Trigonotis microcarpa (DC.) Benth. ex C.B. Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 4(10): 172 1883. (syn: Eritrichium microcarpum DC.; Myosotis microcarpa Wall.; Trigonotis peduncularis var. microcarpa (DC.) Brand); . China (Guangxi, SW-Guizhou, NW-Yunnan, SE-Yunnan, W-Yunnan), S-Tibet, SE-Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, India, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life; . Perennial, rootstock sometimes creeping. Stems erect to ± procumbent, 17-35cm, usually branched above, moderately to very sparsely appressed hispid with few patent hairs. Leaves all shortly petiolate, or occasionally uppermost ± sessile; petioles of lower ones 10-40mm; lamina ovate, obtuse to truncate, upper surface densely and very shortly strigose hairs mostly 0.05-0.3mm, lying at c 25 ° to midrib, with no longer, setiform hairs; lower surface less densely strigose hispid with hairs 0.1-0.6mm, lying at 20-40 ° to midrib interspersed with longer, setiform hairs 0.7-1mm; midrib and lateral veins prominently raised beneath. Inflorescence a many flowered terminal ebracteate raceme with several axillary flowers below. Pedicels 1-3.5mm in flower, 3-8mm in fruit, erecto patent in flower, usually deflexed in fruit. Calyx lobes narrowly ovate, 1.5-2mm in flower, c 2.5mm in fruit, acute, strigose, hairs greyish white. Corolla powder or sky blue, c 2.5mm; limb c 3.5mm diameter. Nutlets tetrahedral, brown, c 1mm, faces equilateral triangular with raised margins, outer dorsal face minutely muriculate, inner ventral faces glabrous; stipe slightly bent to one side. Fl. May-September Damp or wet, often wooded river banks. (Attributions- A.J.C. Grierson & D.G. Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGOB. 1999 as per Bhutan Biodiversity Portal) .
I checked at comparative images at Boraginaceae To me this appears similar to your other unidentified post at Buglossoides species?- Godavari, Nepal Looks matching. Only difference looks like curly inflorescence tip ! After searching all species in Checklist of Nepal on Boraginaceae, I think I got it as Trigonotis microcarpa (DC.) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke as per Specimen in GBIF Thank you … It is a complete match! Trigonotis microcarpa (A. DC.) Benth. ex Clarke What about earlier posts? Are not they different? Both are the same. Hackelia uncinatum (Benth.) C. E. C. Fischer : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)- around 400 kb each. Location: Godavari, Nepal Altitude : 5000 ft. Date: 24 July 2018 Habit : Wild There is much difference in elevation. Is it possible? Yes, looks different from other images at Hackelia uncinata Can it be from other genus like Buglossoides as per fruiting image here ? Trigonotis microcarpa (DC.) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke as per GBIF Yes …! SK716 14 AUG-2017:ID : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Godawari, Nepal Altitude: 5000 ft. Date: 22 June 2017 I think Myosotis sp. Could not match with any one of the listed. Pl. check comparative images at Boraginaceae page in efi site. Does not seem to match with any species of Myosotis in efi site Hackelia uncinatum (Benth.) C. E. C. Fischer ?? To me also appear close to images at Hackelia uncinata These images somehow looks close to other images at Hackelia uncinata These images also look close to images in your other post at Hackelia uncinatum (Benth.) C. E. C. Fischer We have to check elevation in FOP & FOC (which are not opening at the moment) and other sources etc. Elevation does not match with both links. FoP : 2400-3500 m. FoC : 2700-4500 m. Trigonotis microcarpa (DC.) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke ?? According to link Hackelia uncinatum (Benth.) C. E. C. Fischer. Location: Kulekhani, Nepal Date : 10 August 2013 Altitude : 5200 ft. Boraginaceae? Did not find any match as per Nepal list ! I think close to images at Decalepidanthus racemosus (syn: Pseudomertensia racemosa (Royle ex Benth.) Kazmi) I am afraid the description does not look like matching. May be some Hackelia species as per images and details herein. Does not look matching with any one from listed, specially the elevation. H. bhutanica H. brachytuba H. obtusiloba Yes, does not seem to match with first two. Did not get much inf. on third as per I think close to images at Trigonotis microcarpa . Trigonotis microcarpa (DC.) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke: 5 high res. images. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal Date: 26 August 2023 Altitude: 1500m. Habitat : Wild
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Trigonotis microcarpa
Updated on December 24, 2024