Strobilanthes callosa

Strobilanthes callosa Nees, N. Wallich, Pl. asiat. rar. 3:85. 1832 (Syn: (≡) Carvia callosa (Nees) Bremek.);
— meaning, cone flower
kal-OH-sus — meaning, calloused or thick
commonly known as: karvy • Hindi: मरुआदोना maruadana • Manipuri: খুম khum • Marathi: कारवी karvy
Endemic to Forest Undergrowth and Hill Slopes of Konkan & Western Ghat
It flowered in Sep 2008. We have to wait till 2015 to see it flower again as it flowers every 7 years.
An occasional flowering plant can be observed in any Sep though but rarely.
An occasional plant may show white coloured flowers.
In Mackenziea integrifolia leaves margin is entire as in this (Strobilanthes callosus) it is minutely serrulate. In Mackenziea leaves apex is long acuminate but in this short acuminate.

Flora of Sahyadri & Konkan – Carvia callosa:
Name of Species:  Carvia callosa
Common Name:  Karvi (Common Conehead)
Family: Acanthaceae
Conservation status: NA, Endemic to Forest Undergrowth and Hill Slopes of Konkan & Western Ghat
Photographed:11th September, 2011
Location: Rajmachi Forest Area (Lonavala), Western Ghats, Maharashtra
Habitat Type : Hill Slope
Lens: OLYMPUS ED LENS AF ZOOM 4.6 – 92 mm, 1:2.8 – 4.6
Abundance: Common shrub of the region, known to flower (in mass) every seven years (but this is not the seventh year).


Kas week : Strobilanthes callosus SMP:
Strobilanthes callosus
Synonym: Carvia callosa
Karvi कारवी
It flowered in Sep 2008. We have to wait till 2015 to see it flower again as it flowers every 7 years.
An occasional flowering plant can be observed in any Sep though but rarely.
Last Sunday I could spot one on Rayareshwar. An occasional plant may show white coloured flowers.


Herb ID request – RK87 – 8-Jan-2013:
Requesting identification of this plant from Tungareshwer. I am confused whether it is Karvi or if it is Mackenziea integrifolia. Would like to know how to differentiate the two in absence of flowers.

This is Strobilanthes callosus Nees.
In Mackenziea integrifolia leaves margin is entire as in this it is minutely serrulate. In Mackenziea leaves apex is long acuminate but in this short acuminate.


Strobilanthes callosus:
Sharing photographs of Strobilanthes callosus

Synonyms: Carvia callosa
Vernacular name: Karvy
Family: Acanthaceae
Location : Pune, MH_Oct 2012

Is it the species will flower once in 19 years?

Strobilanthes callosus appears to be the new/latest/unresolved name of the species on The Plant List we used to call Carvia callosa earlier.
Mass flowering was observed in Western ghats in Sep 2008. (Most pictures on our forum and my collection confirms so) Occasional flowering is observed every year though in an isolated plant in the same region. Its flowering cycle is supposed to be 7 years so next flowering cycle will be in Aug/Sep 2015.

Flowering of Karvy happen after 7 yrs !!
And yes, agree with you …,
Strobilanthes callosus is a new name for this plant !!
I hd already mentioned Carvia callosa (as a synonym)
N also agreed that in 2008 Karvy was blooming in some region of W.ghats_Glad to share that I’m having photographs of Karvy in 2008 too 🙂 (at Purandar fort n Bhimashankar region.)
I wonderd when i saw blooming in Oct 2012, these Photographs taken near Torna fort, Velhe (Pune) !!

I think the species with 17 year flowering cycle is Strobilanthes kunthianus called Kurinji. Though large scale flowering occurs cyclic we see some plants in flower every year. Had gone to Yercaud to see this sight in the nineties when I lived at Coimbatore. Lovely with less crowd than these days

At present all the 64/68 previously described genera by Bremekamp are merged into one genus Strobilanthes. This plietesial/monocarpic genus is very interesting. We have 30 species in our living collection at Tropical Botanic Garden. Carvia callosa? lost from our collection.

Strobilanthes kunthianus is having a 12 year flowering cycle. Where as S. lawsonii is telling to having 17 years flowering cycle by Gamble ? But Strobilanthes dupeni Bedd ex Clarke is having 17 years flowering cyle. I have a few plants which flowered in 1995 and the seedling again flowered in 2012 at our garden, so the flowering cycle of S. dupeni is 17 years.


Sinhagad, Aug 2014 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: 07AUG14 :: ARK-03: 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Sinhagad, Pune in Aug 2014.

This is Karvi [Carvia callosa].

Strobilanthes callosa is the new name?

Negative. It is still called Carvia callosa – the Common Conehead. Sending a few photographs.
Attachments (5)

Dr.Almeida in his ‘Flora of Maharashtra’ Vol-4A; pg.23, refers to it as Carvia callosa. Strobilanthes callosus is listed as a synomym. Bremekempia [pgs 20 – 22] is considered as a separate Genus.

You are right, it is now known as Strobilanthes callosus Nees following the earlier taxonomic concept of treating Strobilanthes as a single genus. Bremekamp had a narrow generic concept of treating  Strobilanthes into several genera and currently his concept has been rejected. According to Bremekamp, the true Strobilanthes was not occurring in India then.


Strobilanthes callosus——for sharing and validation : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Pic taken at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in Nov 14. Only one flowering i noticed.

one more strobilanthes
I need to start a counting sheet
nice set of pics

Very nice pictures of Strobilanthes callosus.
For information: We have 29 species of Strobilanthes in our living collection at Tropical Botanic Garden , Thiruvananthapuram

Of Goa of Feb 15 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Goa-western ghat complex, Feb 15, 220 MSL.
Plant size about 3-4 feet, fully tomentose. Flowers have velvety fell and readily secrete a mucilageous jelly like substance on hand, which smells like scented turpentine.
For ID please.

Genus Strobilanthes. species may be callosus but not sure about it.

I think it is Stobilanthes callosus

Strobilanthes callosus Nees
at Sanjay Gandhi National Park & Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary at different times

2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Attached are pictures of Strobilanthes callosa captured at Rajgad in December 2014.
Found this to be the lone plant flowering during the entire length of my trek.
Requested to validate the ID.


Karvy flowers,  hotographed at “Kusur Plateau” near Kamshet
Bot. name:  Carvia callosa

A very beautiful plant, that too aplenty.. thanks for showing this

Acanthaceae Fortnight ::Carvia callosa (Albinos) ::Kamshet :: PKA-MAR67/67: : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Carvia callosa white flowers..from Kamshet..
Attached are pictures of Strobilanthes callosa captured at Sinhagad in August 2014.
The plants were in a vegetative state and no flowers were seen at all.
Please validate.


SMPAPR03 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Carvia callosa
Kas plateau

aaah… the original Karvy of acanthaceae ? looks very familiar and nice pic


Strobilanthes callosa—-for sharing and validation : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Pic taken at Aambyvalley rd., Lonavala, Pune in Oct.14

very nice

White Strobilanthes for Id no. 130616sn1 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8)
Your help in iding this plant.
location:aambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune
plant habit:shrub?
height:more than 5-6 ft.

Pl. check comparative images of Strobilanthes species in efi 

This, I believe is common karvi, Strobilanthes callosus. For some reason, some plants may have borne white flowers.

A good record, This is not common but I have frequently noticed and recorded images of this white variety of Karvi in numerous locations in the past. It’s very refreshing to suddenly come upon this unusual bloom amongst vast patches of Karvi blooms in the Sahyadris.

Thanks … for the Id though it looks strange.

Strobilanthes callosa :: SGNP, Mumbai :: Sep 2016 – ARKOCT13 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (11)
Strobilanthes callosa was mass flowering in SGNP, Mumbai in Sep 2016. Attaching some pics of the same.

Carvia callosa syn Strobilanthes callosa : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Carvia callosa, Kaas plateau
photographed in the third week of October
it was still flowering profusely


62 Identify wild plant: 15 images.

Please identify the wild plant,
Location:  near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671
Date:.              13.03.2021, 01.10pm
Altitude:           1700fsl
Habitat:            wild moisture
Plant habit:      creeping/erect branches weak stem perennial
Height:             03 meters
Leaves:            opposite heart shaped toothed margins hairy
Flower:             5 petals diameter:18mm, violet (within 4 hours become pink) non fragrant

Sharing more images,

Strobilanthes callosa Wall. ex Nees ??
Is this camera or mobile click ?

Great …, yes it is.
It is mobile click.

Thank you … I feel you should start now camera clicks !

Images by Anita Kindre, Alka Khare, Satish Phadke & Dinesh Valke (Inserted by J.M.Garg)

In Sanjay Gandhi National Park(SGNP), Mumbai; near Pauna Lake–Lonavla on the 18th, Aug.’ 08; at Sagargad, Alibag- Karvi in full bloom- 21/8/08; At Yewoor Range –  Sanjay Ghandhi National Park  Maharastra- On 24th August 2008; at  Goregaon, Mumbai- Sept.’08;  in SGNP, near Lion Safari area- Dec.’08; at the south end of the national park in Mumbai- Oct’09; 26th Sept 2010 from Malshej; lonavala mulshi pune;
Fwd: [birdsofbombay] An Incredible mass-flowering Year – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Fwd: [prakruti] Few more notes about Karvi flower (Carvia Callosa ) and its honey. – indiantreepix | Google Groups

karvi – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Karvi (Carvia callosa) – efloraofindia | Google Groups
ID Help Needed Plants from Dangs 2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Karwi at Kas – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Beuty of carvia callosa in Malshej. – efloraofindia | Google Groups
The last pods of Karvi – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Karvi Flowering – SGNP -24 /08/08 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Karvy close up and pink buds – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Carvia callosa – efloraofindia | Google Groups
id requested – efloraofindia | Google Groups
identification – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Shrubs for ID : Nasik : 15FEB22 : AK – 2: 7 images
Shrubs seen on the mountain slope in the Saptashrungi mountain in Nasik district, yesterday.
The mountain is more than 4000 feet above sea level.

Could these be Strobilanthes Species?

Yes. Appears close to images at Strobilanthes callosa Nees, as per images and details herein.


Strobilanthes callosa Nees: 1 high res. image.

synonyms: Carvia callosa (Wall. ex Nees) Bremek.; Ruellia callosa Wall.; Strobilanthes grahamianus Wight
location/date: road from Semadoh to Chikaldara, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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