Veronica anagalis aquatica ! Yes Veronica anagalis aquatica And this is a very nice capture from you as the flowers are too small. A reply from David ji:
“Your flowering photos have the bracts far too long, longer than the pedicels: V. anagallis-aquatica has bracts shorter than the pedicels.
I would suggest yours would be V. catenata, which fits the flower colour well too, although your flowers are rather dense.” Actually, in contrast to my last email, I remember there is a description in Flora of Turkey of V. lysimachioides, which has 50-150 flowers (7-)10-17(-22) per cm, presumably rather like yours. So perhaps that might put aside the V. catenata idea, which didn’t seem to explain your density of flowers. The caution about that one is that it is described as having a glabrous inflorescence, whereas yours isn’t. So what yours must be is quite interesting. ID seems to be correct ! |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica ?
Updated on December 24, 2024