Verma Karuna S.


Dr. Prof. Karuna S. Verma



    G.P. Agarwal and Karuna S. Verma (1981)
“Changes in the ascorbic acid contents in Orange fruits (Citrus reticulata Linn)  
infected with Curuvlaria lunata
(Wakk).” Boedjin. Nat. Acad. Sci. Letter; 4(10): 401-402.

    Karuna S.
Verma and Karuna Khare (1987) “Fungal agents which damage paper materials in
library.” Atmospheric Biopollution, Ed. N. Chandra, Environmental Publication,
Karad: 193-197.

3.  K.S. Verma & Karuna Khare (1987) “Study of
air -spora around Jabalpur University Campus”.  J. Econ. Tax. Bot.; 11(1): 87-90.

4.  Karuna S.Verma and Karuna Khare (1987) “Fungal
spores as Environment Biopollutants at Jabalpur. Perspectives in Mycological
Research 1”, Prof. G.P. Agrawal Festschrift Volume 253-260. Today &
Tommorrow’s Prinnters and Publishers, New Delhi- 5; Printed in India.

5.  Karuna S.
Verma and Karuna Khare (1988) “Aeromycology at Jabalpur – A preliminary study”.
I. J. A; 1(1): 56-58 Impact Factor -2.75

6.  K.S. Verma
(1989)”Atomspheric biopollutants in rural and urban sites of Jabalpur city
“; Frontr. Bot. II & III (1, 2): 57-62.

7.  Karuna S. Verma and Lalita Sheore (1989) “Air
spora of Nimadganj vegetable market area at Jabalpur”; Art 8/Nat. Symp.
Aero-Allergies/Rewa, Mar: 32-36.

8.  K.S. Verma (1990) “Biocomponents in the
atmosphere of Jabalpur. Ind. J. Aerobiol.; 3 (1 & 22): 48-51
Impact Factor -2.75.

9.  Karuna S.
Verma and Karuna Khare (1990)”An Analysis of atmospheric fungal spores at
Jabalpur”. Mendel; 7(1): 101-104.

10.       Karuna S. Verma and Seema Chile (1991)”
The presence of viable mould propagules in indoor air in relation to allergy
“. Indian J. Applied & Pure Biol.; 6(1):75- 78.

11.       Karuna S. Verma and Karuna Khare (1991)
“Air spora at Jabalpur University campus with special reference to
fungal spores”. Indian J. Applied & Pure Biol.; l6 (2):141-145.

12.       K.S. Verma & Seema Chile (1991)
“Allergenic Fungal spores in certain environment at Jabalpur”. J. Mendel;
8: 39-42.

13.       Karuna S. Verma and Sema Chile (1992) ”
Fungi in the medical college if the Jabalpur city and the allergenic behavior
of some species “. J. Indian Bot. Soc.; 71: 247-249.

14.       K.S. Verma and K. Shrivastava (1991)
“Bacteria and Actinomycetes in the air of Jabalpur” Ind J. Aerobiol.; 4 (1 & 2): 13-18 Impact Factor -2.75.

15.       K. S. Verma
(1992) Aerophycology at Jabalpur – A Preliminary study, India. J. Applied & Pure Biol.; 7(1): 61-64.

16.       Karuna S.
Verma and Seema Chile (1992) “Studies in fungal allergy in Jabalpur
area part I.” Indian J.
Applied & Pure Biol.;
7(2): 91-94.

17.       K.S.
Verma and Seema Chile (1992) “Aerbiological study in
Kitchen Atmosphere”. Indian J. Applied
& Pure Biol.;
7(2): 121-123.

18.       K.S. Verma
and Karuna Shrivastava (1992) “A Volumetric survey of the atmospheric fungal
spores. J. Mendel; 9(1): 51-55.

19.       K. S. Verma and Mona Pandey (1992) “Airborne fungal spores in a
hospital ward at Jabalpur”. PROC. NAT. ACAD. SCI. India; 62(B) part III:

20.       K.S. Verma and S. Bhandari (1992) “Aeromycological survey inside the
broiler and layer shed.” The Indian
Journal of Animal Science
; 62 (12): 1147-1149.

21.       K.S. Verma, S. Bhandari & S. Chile (1992) “Volumetric analysis of air
mycoflora of broilers & layer sheds.” Indian
Journal of Poultry Science
; 27(4):243-246.

22.       K.S. Verma
and Seema Chile (1992) “The Air-spora of hospital wards in relation to bronchial
allergy.”  Jounal of Palynology;
28: 99-106. Chief Editor Surnirmal Chanda. Today and Tommorow’s Printers &
Publishers New Delhi ,India.

23.      K.S. Verma and S. Bhandari (1992) “Incidence of
Aspergillus inside poultry sheds at Jabalpur “. Ind. J. Aerobiol.; 5(1&2): 46-47.

24.       K.S. Verma
and Seema Chile (1993) “Environmental distribution of clinically important
fungal spores at various locations in Jabalpur city.” J. Econ. Tax. Bot; 17 (2)
Impact Factor -2.75.

25.       K.S. Verma
(1993) “Atmospheric concentration of some aeroallergenic fungal spora in a
highly crowed area (Bus- stand) of Jabalpur city. Biome; 6(1): 19-25.

26.       Bala Channy
and K.S. Verma (1994) “Incidence of airborne fungal spores in Jabalpur city
using a volumetric spores trap to assess the air quality of an indoor
environment”. Indian J. Applied &
Pure Biol
.; 9: 7-10.

27.       K.S. Verma
and Seema Chile (1994) “Progress in the studies of fungal allergy -A
Review”. Current trends in Life Science; 20: 279-290. Editor, Dr. U. K.
Talde Today & Tomorrow’s Publishers, New Delhi 110005.

28.       K. S. Verma
and Lalita Sheore (1994) “Aerobiota of a vegetable market at Jabalpur.” J. Environ. Biol.; 15(4):325-329.

29.        K.S.
Verma and Ritu Agrawal (1995) “Airborne fungal spores over rice field at
Jabalpur. Bioved; 5(2): 94.   

30.       Karuna S.Verma (1995)”Pollen as environmental pollutant with
reference to Nasobronchial allergy.” Indian
J. Applied and Pure Biol
.; 10(1): 77-79.

31.       K. S. Verma
and A. M. George (1995) “Comparison of the air -spora counts using two
samplers. J. Mendel.; 12(2

32.       K. S. Verma,
Ritu Agrawal and Rita   Saraf (1995) “Aeromycoflora  of rice
field with special reference to circadian periodicity of some dominant fungal
spores.”Environment and Aerobiology. Research periodicals & Book publishing
house. P. O. Box 720728, Houstan, Texas, 77272 U.S.A.:197-198.

33.       K.S.
Verma & A.M. George (1995) “Mites in domestic environment
Research” Journal of plant & Environment; 11:53-55.

34.       K.S. Verma
& Seema Soni (1995) “Aerometric study of fungal spores in Buffalo
shed.” Flora and Fauna; 1 (2): 131-132.   

35.       K.S.
Verma & Karuna Shrivastava (1996) “Incidence of Viable &
Culturable airmycoflora in Jabalpur.” Biodiversity & Environment. APH Publ.
New Delhi, Chpt. 17:225-235.

36.       Karuna S. Verma & Ritu Agarwal
(1996) “Metereopathology of wheat field of Jabalpur.” Geobios;

37.       M. Oommachan,
Karuna S. Verma and Vimal K. Saini (1996) “Estimation of airborne
fungal spores at National Research Center of Weed Science in Jabalpur (M.P.).”
Ind. J. Appl. & Pure Bio; 11 (2): 

38.       K.S.
Verma & A.M. George (1996) “Aerobiological studies at the
Mahakali Yagna.” Indian J. Appl & Pure Biol.; 11(2): 95-98.

39.       Karuna S.
Verma (1996) “Air – borne algae” Published in souvenir, 8th National
conference on impact of Airborne Microbes, March 7-9, Y.M. College Pune 411038.
pp. 16-18.

40.       M. Oommachan,
Karuna S. Verma and Jyoti Mishra (1996) “Aerofungi in Patients Environment
at Jabalpur Medical College Campus”. J. Bihar. Bot. Soc.; 5 (1&2)

41.       K.S. Verma
& A.M. George (1997) “Fungi of Allergenic significance in the Air of
Jabalpur.” Ind. J. Allergy Appl. Immunol.; 11(1): 13-15.

42.       K.S. Verma
& V. K.  Tiwari (1997) “Distribution & Abundance of House
Dust mites. A prelimanery study” Ind. J. Appl. & Pure Biol.;

43.       K.S. Verma
& A.M. George (1997) “An Assessment of five fungal spores in the
Atmosphere of Jabalpur”. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment. 1:

44.       K.S. Verma, M. Oommachan & Aradhana
Upadhyay (1997) “Diversified observation of fungal spore concentration in
the poultry Environment.” Flora and Fauna; 2: 143-147.

45.      K.S.
Verma & S. Soni (1997)”Allergenicity of certain airbone fungal spores
at Jabalpur with reference to respiratory allergy”. Vasundhara; 2:13-16.

46.      K.S.
Verma, A.M. Geroge & N.K. Parihar
“A comparative study of Aeromycoflora in human habitats and animals houses
with reference to selected fungi in Etiology of respiratory allergy.” Res. J.
(Sci.) R.D. University, Jabalpur; 5(2): 47-55.

47.      K.S.
Verma (1998) “Some observation on the aeromycoflora using a combination of
Vertical, Durham and Rotorod Samplers. 
J. Indian Bot. Soc.; 77: 231-322.

48.      K.S.
Verma & A.M. George (1999) “Fungal spores- Volumetric
estimation”. Asian Journal Experimental Sciences.

49.      K.S.
Verma & A.M. George (2000) “Seasonal and diuranal variation of
airborne fungal spores in Jabalpur’. Vasundhara the Earth; 1 & 2: 3-26.

50.      Karuna
S. Verma & Vidya Nidhi G. (2002) “A Review on Aeroallergenic moulds in
Twentieth century”. Contemporary Trends in Biological Science: 179-198.

51.      Karuna
S. Verma & Apurva K. Pathak (2002) “A Comprehensive analysis of
Mahayajna on controlling aerobiopollutants”. Indian Journal of
Environmental & Ecoplanning; 6 (2): 371-374.

52.      Karuna
S. Verma & Ann Mary George (2002) “Agnihotra-An Indian way to combat
with pollution (An aerobiological analysis).” 
Int. J. Mendel; 19 (1-2): 47-50.

53.      Karuna
S. Verma & Vidya Nidhi G. (2002) “Yajna; The ancient spiritual way to
control aerobiohazards.” Vigyan Bharti Pradeepika Research Jr. of Endemic
science; 8(1): 82-84.

54.       K.S. Verma & A.M. George (2002) “The
spectrum of the aeromycoflora using vertical cylinder.” Indian J. Applied
& Pure Bio.; 17 (2): 112 -115.

55.      K.S.
Verma & A.M. George (2002) “Circadian periodicity studies of some
fungi dominant in the atmosphere of Jabalpur.” ACTA ECOL; 24(2):109-115.

56.       K.S. Verma & A.M. George (2002) “Air
borne fungal spores in the railway station area “Bulletin of Pure
& Applied Science; 15(1).

57.      K.S.
Verma (2002) “Aeromycological studies of Pachpedi in relation to
meterological factors.” Journal of Phytological Research; 15(1): 49-57

58.      Karuna
S. Verma & Ashish K. Pandey (2002) “Enterobacterial aerosols in the
atmosphere of community Sewage system at Jabalpur.” Indian J. of Aerobiol.; 15
(1 &2): 51-54.

59.      Karuna
S. Verma & Shail Singh (2002) “Isolation of Actinomycetes from A hospital
ward and sputum samples of T.B. Patients.” Indian Jr. Allergy & Asthma Immunol;
16 (2): 107-109.

60.       Karuna S. Verma & Shail Singh (2003)
“Opportunistic Infection of Actinomycetes ( Actinomyces & Nocardia) in
chronic T.B. Patients” The Botanique; 12 (1): 121-128.

61.       Karuna S.Verma and G. Vidya Nidhi. (2003).
Importance of IgG level diagnosis for immune therapy in allergic patients.
Vislesana; 8 (1): 57-62

62.      K.S.
Verma and A.M. George. (2003) “Air analysis of engineering college area,
Jabalpur, India- Mycological aspects.” Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env.; 5
(4): 583-584.

63.      K.S.
Verma and Vimal K. Saini (2004) “A report on incidence of air borne fungal
spores in agricultural college campus at Jabalpur.” Flora and Fauna;

64.      Karuna
S. Verma, Vidhan Jain & A.S. Rathore. (2003) “Role of Aspergillus Spp.
in Causing Possible Nosocomial Aspergillosis among Immunocompromised Cancer
Patients.” Indian J. Allergy Asthma Immunol; 17(2):77-83.

65.      Karuna
S. Verma and Vidhan Jain (2005) “Indirect Elisa-ITS comparative usefulness over
double diffusion as an Immunological Tool to detect humoral antibody response
against some Aspergillus Antigens in
Immuno suppressed cancer patients.” Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc.;
6 (4): 857-860.

66.      Karuna
S. Verma, Apurva K. Pathak & Anand Kumar Soni (2004) “Enumeration and
Identification of airborne Actinomycetes of poultry farms (Broiler)”. J. of
Current Bio Science; 2(2): 388-393.

67.      Karuna
S. Verma and Payal Shrivastava (2004) “Airborne Fungi of Poultry Environment.”
Advances in pollen spore Research; XXII: 93-94

68.      Karuna
S. Verma (2005) “Conception and control of Airobiopollutants.”  13th National Conference on
Aerobiology, Institute of Science Nagpur. 31st Jan-2Feb 2005: 10-11.

69.      Karuna
S. Verma, Shail, Apurva, Payal & Anand (2005) “Opportunistic infection of
airborne actinomycetes  (Actinomyces
& Nocardia) in Humans- A Review”. J. of Bioscience Reporter; 3(1): 100-110.

70.      Karuna
S. Verma and Zareen Baksh (2005) “Solution of Bronchodilatory Problems through
Plants” J. Bot. Soc.Univ. Sagar; 40:109-112.

71.      Karuna
S.Verma, Apurva K. Pathak and Anand Kumar Soni (2005)           “Effect of salt and heavy metals on
the growth of some selective species of Actinomycetes.” Int. J. Mendel;
22(3-4): 87-88.

72.      Karuna
S. Verma & Deepa Dahake (2005) “Taxonomic study of the unisexuales of
Jabalpur (M.P.)”. J. Bot. Soc.Univ. Sagar; 40:51-62.

73.       Karuna S.Verma and Payal Shrivastava (2005)
“Assessment of mould allergy in poultry workers with special emphasis to fungal
concentration in their working areas.” Vislesana; 9 (2):65-70.

74.       Karuna S.Verma, Haninder Maini, Payal
Shrivastava and Archana Chaturvedi (2006) “Evaluating dairy workers
susceptibility against fungal aeroallergens using ELISA and SPT”. Int. J.
Mendel; 23(3-4):159-161

75.       Karuna S. Verma, Haninder Maini, Payal
Shrivastava and Pratibha Verma (2006) “Evaluating Poultry workers
susceptibility against fungal aeroallergens using ELISA and SPT.” J.  Phytol. Res.; 19 (1): 15-18.

76.      Karuna
S. Verma and Zareen Baksh (2006) “Antidote ailments- through medicinal plants-
as observed in tribals of Jabalpur district.” Visleshana; 10(1): 15-17.

77.       Karuna S. Verma, and Apoorva K. Pathak (2006)
“MDR pattern among nosocomial enterobacterial isolates. Vislasana; 10B

78.      Karuna
S. Verma, Ranjeet Kaur Badhan and Lata Awasthi (2007). “Potential allergenicity
of some air borne fungi in two different locations of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
India.” J. Curr. Sci.; 10(2): 629-632.

79.      Karuna
S. Verma (2007) “Biodiversity of Air Borne Microbes”. Biodiversity Conservation
and Legal Aspects, A.K. Kandya and Asha Gupta Ed. Avishkar Publishers,
Distributors, Jaipur: 1267.

80.      Verma
K.S. (2007). “Biodiversity conservation and legal aspect”. A.K. Kandya &
Asha Gupta, Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur: 126-127.

81.      Karuna
S. Verma and Apurva K. Pathak (2008) “Assessment of Air-borne Bacteria of Urban
Grain-market Area.” Asian J. Exp. Sci.; 22 (3):245-254.

82.      Karuna
S. Verma and Apurva K. Pathak (2009) “A comparative analysis of forecasting
methods for aerobiological studies” Asian J. Experimental Sciences; 23(1):

83.       Karuna S. Verma, N. Saxena, N. Baliyani and D.
K. Kosta (2008). “Isolation, purification and Pharmacological studies of
saponins from a medicinal plant Bryonopsis
.” J. Phytol. Res.; 21:111-114

84.       Iqbal Y., Khare D., Mehta I. and Verma Karuna
S. (2008) “Fungicidal activity of some weeds against Aspergillus
species.” J. Basic. Appl. Mycol.; 7(I & II): 117-118.

85.      Karuna
S. Verma and Archita Puntambekar (2009) “Phytochemical screening and
therapeutic profiling of Bryophyllum
.” The Botanique; 13(1): 15-20

86.      Karuna
S. Verma, Aradhna Rai, Sanjay Kumar Dehariya. (2009) “Fungal biodiversity in
some common pulse seeds” Shikshak Shiksha Shodh Patrika; 3(2):8-17.

87.      A.K.
Pathak, K. S. Verma (2009) “Aero-bacteriological study of vegetables market at
Jabalpur.” Iran. J. Environ.
Health Sci. Eng.; 6(3): 187-194.

88.      K.S.
Verma (2009) “Flowering plants of summer season.” Rashtriya Vigyan Patrika; 2

89.      Karuna
S. Verma and Mayank M. Verma (2009) “Biodiversity Conservation Measures.”
Jigyasa: 72-74.

90.      Karuna
S. Verma and Zareen Baksh (2009) “Traditional ethnomedicinal plants knowledge
and use by local healers in Jabalpur District (M.P.)”. Biozone International J.
of Life Science; 1(2): 150-156.

91.      S.
Padhye, K.S. Verma, S. Rai, N. Narula and M. Dey (2009) “Study of antifungal
profile of superficial mycotic agents in diabetic patients.” National Journal
of Life Sciences Bulletin; 6(2): 219-221.

92.      Verma
K. S. and Khare D. (2009) “Aeromycoflora in the houses of allergic patients.”
J. Basic Appl. Mycol.; 8(I &II): 117-118.

93.       Karuna S. Verma, Arti verma, Vidhan Jain and
Malvika Mishra (2009) “Immunological study of airborne fungal allergens in the
kitchen environment.” Anusandhan; 3:48-51.

94.      Karuna
S. Verma and Raju Vishwakarma (2009) “Angiospermic flora of Dumna Nature
Reserve in Jabalpur (M.P.)”. Anusandhan; 3: 37-43.

95.      Apurva
K. Pathak and Karuna S. Verma. (2010) “Extramural Aero-bacteriological Quality
of Hospital Environment.” Asian J. Exp. Biol. Sci.; 1(1):128-135.

96.      Karuna
S Verma and Deepti Khare (2010) “Antifungal activity of weed extracts against
important seed borne pathogens of Aspergillus Sp.
Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter”;
8 (1):69 -72.     

97.       Karuna S Verma and Zareen Baksh (2010)
“Phytochemical screening &medicinal importance of Ricinus
Linn.” Int. J. of
“Bioscience Reporter”
; 8 (1):

98.       Karuna S. Verma and
Deepa Dahake (2010) “An introduction of tribal root medicines of Jabalpur
District (M.P.)”. Int. J. of “Bioscience Reporter”; 8(1): 51-55.

99.      Karuna
S Verma, Sanchali Padhye and Mitali Dey (2010)
fungal infection in diabetic patient.” Int.
J. of “Bioscience Reporter”;
8(1):161 – 166.

100. Verma
K.S. and Kuriakose B. (2010) “Phytochemical constituents of leaves and stem
extracts of Tinospora cordifolia.”
The Botanique; 14(1):33.

101.  Karuna S. Verma and Deepa Dahake (2010)
“Biodiversity: Threats and Protective measures.”Annual publication of
Mahakoushal Vigyan Parishad no. 4.

102.  Karuna S. Verma, Deepti Khare, Prem Shankar
Sahu and Jinu Abraham (2010) “Screening of Antimicrobial Activity and
Phytochemicals of Ipomea carnea Jacq.” Biozone International Journal of
Life Science; 2:329-335.

103. Karuna
S. Verma, B. K. Rai and Gyanendra Pratap (2010) “Composition of traditional
Biomanure and their impact on Rabi pulses in nutrient depleted soil”. Biozone
International Journal of Life Science; 2(1 & 2): 344-347.

104. Karuna
S. Verma, Subhash Shah Dhurve, Aparna Awasthi and Lekhram Patel (2010)
“Enumeration and conservation of Angiospermic flowering trees of Jabalpur
(M.P.) Region with special emphasis on endangered species.” Shikshak Shiksha
Shodh Patrika; 4(2):97-106.

105. Karuna S. Verma, Sanjay Patel, Rajeev Saxena and
Pradeep Singh Porte. (2010) “Occurrence of dermatomycoses in Jabalpur.”
Journal of Bioscience Guardian; 1(1): 25-29

106. Karuna
S. Verma, Prem Shankar Sahu, Pradeep Singh Porte and Vishank. (2010)
Occurrence of fungal infections in
cancer patients & their surrounding environment.” Journal of Bioscience
Guardian; 1(1):57-59.

107. Verma
Karuna S., Saxena Neerja, Sinha Rajshree, Agarwal Abha (2010) “Phytochemical
Screening and Therapeutic Profiling of Madhuca indica J.F. Gmel”.  Vegetos- An International Journal of Plant
Research; 23(1):109-115.

108. K. S. Verma, Y. Iqabal, D. Khare (2010)
“Ethnomedicinal importance of weeds and their present status in Jabalpur.”
Vegetos- An International Journal of Plant Research; 23(2):42-54.

109. K. S. Verma, A. Dongre, M. Dey and D. Khare (2010)
“Food allergy in consecutive patients based on Skin Prick Test and
questionnaire.” Sci-fronts. 4(4):111-114.

110. Karuna S. Verma, Vandana Dixit, Deepti Khare and
Aparna Awasthi (2010) Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of
Buchanania lanzan Spreng. Journal of Phytological Research. 23(2): 339-342.

111. Karuna S. Verma, Prem Shankar Sahu, Pradeep Singh
Porte and Savita Yadav (2010). Enumeration of angiosperms of cantonment area in
Jabalpur District. Indian J. Trop. Biodiv. 18(1):73-79.

112. Karuna S. Verma, Rajshree Sinha and Deepa Dahake
(2010) .Survey of Ethnomedicinal plants of selected sites of Jabalpur and
Mandla districts. Indian J. Trop. Biodiv. 18(1):119-122.

113. Madhuri
S., Pandey Govind and Verma Karuna S. “ Antioxident, Immunomodulatory and
Anticancer activities of Emblica
: An overview Review Article.
Pandey Govind et al. IRJP 2 (8) 2011 38- 42.

114. Karuna S.Verma, Deepika Trivedi, Aparna Awasthi and
Sangeeta Dolly Juda Indigenous Knowledge and Conservation of Endangered
Angiospermic flora of Jabalpur with special emphasis of Herbs, Shrubs and
Climbers Anusandhan, Vol., 5, 2011 (60-63).

115. Karuna S.Verma, Deepa Dahake (2011) Diversity of
exotic weeds in the flora of Jabalpur. Biozone International journal of life
science Vol.3 (1&2): 478-785.

116. Madhuri S. Pandey Govind and Verma Karuna S. (2011)
Antioxident, Immunomodulatory and Anticancer of Emblica officinalis: An overview. International Research Journal of
Pharmacy Vol. 2 (8):38-42.

117.  Karuna S. Verma
and Aparna Awasthi (2011) World Biomes, Jigyasa 5(1).

118. Pankaj Kumar Sahu, Atul Shrivastava and Karuna Verma
(2011) Ethnomedicinal Study on Tribal Area of Achankamar Amarkantak Biosphere
Reserve, Central India. Biozone international 
Journal of Life Science vol.3 (1&2) 2011:498-503.

119. Karuna
S. Verma and Deepa Dahake2011
. Traditional phytoterapy among tribals of Jabalpur district (m.p.) J.
Phytol. Res. 24 (1): 99-106, 2011.

120.  Verma, K. S.  and Puntambekar, Archita (2011). Screening of
antifungal effects of extracts from Piper nigrum & Piper longum.I. J. of
Bioscience Guardian, 1(2): 525-528.

121. Karuna
S. Verma and Binu Rojan (2011)
Screening of extracts of Tinospora cordifolia Miers. To evaluvate the
antifungal activity. Bioscience Guardian an International Journal. 1(2):431-433.

122. Karuna
S.verma, Savita Yadav, Archita Puntambekar and 
Binu Keriakose
2010. Phytochemical
Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of Aegle marmelos (L.) CORR.  J. Phytol .Res.23 (2): 279-282, 2010.

123. Karuna
S. Verma and Sanchali Padhyen (2011)
Phospholipase Activity in clinical fungal isolates from diabetic
patients. Journal of Pharmacology research 2(1): 40- 45.

124. Verma Karuna S., Shrivastava Payal
and Dey Milati (2011)
Skin Prick Test to common air borne
fungi on Poultry workers. Indian J Allergy Asthma Immunol 25 (2): 79-83.

125. Verma Karuna S., Pathak Apurva
Assessment of Airborn Bacteria of milk processing
unit complex associated environment. International
Journal of Environmental Health Engineering.

S. Verma, Archita Puntambekar and Neerja Saxena (2011).
activity and free radical scavenging Potential of Piper nigrum and Piper
longum. J. Phytol. Res. 4(2):

Pathak K. Karuna Verma S. and Anand Soni K. (2012)
and Microbial Quality of Boiled Milk. international
Journal of Food , Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences ISSN
2: (2) 10-15

S. Verma    and Aparna Awasthi (2012)
Rainbow of Protection – The Miraculous Power of Natural Antioxidants. Jigyasa 6 🙁 2)

S. Verma, Suman Patel, Aparna Awasthi and Vijiya K Shrivasta (2012)

Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of antimriobial activity of Carica
papaya Linn. Bioscience Guardian, 2:
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Karuna S., Sandhya Swarnkar , Aparna
Awasthi and Tabassum Ansari (2012).
Ethnobotanical aspects of plants from east zone of Jabalpur,
Madhya Pradesh. JNKVV Res J. 46 (1):

S. Verma , Deepak Kori
,Aparna Awasthi and
Rachna Pandey (2012).
Screening of bark and leaves of black
catechu for phytochemical properties. JNKVV
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S. Verma (2012).
GMM Food: Problem and Perspective. I.K.
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Karuna S. Verma, Mamta Yadav, Aparna Awasthi and Preeti Dongre (2012)  Traditional Ethnomedicinal Plants Used by
local healers of East Zone of Jabalpur (M.P.).Anusandhan . 6:54-59.

Karuna S. Verma, A. Shrivastav and P.S. Sahu (2012) Preliminary
survey of Aeromycoflora of college rooms in Jabalpur Indian J. Aerobiol.,
Vol25, No 2,pp 69-73

Karuna S. Verma, Uikey M and Dey   M. (2013). Prevalence Of Food Allergy In
Consecutive Patients Based on Skin Prick Test & Immunodiffusion Technique. Journal of Environment and Social Science
Vol.2, 09-14

Karuna S. Verma, Kavita Agrawal, Aparna Awasthi and Rachna Pandey (2013). Phytopharmacological Screening and
Evaluation of potential Antimicrobial activity of Acacia catechu Willd. Journal
of Environment and Social Science Research.
Vol.2 , 15-20

Karuna S. Verma and Pradeep Singh
Porte (2012)

Qualitative & quantitative assessment of airborne fungi in some residential
areas of Jabalpur. Jigyasa. Vol.

Karuna S. Verma, Pragya Ukey and
Pradeep Singh Porte (2012)
Airborne Fungal Concentration in Hostel
Environment of Jabalpur.Jigyasa.Vol.6

Karuna S. Verma, Ajay Kumar Chandel ,
Pradeep Singh Porte and Deepti  Khare
of Airborne Fungi in College Library of Jabalpur City. Jigyasa .Vol. 6(1):77-82

Karuna S. Verma & Zareen Baksh

Ethnomedicinal Plant Resources of Jabalpur District (Madhya Pradesh). The Botanique . Vol.16 (2) 83-90.

Karuna S. Verma, Tarannum Khan,
Aparna Awasthi and Suresh Prasad Charmkar (2012)
Assesment of indigenous floristic
diversity of east zone of Jabalpur (M.P.).Journal
of tropical forestry.

Karuna S. Verma , Rashmi Nigam,
Aparna Awasthi and Sulekha Pathak (2012)
Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial activity of Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Kurz. J. Phytol. Res., 25 (2): 193-195

Karuna S. Verma, Shilpa Jar and
Mitali Dey (2012).

Comparative analysis of House dust Mycoflora and Aeromycoflora in Relation to
Human Health. J . Phytol. Res. 25 (1): 61-64

Karuna. S. Verma, Ratnamala Sarma,
Aparna Awasthi (2013)
Antimicrobial Activity of Aqueous and Methanol Extract of Moringa
Lamk. Leaves and
Fruits. International Journal of
Environment Science
.Vol.2 (1):19-24

K Pathak, Karuna S Verma (2013)
of airborne bacteria of milk processing unit complex associated environment.
International Journal of
Environmental Health Engineering | Vol. 2 • Issue 2 | March-April 2013

 Karuna S. Verma and Ruchi Koshta (2013)
Prevalence of Airborne Fungal Diversity in the Kitchen Environment of
Jabalpur city. Int. J. of Life Sciences, Special Issue A1: 5-8

147. Karuna S. Verma and Sahu Manju Lata (2013)
Aeromycological survey in dairy farm near Bhedaghat, Jabalpur.  Int. J of Life Sciences, Special, A1: 9-12

148. Karuna S. Verma and Harleen Kaur Lamba (2013 ) Aeromycological Survey in
Jabalpur – A Review. Bioscience Guardian, 3( 2): 379-384

149. Karuna S. Verma and Priyanka Mahobia (2013) A comparative Analysis of
Aeromycoflora of two shopping Malls in Jabalpur. Bioscience Guardian, 3( 2): 387-291.

150. Karuna S. Verma and Rachna Pandey (2014) Antioxidants potential of young pods
of Acasia catechu wild collected from
Jabalpur region. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2014; 2(6):

Available online at

151. Karuna S. Verma and
Rajni Nigam (2013),
screening of different plant parts of munga (Moringa oleifera Lam.) JNKVV Res J
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152. Karuna
S. Verma , Ashutosh Tiwari, Aparna Awasthi and Suresh Prasad Charmkar (2013),
on floristic diversity of two zones Adhartal and Lalmati of Jabalpur, Madhya
Pradesh , JNKVV Res J 47(2) 162-164 (2013)

153. Karuna
S. Verma and Lekhram Kurmi (2013),
investigation on ethno medicinal
remedies to cure disease by tribes of eastern Madhya Pradesh with special
reference to threat assessment of leguminosae family,
47(3) :260-262 (2013)

154. Karuna S. Verma, Faizi Ahmed & Suresh
Prasad Charmkar* (2014).
Literature used for proper identification of
angiosperms: A review. Journal of
Environment and Social Science Research.
Vol. 3,29-34.

155. Karuna S. Verma and Lekhram
Kurmi (2014).

Herbaceous Flora of Leguminosae family with special reference to Medicinal
Herbs of Jabalpur District. Journal of
Environment and Social Science Research. Vol. 3,23-27.

156. Karuna S. Verma and Vijaya Kaushal Shrivastava (2014) Phytochemical
Profiling of Stem and Root of Carica
Linn. For use as potential drugs.
Journal of Environment
and Social Science Research.
Vol. 3,1-6

157. Karuna S. Verma, Lekhram Kurmi
) Investigation
& Enumeration of Commercial and Threatened Flora of Leguminosae in Jabalpur
Region Madhya Pradesh. Life
Science bulletin.
Vol. 10. (1)21-24.

158. Karuna S. Verma, Aparna Awasthi & Rajni Nigam (2013) steadily narrowing Spectrum of certain Angiospermic plants
used as traditional herbs in Jabalpur (M.P.). Life Science bulletin. Vol. 10 (1): 81- 84

159. Karuna S. Verma, Madhuri Puse & Suresh Prasad Charmkar* (2014) Plants of Mythological
significance: A review. Life science
. Vol. 10 (1): 37-40.

160.Karuna S. Verma, Ankit Singh
Sonwani and Manju Lata Sahu (2013)
Aeromycological Studies
of Cattle Shed (Diary) of Bhatowli Village, Jabalpur: Anusandhan, Vol. 7,(24-27).

161.Karuna S Verma
,Rachna Pandey And Akhilesh Ayachi (2014),
assessment of different parts of Acacia catechu
Willd. Collected from Central India. International
journal of pharmaceutical Sciences and
Research , Vol.5(7),2980-2986

162.Karuna S. Verma, Lekhram Kurmi*, Aparna Awasthi & Shadma Khan
status of the Fabaceae taxa in Eastern Madhya Pradesh. Journal of Phytotaxonomy , 13. 128-131

163. Karuna S Verma ,Rachna Pandey And Akhilesh
Ayachi (2014)
Use of seed bearing pods of Acacia catechu WILLD from forests of Jabalpur region as food. Journal of tropical forestry,vol.30(II)33-41

164. Karuna S. Verma and Neeti Sonway (2013) A Review on Pollen Allergy in India.,
Globai Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Vol. 3(3), 128-131.

165. Karuna S. Verma, Ranu Singh and Aparna Awasthi*(2014)
Phytopharmacological Screening and Evaluation of Phytochemicals isolated from Phyllanthus amarus and its potential as
an effective antioxidant”ISSN-0257-800X, Vol-17(1-2)2013, 152-157.

166. Karuna S. Verma
and Lekhram Kurmi(2013)
,Comparative Enumeration and
Taxonomical studies of Leguminous Trees of Jabalpur District M.P., Anusandhan,
Vol. 7, 2013(28-32)

167. Karuna S. Verma
and Lekhram Kurmi(2013)
,Investigation on ethno medicinal
remedies to cure diseases by tribes of eastern Madhya Pradesh with special
reference to threat assessment of Leguminosae family. JNKVV Res. J 47(3): 262-264(2013)

Karuna S. Verma, M.K. Thakur and Sulekha
Pathak (2012)
, Phytochemical and antifungal studies of leaf extracts of
Tridex procumbens L. :A common wild plant ,Sci
33-38 vol. VI (6).

Karuna S. Verma, M.K. Thakur and Sulekha
Pathak (2013)
, Assessment of phytochemical screening and antibacterial
potential of the exracts of Tridex procumbens L. leaves. Sci fronts vol. VII (7). 89-94

170. Karuna S. Verma
and Archita Puntambekar (2012)
screening of Piper nigrum and Piper longum for
Antibacterial properties. Vol.25(1):190-193


Updated on December 24, 2024

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