. ERIOCAULON BIAPPENDICULATUM, A NEW SPECIES OF ERIOCAULACEAE FROM THE SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS, INDIA– K . M. MANUDEV , A . J . ROBI & S . NAMPY *- EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF BOTANY 72 (2): 219 – 223 (2015)- / Eriocaulon wayanadense (Eriocaulaceae), a new species from Kerala, India by C.P. Vivek*, M.M. Swapna and K.K. Suresh- Rheedea Vol. 20 (1) 25-27 2010 – . A New Species of Eriocaulon (Eriocaulaceae) from Maharashtra, India by Vinod B. Shimpale*, R. B. Bhagat, R. B. Deshmukh and S. R. Yadav- Abstract– Eriocaulon baramaticum Shimpale, Bhagat, R. B. Deshmukh et S. R. Yadav a new species from Baramati Tahsil of Pune District of Maharashtra is described and illustrated. It is similar to E. rajendrababui R. Ansari & N. P. Balakr. and differs in having male flowers with two free sepals and eglandular petals. . ERIOCAULON KANNURENSE (ERIOCAULACEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM KERALA, INDIA by C. N. Sunil, M. K. Ratheesh Narayanan*, M. K. Nandakumar, Sujana K. A., Jayesh P. Joseph and N. Anil Kumar- 2013- IJPAES ISSN 2231-4490- ABSTRACT: Eriocaulon kannurense Sunil, Ratheesh & Nandakumar (Eriocaulaceae), a new species from the Kannur District, Kerala, India, is described and illustrated. The species is allied to Eriocaulon setaceum and Eriocaulon capillus-naiadis in its submerged aquatic habit and elongated stem bearing filiform leaves, but differs mainly in having split sheath limb, white coloured heads and anther and isodiametric cells of seed coat without appendages. . Eriocaulon madayiparense (Eriocaulaceae) – A new species from the foot hills of the Western Ghats of India. by Swapna MM, Rajesh KP, Manju CN, Prakashkumar R.- PhytoKeys. 2012;(10):19-23.- Abstract– Eriocaulon madayiparense Swapna, Rajesh, Manju & Prakashkumar, sp. nov. is described and illustrated from the Madayipara, a lateritic hillock in the midland of Kannur District of Kerala. The species is allied to Eriocaulon eurypeplon Koernicke, in its two free male and female sepals, female sepals being keeled and acute and not exceeding the floral bracts, acuminate leaf apex and setiform seed appendages appearing in vertical rows, but differs mainly in having yellow seeds with solitary appendage arising from transverse radial walls, curved and connate with the adjacent ones of the same vertical row forming longitudinal parallel ribs on the surface of the seeds. . Eriocaulon epedunculatum, a new species of Eriocaulaceae from the Western Ghats, India by S. R. Yadav, G. G. Potdar, Anil Kumar, A. M. Otaghvari, Anand Sonkar- September 2008, Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 503-505- Summary– A new species of Eriocaulon, Eriocaulon epedunculatum (Eriocaulaceae) is described and illustrated from the Western Ghats, India. . A New species of Eriocaulonl. from India- Eriocaulon ratnagiricum– Vol. 8(2): r45-147. 1998 (Eriocaulaceae) S.R. Yadav, S.P. Gaikwad and M.M. Sardesai . Eriocaulon rajendrababui Ansari & Balakr. (Eriocaulaceae … – Indian Forester, 138 (8) : 761-762, 2012 ISSN 0019-4816 (IV)- ERIOCAULON RAJENDRABABUI ANSARI & BALAKR. (ERIOCAULACEAE): A NEW RECORD FPR MAHARASTRA . A new species of Eriocaulon L. (Eriocaulaceae) from Anamalai Hills of Kerala, India by Vijayasankar Raman, Ravikumar K, Ganesh Babu NM- Rheedea 01/2006; 16(1):59-61. ABSTRACT : Eriocaulon devendranii, a new species in Eriocaulaceae is described from Anamalai, Western Ghats of Kerala supported with illustrations. This species is allied to Eriocaulon xeranthemum Mart., a common species found almost throughout India, Nepal and Myanmar but differs in having spathes nearly equalling the peduncles, involucral bracts with multifid apices, obtuse floral bracts and obtuse male perianth-lobes. The distinguishing features of both the species are tabulated. . Eriocaulon gopalakrishnanum sp. nov. (Eriocaulaceae) from the Western Ghats, India by K. Rashmi and G. Krishnakumar – Nordic Journal of Botany Volume 32, Issue 2, pages 146–149, April 2014- Abstract- Eriocaulon gopalakrishnanum K. Rashmi & G. Krishnakumar sp. nov. is described and illustrated from the low altitude monsoon vegetation in the coastal lateritic plateau of the Western Ghat region of Kerala, India. The new species is distinct in the leaves and spathe being papillose, a character not displayed by any other species from this region.
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. Species with description in Flora of Pakistan : Eriocaulon cinereum var. sieboldianum (Sieb. & Zucc.) T. Koyama ex Huang . Eriocaulon atrum Nakai (No distribution given) Eriocaulon exsertum Satake (No distribution in India) Eriocaulon kathmanduense Satake (No distribution in India) Eriocaulon obclavatum Satake (No distribution in India) Eriocaulon sollyanum Royle (No distribution given) Eriocaulon staintonii Satake (No distribution in India) Eriocaulon trisectoides Satake (No distribution in India) Eriocaulon viride Korn. is a synonym of Eriocaulon nepalense Prescott ex Bong. Eriocaulon xeranthemum Mart. . . An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995)- Details with keys– Eriocaulon collinum Hook.f.is a synonym of Eriocaulon odoratum Dalzell Eriocaulon dianae var. richardianum Fysonis a synonym of Eriocaulon richardianum (Fyson) R.Ansari & N.P.Balakr. Eriocaulon odoratum Dalzell Eriocaulon polycephalum Hook.f.is a synonym of Eriocaulon longicuspe Hook.f. . CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants: Common Names … By Umberto Quattrocchi (2012)- Details- . Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Plants of the Lower Ganga Delta: Its Taxonomy … By Kumudranjan Naskar (1990)- Details wth keys– Eriocaulon reductum Ruhlandis a synonym of Eriocaulon cinereum R.Br. . Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (2004)- Details with keys– / Flora of Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, Chintala Prabhakar, B. Ravi Prasad Rao (1998)- Details wth keys– . Biodiversity in India, Volume 2 edited by T. Pullaiah (2003)- Eriocaulon breviscapum Körn. – Vulnerable Eriocaulon conica Fischer – Low risk Eriocaulon cuspidatum Dalzell – Low risk Eriocaulon dalzellii Körn. – Low risk Eriocaulon duthiei Hook.f. – Low risk Eriocaulon elenorae Fyson – Low risk Eriocaulon eurypeplon Körn. – Low risk Eriocaulon fluviatile Trimen – Vulnerable Eriocaulon heterolepis – Low risk Eriocaulon kolhapurense S.P.Gaikwad, Sardesai & S.R.Yadav – Vulnerable Eriocaulon lanceolatum Miq. ex Körn. – Low risk Eriocaulon margaretae Fyson – Low risk Eriocaulon minutum Hook.f. – Low risk Eriocaulon odoratum Dalzell – Low risk Eriocaulon palghatense R.Ansari & N.P.Balakr. – Low risk Eriocaulon ratnagiricum S.R.Yadav, S.P.Gaikwad & Sardesai – Not evaluated Eriocaulon richardianum (Fyson) R.Ansari & N.P.Balakr. – Not evaluated Eriocaulon ritchieanum Ruhland – Low risk Eriocaulon robustobrownianum Ruhland – Low risk Eriocaulon santapaui Moldenke- Data deficient Eriocaulon sedgwickii – Low risk Eriocaulon setaceum Linnaeus – Low risk Eriocaulon sharmae R.Ansari & N.P.Balakr. – Low risk Eriocaulon stellulatum – Low risk Eriocaulon talbotii R.Ansari & N.P.Balakr.- Data deficient Eriocaulon tuberiferum – Low risk . Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993)- Eriocaulon capillus-naiadis Hook.f.is a synonym of Eriocaulon setaceum L. . Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Chhatarpur and Damoh By G. P. Roy, B. K. Shukla, Bhaskar Datt (1992)- Details- Eriocaulon cinereum R. Brown . Biodiversity and Its Conservation in India By Sharad Singh Negi (1993)- Eriocaulon humile Moldenkeis a synonym of Eriocaulon minutum Hook.f. – Vulnerable . Ecology, Diversity, and Conservation of Plants and Ecosystems in India edited by H. N. Pandey, S. K. Barik (2006)- Eriocaulon tuberiferum– Endangered . Inland Wetlands of India: Conservation Priorities by V. S. Vijayan – Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, 2004 – Wetland conservation – 532 pages- ………………. Eriocaulon minutum Hook.f. Eriocaulon miserum Körn. . Eriocaulon (Eriocaulaceae) : 2 posts by 1 author. I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Eriocaulon (Pl. click). Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links. Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details. If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful. An excellent useful compilation. Those working in the genus would find it beneficial. You have forwarded several photographs of Eriocaulon to me for identification. I am sorry to inform you that it is not possible to identify Eriocaulons from photographs. The characters useful for identification are hidden inside the heads, and hence without dissection it is not possible to identify the species. The genus is overpopulated with species evolution is at a fast space in this genus as seen by the numerous new species described recently. Therefore it requires several leads to come to the conclusion. Try … and his team of workers who are deeply engaged in the taxonomy of the genus. At present I am out of touch with the genus and I am not aware whether my friend … is still working on the genus. . Eriocaulon (Eriocaulaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Eriocaulon (Eriocaulaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia. If you find any incorrect identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice. |
Updated on December 24, 2024