Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa

Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa (Korsh.) Elenevsky, Bjull. Moskovsk. Obač. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 82: 153 153 1977. (Syn: Veronica beccabunga var. muscosa Korsh.; Veronica hjuleri Paulsen);
Afghanistan, China South-Central, Iran, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, Xinjiang as per POWO (Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa));
Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (Description & Keys- Veronica capitata, cachemirica, lanosa, macrostemon, lasiocarpa, serpyllifolia, verna, arvensis, didyma (syn. of Veronica polita Fr. as per The Plant List), persica, perpusilla (syn. of Veronica pusilla Kotschy & Boiss. as per The Plant List), uncinata (syn. of Veronica rubrifolia Boiss. as per The Plant List), biloba, campylopoda, stewartii, koelzii, cephaloides (syn. of Veronica ciliata subsp. cephaloides (Pennell) D.Y. Hong as per The Plant List), hirta, nana (syn. of Veronica ciliata subsp. cephaloides (Pennell) D.Y. Hong as per The Plant List), melissaefolia, javanica, cana, umbelliformis (syn. of Veronica szechuanica subsp. sikkimensis (Hook. f.) D.Y. Hong as per The Plnat List), beccabunga, anagallis-aquatica, secunda, salina & undulata)

Veronica beccabunga (Brooklime, European speedwell) is a succulent herb belonging to the family Plantaginaceae.
It grows on the margins of brooks and ditches in Europe, North Africa and north and western Asia. It can be found on other continents as an introduced species.
It has smooth spreading branches, blunt oblong leaves and small bright blue or pink flowers.
The species name beccabunga is of uncertain origin, but it may come from the German bachbunge (“brook” + “bunch”), or the Flemish bechpunge (“mouth smart”) for the tartness of the leaves.[1]
(From Wikipedia on 9.8.13)


Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Veronica beccabunga subsp. mucosa from Kashmir -GS-47 :  Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa (Korshinsky) Elenevsky, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 82: 153. 1977.
syn: Veronica beccabunga var. muscosa Korshinsky; Veronica beccabunga auct. (non L.)
Perennial herb of wetlands; stems spreading or ascending, succulent; leaves suborbicular, ovate or oblong, up to 2.5 cm long, serrulate or crenulate, 5-9 toothed on each side, petiole 1-5 mm long; flowers purple-blue in axillary racemes, 5-15 flowered, almost as long as subtending leaf; pedicel 3-8 mm long; calyx 4-lobed, lobes ovate-lanceolate; corolla rotate, 4-5 mm in diam.; capsule slightly compressed, 3-4 mm long, 3-5 mm broad, notch shallow, style 1-2 mm long.
Common in Kashmir valley on wet slopes especially along mountain streams, borders of ponds, wet patches of soil. Photographed from Gulmarg, Pahalgam and Sonamarg.


Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa (Korshinsky) Elenevsky, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 82: 153. 1977.
syn: Veronica beccabunga var. muscosa Korshinsky; Veronica beccabunga auct. (non L.) 
Perennial herb of wetlands; stems spreading or ascending, succulent; leaves suborbicular, ovate or oblong, up to 2.5 cm long, serrulate or crenulate, 5-9 toothed on each side, petiole 1-5 mm long; flowers purple-blue in axillary racemes, 5-15 flowered, almost as long as subtending leaf; pedicel 3-8 mm long; calyx 4-lobed, lobes ovate-lanceolate; corolla rotate, 4-5 mm in diam.; capsule slightly compressed, 3-4 mm long, 3-5 mm broad, notch shallow, style 1-2 mm long.  
Common in Kashmir valley on wet slopes especially along mountain streams, borders of ponds, wet patches of soil. 
Photographed from Gulmarg, Pahalgam and Sonamarg. 
Subsp. beccabunga reportedly occurs in Europe and North America.


ID Request-121010-PKA2 :  Attachments (3). 9 posts by 5 authors.
Came across this prostrate herb at the wetland of Chandratal lake (Spiti valley).
Flowers were very small in size, leaves thicker.
Date/Time: 29-09-2010 / 05:20PM
Location: Chandratal lake (Spiti region) at the altitude of 14100ft.
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Herb (Found near the flowing water stream).

My call, Veronica beccabunga

Veronica beccabunga

On close scrutiny, the flowers don’t quite look like Veronica beccabunga to me. The white in the throat of the flowers, which Veronica beccabunga flowers show, is missing here. Also the petals appear to be very round. Also, the leaf vein pattern looks different.

I am forwarding a Google book link on Veronica of Himalayas. While going thru it found the mention of Veronica perpusilla distribution in Chandratal region. Do have alook at this link..

Thanks for link. I have been using this book from my Ph.D. days, and for last few months from the web from the same link (downloaded on my computer). There are two major groups within Veronica (as you must have seen in the key) those where the main stem ends in an inflorescence by leaves becoming smaller and becoming bracts. V. perpusilla belongs to this group. The second group has flowers borne in distinct axillary racemes. V. beccabunga is the only member of this group among the species growing in wet places, with petioled upper leaves which are almost rounded in shape. You may check this in above photographs.

Veronica beccabunga

Taking it as Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa (Korshinsky) Elenevsky as per another thread Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa from Kashmir: as … stated as “Subsp. beccabunga reportedly occurs in Europe and North America.” & as per Flora of China (Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa (Korshinsky) Elenevsky).


ID Request-121010-PKA2 : Attachments (3). 8 posts by 5 authors.
Came across this prostrate herb at the wetland of Chandratal lake (Spiti valley).
Flowers were very small in size, leaves thicker.
Date/Time: 29-09-2010 / 05:20PM
Location: Chandratal lake (Spiti region) at the altitude of 14100ft.
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Herb (Found near the flowing water stream).

My call, Veronica beccabunga

Veronica beccabunga

On close scrutiny, the flowers don’t quite look like Veronica beccabunga to me. The white in the throat of the flowers, which Veronica beccabunga flowers show, is missing here. Also the petals appear to be very round. Also, the leaf vein pattern looks different.

I am forwarding a Google book link on Veronica of Himalayas. While going thru it found the mention of Veronica perpusilla distribution in Chandratal region. Do have alook at this link..

Thanks for link. I have been using this book from my Ph.D. days, and for last few months from the web from the same link (downloaded on my computer). There are two major groups within Veronica (as you must have seen in the key) those where the main stem ends in an inflorescence by leaves becoming smaller and becoming bracts. V. perpusilla belongs to this group. The second group has flowers borne in distinct axillary racemes. V. beccabunga is the only member of this group among the species growing in wet places, with petioled upper leaves which are almost rounded in shape. You may check this in above photographs.

Veronica beccabunga

Taking it as Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa (Korshinsky) Elenevsky as per another thread Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa from Kashmir: as … stated asSubsp. beccabunga reportedly occurs in Europe and North America.” & as per Flora of China (Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa (Korshinsky) Elenevsky).


Identification Please: 1 image.

Sanasar, Ramban District, Jammu
Elevation: 2000m
Near Inlet of Sanasar Lake

Image is so blurred it is difficult to ID. However, looks like Veronica !

May I request you to pl. post a high resolution image.


Veronica beccabunga L.: 9 very high res. images.

Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude:  2327m.
Date: 17 August 2021 
Habit : Wild

Only Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa occurs in our area as per POWOCoL and Flora of China.
Flora of China also says:
Veronica beccabunga subsp. abscondita M. A. Fischer occurs in the mountains of SW Asia, whereas V. beccabunga subsp. beccabunga occurs widely in Europe to N and W Turkey and is naturalized in North America.
So the Checklist of Nepal entry may not be correct.

Only POWO and eflora China says its distribution in Nepal, but eflora Nepal, GBIF, CoL and the recent book by KK Shrestha et all has listed only Veronica beccabunga L.
Any further opinion please?

Please have a look at :

Nepali Name for Veronica beccabunga L. : 
खोले साग Khole Saag


POWO (Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa The Plant List Ver.1.1  Catalogue of Life  GRIN  GBIF  Flora of China (Veronica beccabunga subsp. muscosa (Korshinsky) Elenevsky) FoC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Veronica beccabunga L.)  Wikipedia  PFAF Flowers of India  Biodiversity of the Himalaya: Jammu and Kashmir State
Updated on December 24, 2024

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