Solanum violaceum Ortega , Nov. Pl. Descr. Dec. 56 56 1798. (syn: Solanum chinense Dunal; Solanum indicum var. recurvatum C.Y. Wu & S.C. Huang; Solanum nivalomontanum C.Y. Wu & S.C. Huang; (=) Solanum kurzii Brace ex Prain; (=) Solanum sanitwongsei Craib);
. Arabian Peninsula to Taiwan and Philippines: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Yemen as per POWO; .
. As per efi thread: Solanum violaceum Ortega, Nov. Pl. Descr. Dec. 56. 1798. Solanum indicum described in FBI, as understood now represents more one species: S. erianthum D. Don, S. anguivi and S. violaceum. Latter is quite distinct in its purple flowers (white in first, white with purple veins in second), branches and underside of leaves tomentose, prickles curved on stem, straight on petiole and leaf beneath; leaf unequal at base, sinuately lobed; flowers in leaf-opposed cymes, 2 cm across, calyx finely stellate; berry green mottled with white when young orange when ripe, about 1 cm across. S. anguivi is supposed to have many flowered infl, smaller flowers and fruits in clusters:
The plants originally placed in Solanum indicum especially in Indian context are now recognised as at least two distinct species:
Solanum anguivi: Leaves elliptic-ovate with 2-4 pairs of lobes, base oblique; flowers in raceme-like cyme, 5-20-fld; corolla 6-12 mm across; white with occasional purple veins on outer surface; berry subglobose, 8-11 mm green or white when young, red when ripe, in clusters of up to 20 fruits…….refer to eFl Pakistan
Solanum violaceum: Leaves sinuate to pinnately lobed, stellately pubescent, densely beneath, unequal at base, nerves with almost straight prickles on both surfaces; corolla blue-purple, 2-2.5 cm across; berry globose, orange, 1 cm across. ….refer to Flora of Ceylone vol. 6 page 378. . S. lasiocarpum: Robust shrubs, to 1.5 m high; stems densely spineus prickled and stellate hairy. Leaves to 35 x 35 cm, ovate-orbicular, entire or shallowly lacerate; stellate hairs unequally armed; petioles 5-10 cm long. Flowers in groups of 2-3, axillary, epedunculate; pedicels short; calyx densely stellate hairy; corolla 3-4 cm across, blue, hairy outside; ovary densely hairy. Berry 3-5 cm across, globose, densely covered with spineus bristles.
Solanum violaceum Ortega ssp. violaceum: Armed undershrubs, up to 1.5 m tall; branches minutely stellate-hairy on young parts, glabrate when mature. Leaves 5-12 x 4-7 cm, ovate or ovate-oblong, sinuately to deeply lobed, base rounded or unequal, apex subacute, sparsely stellate-hairy above, stellate-woolly beneath, prickly on the nerves; petiole to 2.5 cm long. Flowers bluish-violet in extra-axillary racemes; peduncle c. 4 cm long; pedicel to 8 mm long. Calyx cupular; lobes 5, c. 5 mm long, triangular, prickly. Corolla c. 2 cm across, campanulate. Stamens 5; anthers c. 5 mm long. Ovary c. 2 x 2 mm, globose; stigma acute. Berry 0.8-1.3 cm across, globose; orange yellow when ripe.
As per recent interpretation of S. lasiocarpum (these species have been much confused in the past),
S. lasiocarpum has only white (and not purple) flowers and characteristic hairy ovary and berry.
The plant often gone under the name Solanum indicum in Indian Floras has now been understood as several species. One such is S. anguivi which has again white flowers with purple veins on outside and more important there are numerous berries in a bunch. As per efi thread: .
Solanum shrub for ID :: MK004 SEP2016 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Please help in identification of this Solanum species. It is seen on the floor of Deciduous forests and the shrub can grow up to one metre tall.
Location: Bandipur NP (and also in Mudumalai TR)
Elev.: 900 m asl
Date: 21 August 2016
Solanum violaceum Ortega (accepted name) ??? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10)
Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 21 April 2017
Altitude: 4400 ft. I also feel these are closer to images at Solanum violaceum
syn: Solanum indicum Clarke in FBI (non L.); Solanum chinense Dunal
Solanum indicum described in FBI, as understood now represents more one species: S. erianthum D. Don, S. anguivi and S. violaceum. Latter is quite distinct in its purple flowers (white in first, white with purple veins in
second), branches and underside of leaves tomentose, prickles curved on stem, straight on petiole and leaf beneath; leaf unequal at base, sinuately lobed; flowers in leaf-opposed cymes, 2 cm across, calyx finely stellate; berry green mottled with white when young orange when ripe, about 1 cm across. Photographed from Dakpathar on September 16, 2011
Here are Mine pics Sir From Same Place Hooghly last week : seems to be Solanum anguivi Lam. : Attachments (14). 5 posts by 2 authors. for S. indicum L. –
This should be S. violaceum I must have missed some characters. I need to refresh my solanum collection. I will upload more species later.
FoP must have updated their site after your key in – efi thread
Flora indica, vol1, p570 informs –
S. indicum Willd. sp. i. 1042 (i don’t know it’s meaning) – berries erect, round. smooth…. while immature variegated with deeper and lighter green, when ripe with deep orange yellow. These threads should help
This plant is not Solanum anguivi Lam. as per Flora of Zimbabwe and your post & discussion at – efi thread 1 & efi thread 2
Also some semi-domesticated form at – plantnames.unimelb KEY to Solanum in eFI informs S. violaceum Ortega is an unarmed shrub : 15a > 16b > 19b > 20b !!! This goes against the thread, both on ‘arm’ and ‘flower size’.
Attached here sub-reniform, foveolate seeds of this plant. Attachments(1) Stem in S. violaceum has curved prickles as per our regular key on the website. I can’t now figure out how I added S. kurzii as synonym of S. violaceum. I have removed that now. But then S. kurzii is an East Himalayan species, fruits uploaded by … once as Tita Baingun. Perhaps you can explore it further.
efi thread Thank you for the updated KEY. Interestingly GRIN thinks Solanum kurzii Brace ex Prain is synonym of Solanum violaceum Ortega. I think I must have followed GRIN in putting S. kurzii as synonym after constructing the key. Perhaps original description of S. kurzii should help. Found herbarium of Solanum kurzii –
Thank you Also found photo and illustration of Solanum sanitwongsei Craib. I looks both synonyms given by GRIN have problem. S. violaceum clearly has curved prickles as indicated in both description of Flora of China I have read and re-read FoC description of S. violaceum Ortega many times. Herbarium of S. violaceum clearly shows prickles –
But, ENVIS has purple flowered S. anguivi Lam.
and a herbarium – (source envis.frlht)
This is confusing, for earlier I thought my plant was closer to S. anguivi Lam. of FoP., even though it doesn’t have many flowered racemes. But at the same time my plant neither have ‘scorpioid raceme’ (?) of S. violaceum of FoC. Of-course ‘’ have different version of Solanum anguivi. The confusion is justified, as both S. anguivi and S. violaceum have S. indicum as synonym in one form or another, obviously not very different species. Perhaps any recent book which lists both can give a better and conclusive key. Thank you Sir. Solanum erianthum D. Don (S. verbascifolium non L.) is another species which was entered, in Hooker, Prain and Haines as S. verbascifolium L. But, S. verbascifolium L. is regarded as S. donianum Walp., by GRIN and FoC. Yes …, the plant identified as S. verbascifolium in Indian works is S. erianthum D. Don, as clarified in several threads of of efloraofindia Yes Sir, I have noted our group site posts. I was thinking what could be Ritesh Ji’s plant, which looks somewhat like ethno-botanik, impossible though! Attached images may be Solanum anguivi Lam. Please validate
Date :24.12.2013
Location: Kamrup district, Assam
Family : Solanaceae
Genus & species : Solanum anguivi Lam
Habitat: Grows wild
Habit : Shrub Solanum violaceum I hope I hope S. anguivi is now treated as the synonym of S. violaceum ssp. violaceum I don’t think so, both major databases GRIN and The Plant List treat it distinct
Solanum anguivi Lam SN Oct 30 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Solanum anguivi Lam (= Solanum indicum var. lividum (Link) Bitter), wild herb from the hilly areas of Krishnagiri dt. Tamilnadu and adjacent Karnataka. The elevation is around 1000m Common in western ghats too. I think it is S. violaceum Ortega (syn: Solanum kurzii Brace ex Prain). Solanum anguivi Lam SN Oct 30 : 14 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (3). Common in western ghats too I think it is S. violaceum Ortega (syn: Solanum kurzii Brace ex Prain). In S. anguivi flowers are white with often purple veins outside, fruit red when mature. These two species are very closely related, only minor differences exist. Let me provide those differences after referring regional floras. I think this plant is different from Solanum violaeum Orteg. in many-flowered axillary cymes vs solitary or few flowers, also the fruits are shining berries, smaller in size, without much enlarged, prickly calyx..
However, an authentic version of distinct features from regional floras is awaited, … has assured to provide.. efi page on Solanum violaceum & Solanum anguivi I am very much interested to know. Because, earlier I argued a lot with Gurcharan Sir regarding a similar looking species i posted. And i used a scale.
But I have a question, to know some technical detail about inflorescence. I request Gurcharan Sir to make it easy for me –
Thank you Please read the comments on … post. It is not armed at all.
Regarding Flora of Pakistan, I somehow have lost confidence seeing so many mistakes. Moreover, the Indian Solanum indicum seems to be segregated into three species S. lasiocarpum, S. violaceum and S. anguivi, Flora of Pakistan is silent on S. well as S. lasiocarpum, let us add S. incanum to the discussion.
Flowers in S. aguivi may be mauve, purple to white in up to 20-flowered bunches, distinctly star shaped, fruits in bunches; flower 6-12 across; fruits 8-18 mm across, turning orange to red when ripe
S. lasiocarpum has densely hirsute, straight prickles, infl. few flowered, flowers 2 cm across, purple to white, calyx enlarged in fruit; young fruit densely hairy, orange and 2 cm across when ripe.
S. violaceum: Plants with fine hairs; prickles on stem short, broad based; leaves with straight prickles on leaves along veins, flowers up to 12; corolla blue purple sometimes white, 2 cm across; fruit orange, 1 cm across.
S. incanum: though looking similar to S. violaceum, but flowers always blue-purple, only one flower bisexual, as such one fruit per infl; flower; corolla 3-3.5 cm across; berry 25-30 mm across, yellow
Looking at all above I also go with S. anguivi I am getting more confused. … plant is armed at efi thread and it looks close to the photographs of FoZ.
Should we discard your earlier KEY – flowers mostly white with purple veins = S. anguivi?
Do I take the plant, S. anguivi of Pakistan Flora as S. violaceum?
To differentiate between violaceum and anguivi – flower size (20mm against 6-12mm) can be taken as a KEY, fruit is difficult (10mm against 8-18mm), but how do we know the size if it is not mentioned? In my specimen the fruit is less than 1cm only Thank you very much …. But, I think neither flower size nor fruit size would help in differentiating the two concerned species – anguivi and violaceum.
Thank you once again You are right …, that is why they have been often reffered to S. indicum in Indian Floras This is very much beyond my online research work! Instead if you ask me select one ID between anguivi and violaceum I would happily accept violaceum of FoC, specially for my plant, for reasons I try to explain below (and while trying I will use the tips which I have collected from your comments in various threads) –
So, I think our species, closely connected to China’s if not same, is Indian version of S. violaceum Ortega Since it is very common throughout India it can’t be Africa’s S. anguivi Lam.
African plant may be present in pockets as in … post. But not guaranteed, because as per literatures the violaceum flower can also be “nearly white (Haines)”.
Thus far my research goes.
Thank you very much, specially for giving me an opportunity to express myself.
Attachments (2)
I would like to add another point in favour of S. violaceum. In his thread … provides us complete list of Solanum in Bangladesh – efi thread where Solanum anguivi doesn’t exist/listed.
So, the Solanum indicum L. of “Bengal Plants” must be S. violaceum of China or Bangladesh.
I would further like to add that my plant is not Solanum ferox L. (perhaps it is also non-L.?) of BP or BoBO, because Haines informs fruits are 1 inch and Prain informs fruits are 1 inch or more across.
My plant is neither Solanum incanum L. because {i} FBI thinks it is synonymous with S. melongena L. (ii) even if it is wild as in FoP, fruits should be an inch or more (as per FoP). ID of Solanum sp. from Assam KD 22 Nov : 4 posts by 3 authors.
Attached images may be Solanum anguivi Lam. or S. violaceum Ortega. Please ID the plant.
Date :07.02.2014
Location: Assam
Family : Solanaceae
Genus & species : Solanum anguivi Lam. OR S. violaceum Ortega.
Habitat: Grows wild on bank of the pond
Habit : Shrub Larger flowers, more deeply lobed leaves suggest S. violaceum. Solanum (Solanaceae) shrub for ID :: MK Dec-05 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)
Please help me in identifying this prickly shrub.
Habitat: near agricultural land / in open scrub forest edges
Date: 19 Sep 2014
Place: Sathyamangalam
Alt.: 850 m asl Solanum indicum Thank you …, but Solanum indicum (S.anguivi) don’t have white flowers? No it will not have white flowers, it is common at around 800- 1000m altitude area. Here are the links to the key and previous discussions So it is Solanum violaceum as per link given by … Solanaceae Fortnight: Solanum violaceum from Dakpathar-GSFEB03/05 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)
Solanum violaceum Ortega, Nov. Pl. Descr. Dec. 56. 1798. syn: Solanum indicum Clarke in FBI (non L.); Solanum chinense Dunal
Solanum indicum described in FBI, as understood now represents more one species: S. erianthum D. Don, S. anguivi and S. violaceum. Latter is quite distinct in its purple flowers (white in first, white with purple veins in second), branches and underside of leaves tomentose, prickles curved on stem, straight on petiole and leaf beneath; leaf unequal at base, sinuately lobed; flowers in leaf-opposed cymes, 2 cm across, calyx finely stellate; berry green mottled with white when young orange when ripe, about 1 cm across.
The species may also be confused with S. incanum, from which it differs as follows
Photographed from Dakpathar on September 16, 2011
Solanaceae Fortnight: Solanum violaceum Ortega from Assam KD 04, FEB ’15 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8)
Attached images are Solanum violaceum Ortega. . Solanaceae Fortnight: Solanum violaceum Ortega Feb2015sk19/37 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)
I had long discussion with … regarding the ID of this species in the threads –
‘Bengal Plants’ records this as Solanum indicum L., distributed in all provinces (of then Bengal). FI records it as S. indicum Willd. sp. i. 1042.
Sourav Ji’s thread tells me that my species is Solanum violaceum Ortega. Solanaceae Week: Solanum violaceum ssp. violaceum PKFEB21/21 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Pls find Solanum violaceum Ortega ssp. violaceum
Solanaceae Fortnight : Solanum For ID : Nairobi,Kenya : 20FEB15 : AK-7: 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Solanum shrub for ID :: MK004 SEP2016 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Please help in identification of this Solanum species. It is seen on the floor of Deciduous forests and the shrub can grow up to one metre tall.
Location: Bandipur NP (and also in Mudumalai TR)
Elev.: 900 m asl
Date: 21 August 2016 I would say Solanum violaceum… Solanum anguivi Lam. (accepted name) ?? : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10)
Sharing some pictures I guess is Solanum anguivi Lam. (accepted name) Syn. Solanum indicum shot at Chobhar Hill, Kathmandu, Nepal on 15 September 2016 at 4600 ft.
Nepali Names:
ठुलो विहीं Thulo Bihin / बिहि Bihi / निलो बिहि Nilo Bihi / कल्चौडा काँडा Kalchauda Kaadaa
efi page on Solanum anguivi I think closer to Solanum violaceum as per the keys herein & as per images in the the following threads:
Did not find it in any book and the link below for Nepal. Pl. Check more details at EFI page. Waiting for ID validation . Pl. go through details at Solanum violaceum ID could not be verified yet.
Adding some images of fruiting stage at the same location on 18 July 2017.
Attachments (9)
I guess Solanum violaceum Ortega syn : Solanum indicum L.
is the correct ID. Solanum indicum L. is included in the book
Flora of Kathmandu Valley.
Same plant of the first post!
Location: Chobhar, Nepal
Altitude: 4600 ft.
Date: 15 Dcember 2017 Attachments (5)
Solanum For ID : Bright Orange Fruits : Bangalore : 23NOV16 : AK-4 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Solanum Species seen near a lake, with tiny ripe bright orange berries. For Species id please.
Solanum violaceum I hope. That was really a fast reply. Remembered the earlier days when Tanay was on our group. Thanks for the id.
Solanum Id from Bangladesh_SM_1426 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Flowering: January
Habitat: Road side
Solanum violaceum Ortega ?? I agree with … for Solanum violaceum This small shrub was seen at Shola forest near Munnar.
Some Solanum sp. (Family: Solanaceae). Looks like Solanum anguivi ?? Efi page available at Some other species. Looks different from images at Solanum anguivi It looks like Solanum indicum. . Solanum violaceum Ortega I too agree with … . MS, June, 2021/21 Solanum sp. for id.: 2 images. Solanum violaceum Ortega Possibly yes. The flower photos would help further for confirming the ID. . Solanum violaceum from Anjana Layout Bangalore-GS29012022-1: 7 very high res. images. . 280 ID wild plant: 10 images. Looks close to Solanum violaceum Ortega but could be some other also ! Yes, it is Solanum violaceum dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant, . Solanum violaceum Ortega
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Solanum violaceum
Updated on December 24, 2024