Ranadive Kiran Ramchandra



1. Belsare, M. H., Bapat, G. S., Ranadive, K. R. Vaidya, J. G. and Deokule, S. S. (2010). In-vitro susceptibility testing of some Phellinus species against Acinetobacter baumannii from Maharashtra India. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 4 (13): 1335-1338.( ISSN 1996-0875)

2. Bhosle, S., Ranadive, K., Bapat, G., Garad, S., Deshpande, G., Vaidya, J. (2010). Taxonomy and Diversity of Ganoderma from the Western parts of Maharashtra (India). Mycosphere1 (3): 249–262.( ISSN 2077 7019, (Universal Impact Factor 1.1094,Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value 2.556)

3. Ranadive et al. (2011). Checklist of Aphyllophorales from the Western Ghats of Maharashtra State, India. Mycosphere 2 (2): 91–114(Universal Impact Factor 1.1094,Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value 2.556)

4. Bapat, G., Vaidya. J., Garad, S., Bhosle, S., Ranadive, K. and Belsare, M. (2011). Screening of four species of Phellinusand optimizing Phellinus badius for biomass and exo-polysaccharide production. Int. Journ. of Applied. Biol. 2 (2): 14-17.( ISSN 2231-3370)

5. Ranade VD , Korade ST, Jagtap AV, Ranadive KR (2012). Checklist of Myxomycetes from India.Mycosphere 3(3), 358–390. (Universal Impact Factor 1.1094,Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value 2.556)

6.Kiran Ranadive, Neeta Jagtap and Jitendra Vaidya,(2012). Host diversity of genus Phellinus from world. (2012)- Elixir Appl. Botany 52 (2012) 11402-11408.(ISSN No 2229-712 X)- 9 November 2012. (ISSN 2229-712X, ICV of 5.79 in 2012)

7. Mugdha H Belsare, Kiran Ranadive, Gauri Bapat, Sandhya Garad, Subhash S Deokule and Jitendra Vaidya (2013) Screening of mushroom Phellinus switeniae (Murr.) S. Herrera and Bondart against clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii Bouvet & Grimont. Elixir Appl. Botany 54 (2013) 12398-12399. (ISSN No 2229- 712 X)- 4 January 2013.( ISSN 2229-712X, ICV of 5.79 in 2012)

8. Kiran R. Ranadive, Mugdha H. Belsare, Subhash S. Deokule, Neeta V. Jagtap, Harshada K. Jadhav and Jitendra G. Vaidya. (2013). Glimpses of antimicrobial activity of fungi from World. Journal on New Biological Reports 2(2): 142-162. (ISSN 2319 –1104, Online 12 June, 2013).

9. Kiran R. Ranadive* and Neeta V. Jagtap. (2013). Preliminary Checklist of fungal flora of Kas lateritic plateau and surroundings from the North Western Ghats of Maharashtra State. Elixir Appl. Botany 60 (2013) 16637-16640. (ISSN No 2229-712 X)- 24th July 2013. ( ISSN 2229-712X, ICV of 5.79 in 2012)

10. Ranadive KR*, Jite PK, Ranade VD and Vaidya JG (2013) Flora of Aphyllophorales from Pune District Part I.

Journal on New Biological Reports 2(3): 188-227. (ISSN 2319 – 1104, Online 29 August, 2013).

11. Ranadive Kiran Ramchandra (2013). An overview of Aphyllophorales (wood rotting fungi) from India.Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 2(12): 112-139. (Online) (ISSN:2319-7706, Impact Fator-1.594)

12.Ranadive Kiran Ramchandra (2014). Three new records of Poroid Aphyllophorales to Indian fungal flora from Pune district. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 4 (1): 126–135 (2014) (ISSN 2229- 2225, 10 May 2014) Doi 10.5943/cream/4/1/11 www.creamjournal.org.

13. Ranadive Kiran Ramchandra (2014). Eight new records of poroid fungi from Western Ghats of Pune District (Maharashtra). Kavaka 42: 29-33(2014).15th July 2014 http://www.fungiindia.co.in/


1.Pande, A., Waingankar, V., Punekar, S. and Ranadive, K. (2005). A New Xylaria from Western Ghat’s of India. Indian Journal of Forestry. 28 (3): 267-269. .( ISSN: 0971-9431)

2. Ranadive et al. (2012). Host distribution of Melampsora Cast from India. Journal of Scientific Information. Special issue. 4: 33-40 (ISSN No: 2229-5836)

3. Ranadive et al. (2012). Host distribution of Phellinus from India.Indian Journal of Forestry. 35 (1): 67-72.

(ISSN: 0971-9431)

4. Ranadive Kiran (2014). Fungal role in environmental conservation. Environment Observer, Published by Society for Environment Education. 18: 35-36.(Publication Date 28/01/2014) (ISSN 2320-5997)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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