Responce : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Some of the members do not response to the ID made by members
on their posts which seems reluctancy.
One of the reasons may be that we are not keeping them in the loop by marking a copy to the poster.
Replies go only to the group (even on reply to all) until and unless we specifically mark a copy to them in cc.
I always mark a copy to the poster and to those who have participated in the thread. And I found most of them generally react.
Saroj ji, you can take the lead in this matter as you are mostly first to reply. If you keep somebody in cc (for that make a special effort), it will be very helpful for subsequent replies.
Another reason can be due to members awaiting validation and other replies, before reacting.
Also there are some members, who generally do not react at all.
I thought the reply would reach to the sender. Ok I shall comply accordingly.
Thank you …!
Updated on December 24, 2024