Senegalia ferruginea (DC.) Pedley, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 92: 250 (1986). (syn: Acacia ferruginea DC.) as per Synoptic overview of Acacia sensu lato (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in East and Southeast Asia- B.R. Maslin- Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 67(1): 231–250. 2015; . Acacia ferruginea DC. (syn. Mimosa ferruginea Roxb.) as per The Plant List; . India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Dadra-Nagar-Haveli ; Delhi ; Goa ; Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra; Orissa ; Rajasthan ; Tamil Nadu ; Uttar Pradesh; West Bengal ; Myanmar (N) ; Sri Lanka (N) as per ILDIS; . Gujarati (khaiger); Hindi (khaiger, kanta chira, kaigu, banni, ansandra); Nepali (khour); Telugu: Inupa Tumma, An-sandra; Banni tree; . Fabaceae – Mimosoideae – Bangalore – RA – Acacia ferruginea – Rusty Acacia Tree – Vanni: Rusty Acacia is normally a smallish, drought-resistant, deciduous tree, not more than 12 m tall. It commonly has a bole rarely straight for more then 2-3 m. Branches are slender, armed with conical prickles; spine persist on trunk until it reaches about 15 cm. Twigs are zigzag at nodes, wiry, hairless, green or reddish. Primary roots are long, thin, tapering, wiry, yellow to brown. Leaves are alternately arranged, double-compound. prickles twin, infra-stipular, slightly curved. Common petiole 7-15 cm long; sidestalks are 4-6 pairs, leaflets 15-30 pairs, grey to glacuous (almost white when dry), linear, 0.6-1.25 cm long. Flowers are pale yellow in numerous lax axillary spikes about 14 cm long, which are often panicled at the end of the branches. Pods are smooth, 7-18 x 2-2.5 cm, contain a dry sweetish pulp, dark brown and pinnately splitting, 3-7 seeded. Seeds are 0.5-0.7 x 0.35-0.5 cm, flat ovate, oblong, distinctly stalked, and this is a diagnostic feature, greenish to brown Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Acacia ferruginea Pune: Acacia ferruginea Night Shot, leaves looks great. Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Acacia ferruginea at Pune region: Bot. name: Acacia ferruginea Requesting ID of this wild shrub – Panshet – May 2014 :: 07MAY2014 :: ARK-04 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5). Acacia This is Khair [Acacia catechu]. My photographs of this are available at this link : Google Groups There appear to be 6 pairs of pinnae. Will you try to count these again. This may be A. ferruginea then. Thank you … for specifying the distinctive characteristic. There seem to be only 6 pairs of pinnae My apologies. … is right. I stand corrected. Bannimara in Kannada. Associated with Mysore Dasara activities. Sacred tree grown in temple premises. Acacia ferruginea DC SN Aug 45 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4).
Mimosaceae Tree for ID :: MK Dec-06 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Please help me to identify this small tree found in a scrub forest of Sathyamangalam. I could not see the plant in flowering or fruiting condition. Local people told me this is Vanni (Tamil name) that refers to Prosopis cinerea. Habit: small tree Habitat: dry scrub Date: 19 Sep 2014 Location: Sathyamangalam RF, TN Alt.: 700-800 m asl Unlikely to be climbing shrub or straggling shrub, don’t see prickles on stems, only stipular spines; leaves glabrous??? or glaucous???, around 1 inch long with 4 pairs of pinnae; leaflets 10 pairs; Spines short & hooked; With that description and location, according to Flora of Madras Presidency, It closely matches to Acacia ferruginea DC. Spines short, hooked ; flower-spikes 2-4 in. long : Leaflets 10-20 pairs, ‘2 5-‘3 in. long, ‘1 in. broad, oblong, glaucous ; petals rather more than twice the ’05 in. calyx, both glabrous or the calyx minutely white pubescent ; pods 3-5 in. long, ’75-1 in. broad, apiculate, 4-7-seeded —————–14. ferruginea. ACACIA FERRUGINEA, DC.; F. B. I. ii. 295; W. & A. 273; Bedd. FL t. 51. N. Circars, Deccan and Carnatic, in dry forests, to the E. slopes of the W. Ghats. A large, deciduous, pretty tree with pale yellow flowers,glaucous leaves, Albizzia-like pods and few spines. Wood olive-brown, very hard, used for building and agricultural purposes. Yerii. Tel. Ansandra; Tarn. Velvelam. Panshet, May 2014 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKAPR-04/04 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) not tamarind by any chance? Likely to be Acacia ferruginea. I somehow overlooked this post. I support … . Botanical name doubt : 11 posts by 4 authors. I would like to know the correct name of Vanni/ Banni tree which is considered as one of the “star trees”. I have come across various names including Prosopis cineraria, Prosopis spicigera, Acaia ferruginea etc. and am quite confused! Banni as such refers to Khejri, Prosopis cineraria. This species is typical of the Thar landscape and is a popular choice for fodder and its pods are consumed by humans when dry. (a part of Panchkuta). Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druceis the valid name. (P. spicigera is synonym), In Tamil It is called Vanni, whereas in Kannada it is called Banni. Khejri Tree • Gujarati: Semi • Hindi: Jand जंड, Khejri खेजड़ी Khejri • Kannada: Perumbai • Marathi: शेमी Shemi • Oriya: Shami • Tamil: parambai, Vanni • Telugu: జమ్మీ చెట్టు Jammi chettu There is always a confusion as to which of the trees Acacia ferruginea or Prosopis cineraria is Banni. In Karnataka especially in Mysore the tree which is worshiped as Banni mara or Shami vruksha is Acacia ferruginea and during Dasara Maharaja worships the same tree and at the end of the Dasara procession he cuts a small branch. More over, I have seen these trees planted in many temples and they also call it as Banni mara. Here, in Karnataka one which is worshipped as one of the ‘star trees’ is Acacia ferruginea. Hence for me there is no doubt that Banni is Acacia ferruginea. In Tamil Nadu many people call Prosopis cineraria as Vanni. In Kannada it is known as Perumbai. It is the state tree of Rajasthan. Acaia feruuginea, Kaigar Khair is I believe not really an Indian species I believe, even if found all over the subcontinent in the drier areas. Thank you, …, for the clarification. The book ” Stars and Trees, Trees of the Nakshatravanam” brought out by Thenmala Ecotourism Society and TBGRI, gives the name as Prosopis cineraria. Thanks for the message. For me it is always Acacia ferruginea. The information is useful because now I know that the seeds I got from a tree said to be Banni must be A.ferruginea.
. Acacia ferruginea – Rusty Acacia Tree – Vanni – in full bloom in lalbagh very beautiful: I could not attach the image as it keeps removing after posting. here is the link Shami vruksha or Banni mara in Kannada. I thought vanni is same as banni – i will change it to banni only Please help identifying : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Please help me identifying the attached plant. This was seen in a revenue waste land at Danayanicheruvu (14.075876, 78.340166) near Kadiri in Anantapur district. I have attached pictures of leaves, pod, thorn etc. Please let me know if some of you need more information. Pl. check /species/a—l/f/fabaceae/acacia In absence of the specific inflorescence/infructescence pattern, the tentative identification is Senegalia ferruginea (DC.) Pedley [= Acacia ferrruginea DC. (1825), Mimosa ferruginea Roxb. (1832)]. Mimosaceae tree for ID :: MAR2018 MK001 : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5) Please help ID this armed Mimosaceae tree found in a private property. Could this be Prosopis cinerea? Height: 10 m tall Habitat: urban garden Altitude: 25 m asl Location: Chennai, TN Date: 26 Oct 2017 Please check for Acacia ferruginea. Need to check other characters as well for confirmation. Flowers would have helped. In future, pl. post at least 800 by 600 pixel images (as per posting guidelines) to see any details otherwise lot of time is wasted without reaching to any conclusion. After spending lot of time on these small images, I feel these may be closer to Senegalia ferruginea as stated by … I am attaching the original pictures for your kind perusal. Apologies for the much reduced images on the group. Thank you. Please check this link as well: Trees; to 20 m high; bark 10-12 mm thick, dark brown, rough, deeply fissured, blaze pink; branchlets brownish or blackish. Leaves bipinnate, alternate, stipulate; stipular spines in pairs, nodal, 0.5-6 mm long, hooked or sometimes straight; rachis 3. 5-8 cm, slender, grooved above, pulvinate, glabrous, with a gland at the base: Acacia ferruginea Attachments (1) – 6 MB Attachments (1) – 6 MB Attachments (1) – 6 MB Attachments (1) – 6 MB Attachments (1) – 6 MB …, Yes. MS/April/2020/9 ID of the tree. : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Could this be a species of Prosopis. No, does not look like any Prosopis as per comparative images herein. May be something like Senegalia ferruginea (DC.) Pedley as per images and details herein. Thanks … I checked it further. It is not a tree but a bush. Later I checked with my collections of Acacias’ leaf characteristics. It tallies with Vachellia farnesiana, also known as Acacia farnesiana, and previously Mimosa farnesiana, commonly known as sweet acacia, huisache. ID character is the needle like ends of the leafy branch (another name needle bush for this reason) . . Tree ID please: 3 images. Found this tree in a hillock near Vellore, TN taken in the month of Jan. Does the plant have spiny sir? If not check with Albizia thompsonii, I think it is a Senegalia species, maybe Senegalia ferruginea (DC.) Pedley Seems you’re right If the fruits are arranged in spikes, then yes, Senegalia ferruginea.
Pl. validate the id of Acacia mellifera? Location: NBNP Garden, Date: August, 2011 Habitat: Garden Habit: Tree Leaves shape and their arrangement do not support the ID. Can you send close ups of leaves or recheck the characters I think Senegalia ferruginea (DC.) Pedley is possible.
Acacia sp.: 3 high res. images. Found this small tree in hillock near Poottu thakku near Vellore TN in the month of July. Pl. check Mimosaceae members. Pictures showing the plant parts clearly will be helpful to ID the tree. Might be Acacia pennata Images are not clear. But there is possibility of Senegalia ferruginea or Senegalia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottler) Maslin as per comparative images at Senegalia Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. ??? Yes it is Senegala ferruinea (= Acacia ferruginea), planted by the forest department in the foot hill areas, it is fast growing, drought resistant tree, some people misidentified it as Prosopis cineraria and planted in the temple. , |
Senegalia ferruginea
Updated on December 24, 2024