of India, Nat.
Acad.Sci. Letters.

227. Srivastava, R. C. Kolkata
ke Vriksh
,BSI,Kolkata (Hindi)

228. Hynnewta, T.M. & R.C. Srivastava Nagalanad ke Orchid Pusp (Hindi)


        1. Polygonaceae of India (Book on Polygonaceae of India  provides taxonomic account of the species occurring  with in present political boundaries of India and their    economic importance)
        2. Flora of Arunachal Pradesh Vol I (The book  Flora of Arunachal Pradesh, provides an account of the  Vegetation, Floristic Diversity, Curious Plants, Primitive Plants, Endemic Plants, Rare & threatened species, Affinities of the flora, Useful plants, Plants used by local Ethnic communities, Conservation Strategies for the flora & vegetation of the Arunachal Pradesh State of Indian Union. Taxonomic account of the families from Ranunculaceae  to  Pittosporaceae  followed by Bibliography, are  given)


Publications of RCS Srivastava,BSI on Flora of India



Updated on December 24, 2024

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