Senegalia ferruginea ?


images by Dr. P. Santhan


Acacia greggii A. Gray SN Sep 12 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).
Acacia greggii A. Gray, a small tree or introduced shrub in the scrub jungle and deciduous forests from Hosur area of Krishnagiri Dt, Tamilnadu

Does not seem to match with images at the following:

Also there is no distribution in India or nearby as per ILDIS
Also I could hardly find ay reference of this in India.

To me it appear close to images at Senegalia ferruginea (DC.) Pedley

I checked the link provided by you. The plant pictures do not tally with the Senegalia ferruginea. Pl check the leaves arrangement, their size etc. Even the fruits are different. … may kindly send few more closeups of foliage, fruits etc. to Id the tree. If possible flowers also please.

Yes, original full size images will certainly help. I request … to pl. post these.

I am unable to identify this plant.

Senegalia senegal

Leaves look different from images at Senegalia senegal

Updated on December 24, 2024

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