Syzygium polypetalum (Wall. ex Wight) Merr. & Perry, Brittonia 4: 125 (1941) (syn: Eugenia angustifolia Roxb.; Eugenia polypetala (Wall.) Wight; Jambosa polypetala Wall.);
Arunachal Pradesh to Myanmar: Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, Myanmar as per POWO; . Trees with lax crown, branching near the base; branchlets with prominent leaf scars. Leaves, simple, ternate or 4 in a whorl; petioles ca. 2-3 mm long, short; lamina ca. 10-18 x 1-3 cm, linear-lanceolate or elliptic, oblong-oblanceolate, attenuate at base, acuminate at apex, margin recurved; secondary nerves 8-12 pairs. Inflorescences in umbellate cymes, few-flowered, lateral from the axils of fallen leaves; Flowers ca. 3-4 cm across, white; calyx tube ca. 1.5-2 cm long, campanulate; lobe 4-6, ca. 1 cm across, reddish-brown; petals 12-16, free, orbicular; style long, persistent. Berries subglobose. Shrub/Tree Id from Bangladesh_SM_1406 : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Habitat: Hill slope/near water
Location: Sangu Matamuri Wildlife Sanctuary, Bandarban
Flowering: February
Picture taken: February, 2019
Syzygium jambos ? i have never seen such narrow leaves on rose apple trees whether in India or in the american tropics Could be Syzygium occidentalis….. This is a shrub and profusely grown along the bank slope of Sangu River. During the rainy season it can tolerate flood conditions Syzygium jambos
To me looks different at first glance at
I could not find a match as per comparative images at Syzygium
What are the species reported from the area ?
Try Syzygium polypetalum (Wall.) Merr. & L.M.Perry
Thanks, …
To me leaves appear to be opposite in the links, which is not so in the posted image.
The leaves would be “ternate”, Sir, not opposite, vide “Bengal Plant, vol I, David Prain”
and “leaves tern, linear-lanceolar……. native of Chittagong…..”, vide “Flora Indica, vol II”
Yes, you appear to be right for Syzygium polypetalum as per GBIF.
Yes it is correct. Syzygium polypetalum
. References: POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP IPNI GBIF (High resolution specimens) India Biodiversity Portal IBIS Flora Plant illustrations |
Syzygium polypetalum
Updated on December 24, 2024