Strobilanthes penstemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 477, 1867 (syn: Goldfussia flexuosa Nees; Goldfussia pentastemonoides Nees; Ruellia capitata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don); Strobilanthes pentstemonoides (Wall. ex Nees) T. Anders. (accepted name) ?? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (15)
Sharing some pictures I guess is Strobilanthes pentstemonoides (Wall. ex Nees) T. Anders. (accepted name) shot at Surya Binayak Forest, Bhaktapur, Nepal on 26 September 2016 at 4800 ft. I do not think it matches with images at Strobilanthes penstemonoides I think we need help from … Looks good to me for a rather immature Strobilanthes pentastemonoides var pentastemonoides. Note glabrous corolla, glabrous leaves, only weakly anisophyllous, paoery (but not yet scarious) bracteoles etc.
Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Strobilanthes penstemmonoides :: Dharamshala, HP :: ARKMAR-68/80 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) .
HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID – Strobilanthes1 :: ARKJAN-17/17 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Request to ID this Strobilanthes captured near Dharamshala, HP in October 2014. Looks like Strobilanthes penstemmonoides Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Strobilanthes penstemmonoides :: Almora :: ARKMAR-67/79 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Attached are pictures of Strobilanthes penstemmonoides captured at Almora, Uttarakhand in November 2012.
Please validate. Not sure of ID; nice find; wonderful capture. Another Strobilanthes? ABJAN01/02 : 6 posts by 3 authors. 10 images.
While collecting a sample to verify S. glutinosus, I came across this plant. The smaller flowers are darker blue and the short stalked leaves are winged. More than a dozen plants are flowering in a dry nullah. Could this be another Strobilanthes sp.? Please advise.
Near Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
04 January 2016 Images of Strobilanthes species in eFloraofindia so far (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)
Images of Strobilanthes glutinosus Please check for:
Strobilanthes wallichii Nees in Wall., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 87. 1832; C.B. Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 471. 1884.
In case it is not matching, please check for S. attenuata or S. angustifrons or S. bracteata. Meanwhile I will confirm its identity with John Wood. I think this is Strobilanthes penstemonoides although it is hardly typical as the flowers are not truly “capitellate” and I can’t see any sign of the scarious caducous bracteoles. However the corolla is glabrous, the sepals are glandular with one calyx lobe distinctly longer than the others so I think it must be that species. I would like to congratulate Ashwini Bhatia on the photos of the floral details. These show more clearly than I have ever seen the distinctive ellipsoid/suborbicular anthers, with the shorter anthers recurved, which are defining features of the “Goldfussia” group. Thank you … Please pass on my thanks to … Two Strobilanthes species ABJAN01/07 : 7 posts by 4 authors. 9 images.
These are the two Strobilanthes species in flower now. Dr Wood helped identify the two as S. penstemonoides and S. glutinosa. Here I am putting them side by side for comparison. I will be grateful for … advice and comments once again. I think you are right, … Wonderful presentation. excellent photography and idea Wow a different photography technique to show the characters clearly. Interesting! .
Strobilanthes dalhousianus ABAUG2016/61 : 6 posts by 2 authors. 16 images.
These came out at the end of July and I had been meaning to collect a sample for a closer look as I have made mistakes identifying plants of this genus before. After some deliberation I am of the opinion that this is Strobilanthes dalhousianus (see here and here). The Plantlist accepts this name and does not mention S. penstemenoides var. dalhousiana).
Of course I could still be making a mistake. Please correct me if it is so. My apologies for a large number of photos but I thought it necessary for a confirmed ID
Strobilanthes dalhousianus—Dalhousie Bluebells
Mcleodganj and above, HP
1750m and above
Late July-24 August 2016 Sepals look different from … images at Strobilanthes penstemonoides var. dalhousieana This is Strobilanthes penstemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson. I think this is Strobilanthes penstemonoides although it is hardly typical as the flowers are not truly “capitellate” and I can’t see any sign of the scarious caducous bracteoles. However the corolla is glabrous, the sepals are glandular with one calyx lobe distinctly longer than the others so I think it must be that species. I would like to congratulate Ashwini Bhatia on the photos of the floral details. These show more clearly than I have ever seen the distinctive ellipsoid/suborbicular anthers, with the shorter anthers recurved, which are defining features of the “Goldfussia” group. Strobilanthes pentstemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 477. 1867; C.B. Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 460. 1884; Yamazaki in Hara, Fl. Eastern Himalayas 1: 305. 1966; H.J. Chowdhery & al., Materials Fl. Arunachal Pradesh 2: 256.2008. Type: Nepal, Wallich 2340 (iso. K-W, E, K).
Syn.: Goldfussia pentstemonoides Nees; Goldfussia flexuosa Nees; Ruellia capitata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don (non Goldfussia capitata Nees nec Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T. Anderson);
There are two varieties
Key to varieties
Distinctly anisophyllous; stems and leaves invariably glabrous; leaves sessile specially upper ones; calyx exclusively hairy; corolla lobes hairy on margin; longer filaments hairy…….. var. pentstemonoides
Weakly anisophyllous; stems and leaves invariably hairy; leaves petiolate; calyx glabrous or hairy; corolla lobes not hairy on margin; all staminal filaments glabrous… var. dalhousiana
Strobilanthes pentstemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson var. pentstemonoides
Much branched shrubs, 1-3 m high; stems quadrangular, glabrous. Leaves in pairs clearly anisophyllous, ovate-elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, ca 16 x 6 cm, cuneate at base and decurrent on petiole, closely serrate at margin, acuminate at tip, glabrous, coriaceous, lineolate on both surfaces, dark green above and grayesh green beneath; secondary nerves ca 7 pairs arcuate, slightly raised beneath; petioles ca 1.5 cm; upper leaves completely sessile. Inflorescences capitate, subglobose, 1-3 heads enclosing by outer bracts on peduncles, 2-3 flowers in each head. terminal on main branches, much exceeding the subtending leaves, heads 1-2.5 cm, glandular and exactly globular when young; peduncles 2-8 cm long, glabrous, sometimes glandular-hairy, 1-2 together; bracts orbicular, concave, 8 mm-1.2 cm, obtuse, whitenend, glabrous, early caducous; bracteoles absent. Calyx 8 mm in flower, 1.2 cm in fruit, divided nearly to the base, lobes linear-lanceolate, acute at tip, invariably hairy; one of the lobes distinctly longer than others. Corolla 3.5 cm, minutely pubescent on narrow part of the tube, glabrous outside, pale purple, more or less curved at the base of ventricose portion; lobes 5, orbicular, sometimes sparsely long white hairy on margins, emarginated at apex. Stamens 4, included; staminal sheath extends 1/3 of ventricose portion, hairy on the margin; filaments in two heights; shorter filaments recurved, glabrous; longer filaments hairy; anthers 2-celled, muticous at base. Ovary on a disk; style puberulous, subexerted; stigma dilated above; one of the lobes suppressed. Capsules oblong-clavate, 1.5 cm, glandular-pubescent at apex, 4-seeded; seeds ovate, 3 mm, hairy; areoles very small. Fl.& Fr.: August-March (flowering period varies in different places). Habitat: Subtropical Himalaya, upto 2000-2500 m from Nepal to Bhutan, frequent, on river banks amidst grasses. Distrib.: World: Bhutan, India and Nepal. India: Arunachal Pradesh (Tirap and Subansiri), Assam (Sibsagar), Nagaland (Naga hills) and Uttarakhand (Dehra Dun). Notes: S. pentstemonoides is known from extensive collections of Nepal. The leaves are very variable in size but are essentially elliptic in shape, flowers in pedunculate, bracteate heads terminal on axillary branchlets. The branchlets are usually relatively long, clearly exceeding the leaves and bearing a pair of relatively persistent leaflets at the branching point. The peduncles are usually glandular-pilose. The only difference between S. pentstemonoides and S. dalhousiana from the Western Himalaya is in the indumentum of the leaves and stem. In the former it is quite glabrous whereas in S.dalhousienana the stems and leaf veins are distinctly hairy. Also refer to : J.R.I. Wood in Edinb. J. Bot. 51(2): & fig. 1994 & J.R.I. Wood, Acanthaceae in A.J.C. Grierson & D.G. Lal, Fl. Bhutan 2 (3): 2001. . SK726 26 AUG-2017:ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11) Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal
Altitude: 7000 ft.
Date: 24 November 2012
Strobilanthes pentstemonoides var. dalhousieana (Nees) J. R. I. Wood
It is actually from my old collections and not sure if belongs to same sp.
Even picture quality is not so good. . Acanthaceae undershrub SN191017 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Check comparative images at
Aechmanthera gossypina ? Thank you …, it is matching. I think close to images at Strobilanthes penstemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson I saw this also at Chakrata, is matching with this identity
Attachments (1)
Location: Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal
Date: 6 September 2017
Elevation : 7400 ft.
Strobilanthes …???
Yes, pl. check comparative images at genera page on efi site. Looks different than the earlier identified by you as above link.
Pl. check with images at Strobilanthes clarkei J.R.I. Wood
Strobilanthes clarkei J.R.I. Wood is not listed in Nepal !
To avouid confusion the images are forwarded. This is Strobilanthes pentastemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson. . SK838 30 OCT-2017:ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Location: Suryavinayak, Bhktapur, Nepal
Date: 7 October 2017
Elevation : 4600 ft. Strobilanthes … ???
Yes. Pl. check comparative images in efi site. To me it appears to be Strobilanthes pentastemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson as per images in another thread. . Strobilanthes penstemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur
Date: 16 September 2019
Elevation: 2318 m.
Habit : Wild
Strobilanthes pentstemonoides var. pentstemonoides ??
Attachments (2)- 3 & 4 mb.
Attachments (2)- 1 & 6 mb. I believe your plant is Strobilanthes pentastemonoides var. pentastemonoides. Note anisophyllous plant, glabrous unequal leaves; flowers capitellate, corolla glabrous, curved, bracteoles scarious, caducous. It is well-known from Central Nepal. . Flora of Chakrata: Aechmanthera gossypina from Chakrata Road : 13 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4).
Aechmanthera gossypina from Chakrata Road
Abundant plant seen at most of the places
pls validate I think this to be Pteracanthus urticifolius. The mass flowering that we saw was Aechmanthera gossypina. I may be wrong. pls see this link as i compared my plant with this. I also was of the opinion that this is Pteracanthus sp. I think we had both on our trip. Yours is Pteracanthus with longer flowers and longer corolla tube on longer stalks and leaves greener beneath, whereas Aechmanthera gossypina (synj: Ruellia tomentosa) has smaller flowers (2-2.5 cm long) on shorter axillary cluster and leaves tomentose beneath. I will upload it separately. Your plant resembles one on FOI but I think that identification is also wrong. Please see mine and decide. Yes Sir As my id was solely based on FOI so i was wrong Thanks for correction and throwing light on matter Feedback as per another thread:
The upload by … from Chakrata road as Aechmanthera gossypina, to me appears a Strobilanthes dalhousieanus. pl. validate. It is not Aechmanthera gossypina.. It should be Strobilanthes dalhousianus. Thanks … So my conclusion was right. I think this is Strobilanthes penstemenoides (Nees) T. Anderson var. dalhousieana Kuntze. It is certainly not Aechmanthera gossypina (Correctly Stroblanthes tomentosa (Nees) J.R.I.Wood) but it is difficult to be completely certain without some technical details. Is the corolla glabrous or hirsute at least on the corolla lobes? From the enlarged pics it appears glabrous only, Thanks, …, Is Strobilanthes penstemenoides (Nees) T. Anderson var. dalhousieana Kuntze same as Strobilanthes dalhousieanus (Nees) Clarke ? Yes, but no one has recognised Strobilanthes dalhousieana as a distinct species for many years. Can it be Strobilanthes penstemonoides var. penstemonoides as the leaves appears to be glabrous ? Location: Chisapani, Kathmandu
Date: 01 October 2019
Elevation: 2176 m.
Habit : Wild Strobilanthes sp. ! penstemonoides ?
Attachments (2) – 1 & 2 mb. Attachments (1)- 5 mb. I also think close to images at Strobilanthes penstemonoides
SK 2250 27 October 2019 : 11 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) – 1 mb or more. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur
Date: 16 September 2019
Elevation: 2197 m.
Habit : Wild
Strobilanthes lachenensis C.B.Clarke ??
Attachments (2)- 1 & 3 mb. Attachments (1) – 7 mb.
To me looks different from images at Strobilanthes lachenensis
Might be Strobilanthes bheriensis (Shakya) J.R.I. Wood but inflorescence rather depauperate. it is often difficult to identify specimens with poorly developed inflorescence.
Pl. see more images. It is difficult to be completely certain without a specimen but the form of growing, leaf shape and indumentum of the calyx looks right. However S… specimen has only one pair of flowers so not too easy to interpret. A well-developed inflorescence is important in identifying Strobilanthes. I attach an image of the type – there are very few collections of this species and more and better material is needed to be completely certain. S.bheriensis do not occur in Kathmandu valley, I guess! Strobilanthes pentstemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson var. pentstemonoides. according to …! . SK 2819 03 November 2020 : 9 posts by 1 author. 8 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date: October 2020
Elevation: 2800m.
Habitat : Wild
ID for this Strobilanthes sp. please !
I think this is Strobilanthes pentastemenoides (Nees) T. Anderson. It has the characteristic glabrous corolla and capitellate inflorescence. The bracts have fallen (as is common in more mature specimens) but one or two have fallen and are sticking to the glandular sepals and pedicels. I like the first (habit) photo as well as the details. By the way the type of S. pentastemonoides comes from the Kathmandu Valley. . SK 2812 01 November 2020 : 16 posts by 3 authors. 1st correct 8 images- 5 to 7 mb each.
Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date: October 2020
Elevation: 2600m.
Habitat : Wild
Absolutely. I missed this but it looks like an inflorescence rachis of Strobilanthes pentastemonoides from which most flowers (incl. calyx) have fallen- difficult to be certain. . ID-DKB145 : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 3 authors.
Plant from smriti van Jaipur for ID(ID-DKB145) Photo Taken on-11.5.2007 … some Strobilanthes species ? Thanks, Is it strobilanthes attracta var napaulensis
… I am not sure of ID; … we will have to wait for comments. Where did you find the name strobilanthes attracta var napaulensis, … ? . SK 3658 04 December 2022: 9 very high res. images. Location: Chitlang, Makawanpu, Nepal
Altitude : 1739m. Date: 23 November 2022
Habit : Wild ID by Dr. Wood: Strobilanthes pentstemonoides (Wall. ex Nees) T.Anderson . SK 3668 11 December 2022: 8 high res. images. The images look good for Strobilanthes pentstemonoides (Nees) R. Anderson.
. References:
Strobilanthes penstemonoides var. penstemonoides
Updated on December 23, 2024