Eriocaulon duthei or E. nepalense


Plant for ID 17/08/2013 SMP1 Eriocaulon sp. Vetal Tekdi Pune : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Observed this tiny herb which is likely to be Eriocaulon species. I can’t fit it into any of the known sp. to me.
Size of plant 8cm.
Radical leaves linear lanceolate in the form of rosette.
All flowers at different heights with a sinuous curve.
Sheath at base of each 1/3 of the height in spiral form.
Flower heads black and white. Even the young flowers also had blck colour in it.

Eriocaulon species in efi so far

There is some possibility of this being Eriocaulon tuberiferum A.R.Kulk. & Desai
However, only experts can confirm.

Eriocaulon for sure. But not E. tuberiferum.
Shall check and get back with the species name soon.

It could be E. nepalense or E. duthiei. But definitely not E. tuberiferum.

Eriocaulon baramaticum Shimpale, Bhagat, R.B.Deshmukh & S.R.Yadav ??

Looks different from illustration at Research gate

Agreeing with … opinion. It could be E. duthei or E. nepalense.
We have recently synonymised E. baramaticum with E. duthie. Please find our paper here for details (tandfonline)
We have seen E. duthie growing well in Vetal tekdi area, where the plant in question was photographed. However, we need to dissect the flowers to confirm ID up to species level.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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