Terminalia chebula ?

Terminalia chebula ?;

Tree ID from Bangladesh SM103 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
Terminalia chebula ?
Habit: Tree
Habitat: Park

Location: Dhaka
Flowering: June

efi page on Terminalia chebula  

No. Something very different.

Seems to be Teminalia chebula.

Though FoC informs T. chebula Retz. has leaf with 6-12 pairs of lateral veins, yet the veins (visible in one or two leaf) are too widely placed to be T. chebula known to me.

Sorry …, I change my view, this one may be T. chebula Retz. Initially the leaves looked different, but now I think maybe that was due to angle of your shot. Attached here a couple of shots taken today, please compare yours with both young and older leaves. Attachments (4).

Thanks … It is all same

What is so great about Terminalia chebula. Of course, the fruiting materials are needed.

Might be other than Chebula


Fruit for Id- ID15022018SH1 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)

Fruit for Id pl.
Location – Sri Lanka
Date – Jan 2010

Could it be Terminalia bellerica?

Thanks … But are there two different varieties in Terminalia bellirica ? One with globular-round shaped  fruits and another with ovate fruits ? In fact three days back I had posted one image of T.bellirica from SGNP, Mumbai ( Ref- Fruit for Id-ID13022018SH1). This image shows round fruits as against these ovate fruits.

Did you try chebula?

Terminalia chebula fruit has ridges I suppose. This one is not showing ridges. I am confused.

Pl. check at


identification no. 030621sn2: 5 images.

Another Tree for identification. just started flowering
location:Aambyvalley Rd.,upper Lonavala,Pune
height:7-9 ft

can we see the flowers?
May be Terminalia chebula

This is in my backyard. I am seeing it for last 3 years. I have not planted it. I have never seen any flowers. Starts new foliage around this time and lasts upto dec- jan. After that it becomes bone dry shedding all its leaves. I was also waiting to see if I missed the flowers but no their were never any flowers. I am sure it is not Terminalia chebula.

T. chebula leaves are quite variable. I don’t know what else the tree can be given the location. There seem to be petiolar glands in the second picture.

Is it possible it has escaped cultivation?

I am doubtful about Terminalia chebula as per images herein.


Tree for I’d. Ludhiana 8/16_1 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Please help me identify this tree.

Thanks, … Can you post the habit picture.

Some Combretaceae member ?

The inflorescence reminds me of the Terminalia family. I am not sure of the species but please explore Terminalia genus.

habit of the tree. sir, please find attached photo of the same tree. Attachments (1)

This is Terminalia, possibly sect. Pentaptera – which is represented in India  by two species (as per my opinion) viz. T. arjuna and another species called variously in Indian floras as T. elliptica, T. alata, T. crenulata, T. coriacea and T. tomentosa.  It will be easy to identify the species after about one month when the fruits will appear.

Might be Terminalia chebula.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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