Viburnum tinus (Introduced)

Viburnum tinus L., Sp. Pl. 267 1753. (syn: Tinus laurifolius (Lam.) Borkh.; Tinus rugosus (Pers.) Spach; Tynus lauriformis (Lam.) J. S. Presl; Tynus lucidus (Mill.) J. S. Presl; Tynus rugosus (Pers.) J. S. Presl; Viburnum hyemale Salisb.; Viburnum latifolium Hort. ex Schult.; Viburnum laurifolium C. Koch; Viburnum lauriforme Lam.; Viburnum lauriforme Lam.; Viburnum rugosum Pers.; Viburnum strictum Link; Viburnum strictum Sweet);
Medit.: Albania, Algeria, Baleares, Corse, Cyprus, East Aegean Is., France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Sardegna, Sicilia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, Yugoslavia; Introduced into: Great Britain, Mexico Central as per POWO;
Portugal, Spain, Baleares, France, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Italy, Serbia & Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Albania, Greece, Crete (I), East Aegaean Isl. (I), Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Australia (I) (South Australia (I)), Turkey (W-Anatolia), Israel (N-Israel), Lebanon (coastal W-Lebanon), Pakistan (I), USA (I) (California (I), Oregon (I)), Tajikistan (I) as per CoL;

Small Tree For ID : California : 25NOV14 : AK-60 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
A small tree seen in a home garden in Fremont on 29/9/14.
Tiny white flowers and bluish black fruits.

Is it belongs to Rubiaceae?

Viburnum tinus I hope

Thanks for the id. You know them all.


Ornamental Viburnum species from Shimla : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Kindly help with species identification:
Genus: Viburnum
Habit: Small shrub (nearly 1 m tall)
Place: Indian Institute of Advanced Studies
Nov., 2013

Nice one. Could it be Viburnum tinus?

Yesterday got a mail regarding Viburnum page on efloraindia. Thought of sharing from my collection especially those photographs which can be inserted on this page.
Compared this ornamental species with all available on this page. Not
matching with any species including V. tinus. The nearest to me on
this page is V. suspensum.

Viburnum × burkwoodii  ??

It is matching perfectly with Viburnum suspensum.
Sanmarco Garden

Viburnum tinus

Bush For ID : Kenya : 14OCT16 : AK-18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Pictures taken in Nairobi in the first week of July.
Looks like Viburnum Species to me.

Surprisingly there is no distribution of Viburnum species in Kenya. Only option is introduced and not yet recorded.

I guess this is Viburnum tinus L. and introduced to Kenya !


SK 3342 08 March 2022: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Langton Garden, Romford, UK
Altitude: 15 m.
Date: 26 February 2022
Habit : Cultivated
Viburnum tinus L. ??

Yes, Viburnum tinus.

Flowers are pure white… therefore it is likely to be Viburnum tinus French White.
All others have pink in buds or petals.


SK 3351 11 March 2022: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Langton Garden, Romford, UK
Altitude: 15 m.
Date: 26 February 2022
Habit : Cultivated
Viburnum tinus ‘Macrophyllum’ ??

May be some cultivar as appears close to images at Viburnum tinus



POWO  Catalogue of Life
The Plant List Ver.1.1  Flora of Pakistan  Wikipedia  PFAF

Updated on December 24, 2024

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