Vijayasankar Raman

Research publications of Vijayasankar Raman (as of December 2014).
Contact details:
Vijayasankar Raman, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Center for Natural Products Research
3027, Thad Cochran Research Center
University of Mississippi
MS-38677, USA


Vijayasankar R, Ravikumar K, Ravichandran P (2012). Plant Resources of Tiruvannamalai District,
Tamil Nadu, India
. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun. pp 852. [ISBN:

2.    Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar
, Murugan R, Goraya GS, Begam SN (2009). Photo-guide to selected medicinal plants of Karnataka. FRLHT, Bangalore.
pp 111. [ISBN: 9788190896535]

3.   Vijayasankar R (2001). Eliya Muraiyil Mooligai Vaidhiyam
(booklet in Tamil language). Shanthimalai Research and Development Trust,

4.    Ravikumar K, Ved DK, Vijayasankar R, Udayan PS (2000). Illustrated Field Guide to 100
Red Listed Medicinal Plants    of Conservation Concern in southern India.
FRLHT, Bangalore. pp 467.

5.     Ved
DK, Ravikumar K, Goraya GS, Vijayasankar
, Begum SN, Kavitha M, Murugan R. Compendium
of Traded Indian Medicinal Plants
. FRLHT, Bangalore. [in press].

 Book chapter

1.    Vijayasankar R, Ravikumar K,
Goraya GS. 2008. Floristic wealth of Javvadhu Hills, Eastern Ghats, with special
emphasis on threatened plants. In: Rawat G S. (Ed.). Special habitats and
threatened plants of India. ENVIS Bulletin: Wildlife and Protected Areas,
Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, 11(1): 187-19

Research Papers

34. Galal AM, Raman
, Khan IA. Sida cordifolia, a traditional
herb in a modern perspective – a review. Current
Traditional Medicine
DOI: 10.2174/2215083801666141226215639 [

33. Vijayasankar R, Harry T. Horner,
Ikhlas A. Khan. 2014. New and unusual forms of calcium oxalate raphide crystals
in Plant Kingdom. Journal of Plant
127:721–730; DOI 10.1007/s10265-014-0654-y [Abstract]

32.  Ravikumar K, Babu NMG,
Balachandran N, Vijayasankar R. 2014. Acanthospermum consobrin
um (Asteraceae) – A New Record for India. Rheedea 24(1):
50-51. [

31. Vijayasankar R, Ahmed M. Galal,
Bharathi Avula, Satyanarayanaraju Sagi, Troy J. Smillie, Ikhlas A. Khan. 2014. Application
of anatomy and HPTLC in characterizing species of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae). Journal of Natural Medicines 68:686-698.
DOI:10.1007/s11418-014-0849-5 [PDF]

30. Ravikumar K, Noorunnisa Begum S, Vijayasankar R. 2014. “Notes on the
distribution of Semecarpus
[Anacardiaceae] in India”. In: Panda S, Ghosh C. (eds.). Diversity and Conservation of Plants
and Traditional Knowledge. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun. pp

29. Anna P Kowalczuk, Vijayasankar R, Ahmed M Galal, Ikhlas A Khan, Daniel J Siebert,
Jordan K Zjawiony. “Vegetative anatomy and micromorphology of Salvia divinorum (Lamiaceae) from
Mexico, combined with chromatographic analysis of salvinorin A”. Journal of Natural Medicines 68:63–73.
2014. DOI 10.1007/s11418-013-0769-9 [Abstract]

28. Wang, Mei, Bharathi Avula, Yan-Hong Wang,
Jianping Zhao, Cristina Avonto, Jon F. Parcher, Vijayasankar R, Jerry A. Zweigenbaum, Philip L. Wylie, and
Ikhlas A. Khan. “An integrated approach utilizing chemometrics and GC/MS
for classification of chamomile flowers, essential oils and commercial
products.” Food Chemistry 152:
391-8. 2014. [Abstract]

27. Tabanca, Nurhayat, Cristina Avonto, Mei
Wang, Jon F. Parcher, Abbas Ali, Betul Demirci, Vijayasankar R and Ikhlas A. Khan. “Comparative
investigation of Umbellularia californica and Laurus nobilis Leaf Essential
oils and Identification of Constituents Active against Aedes aegypti.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
61(50): 12283−12291. 2013. DOI: 10.1021/jf4052682 [Abstract]

26. Raman
Avula B, Galal AM, Wang YH, Khan IA. Microscopic and UPLC-UV-MS analyses of
authentic and commercial yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe) bark samples. Journal
of Natural Medicines
. DOI: 10.1007/s11418-012-0642-2. [Abstract]

25. Singh A., S. Majumdar, W. Deng, N.N.
Mohammed, A.G. Chittiboyina, V. Raman,
S. Shah, M.A. Repka. Development and characterization of taste masked Efavirenz
pellets utilizing hot melt extrusion.  J. Drug Del. Sci. Tech., 23(2): 157-163
2013. [Abstract].

24. Hemant Lata, Suman Chandra, Yan-Hong Wang, Vijayasankar R, Ikhlas A Khan.
TDZ-Induced High Frequency Plant Regeneration through Direct Shoot
Organogenesis in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni: An Important Medicinal Plant and a
Natural Sweetener. American Journal of
Plant Sciences
01/2013; 4:117-128. DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2013.41016. [PDF].

23.  Ahmed M Galal, Vijayasankar R, Bharathi Avula, Yan-Hong Wang, Chidananda Swamy
Rumalla, Aruna D. Weerasooriya, Ikhlas A Khan. Comparative study of three Plumbago L. species (Plumbaginaceae) by microscopy, UPLC-UV
and HPTLC. Journal of Natural Medicines 07/2013;
67(3): 554-561. DOI: 10.1007/s11418-012-0717-0. [Abstract].

22. Vijayasankar
Ahmed M. Galal, Ikhlas A. Khan. An Investigation of the Vegetative Anatomy of Piper
, and a Comparison with the Anatomy of Piper betle (Piperaceae).
American Journal of Plant Sciences 3(8): 1135-44. 2012. [PDF].

21. Vijayasankar
Kottaimuthu R, Ravikumar K. Additions to the flora of Sirumalai Hills, Eastern
Ghats, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Threatened Taxa 1(7): 379-381. 2009. [PDF]

20. Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar R. Antiaris
(Moraceae) – a new distribution record to the Eastern Ghats. Journal
of Threatened Taxa
1(1): 58-59. 2009. [PDF]

19. Vijayasankar
Ravikumar K, Ganesh Babu NM, Ved DK. Botany of Anapady MPCA, Palghat district,
Kerala with special emphasis on species of conservation concern. Bull. Bot.
Surv. India
49: 165-172. 2007.

18. Ganesh Babu NM, Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar
, Ved DK, Ganesan R. On the distribution and ethnobotany of Peucedanum
var. dalzellii (Apiaceae), a little known endemic from
southern India. Ind. J. Forestry 30(2): 167-170. 2007.

17. Vijayasankar
Ravikumar K, Ganesh Babu NM. A new species of Eriocaulon L.
(Eriocaulaceae) from Anamalai Hills of Kerala, India. Rheedea 16(1):
59-61. 2006.

16. Ganesh Babu NM, Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar
. Notes on some interesting and noteworthy plants from southern India. J.
Econ. Tax. Bot.
30(2): 390-393. 2006.

15. Ved, DK, Kinhal GA, Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar R and Haridasan K.
Conservation Assessment and Management Prioritisation (CAMP) for wild medicinal
plants of North-East India. Medicinal Plant Conservation 11 (2005):

14.  Ravikumar K, Ved DK, Vijayasankar R,
Ganesh Babu NM. Medicinal Plant Diversity in India: Current Status and in
situ Conservation in southern India – A case study
. In: R. Baskar & al.
(eds.). Abstracts of National Seminar on “Medicinal Plants Research-An Industry
Oriented Perspective” organized by Dept. of Bio-chemistry, Dr. G.R. Damodaran
College of Science, Coimbatore. pp. 30-46. June 21-22, 2005.

13. Vijayasankar
, Ravikumar K, Ganesh Babu NM. On the collection of a
peninsular endemic, Barleria stocksii (Acanthaceae), after a century. Zoos’
Print Journal
20(3): 1820. March 2005. [
PDF, Supplement]

12. Vijayasankar
Ravikumar K, Suma TS, Ganesh Babu NM, R. Ganesan. Distribution note on Justicia
(Acanthaceae), a southern Indian endemic species. My
41(1): 49-53. March

11. Ravikumar K, Begum SN, Vijayasankar R,
Ved DK. Profile of medicinal plants diversity in Kerala MPCAs. In:  
Medicinal Plants of Kerala: Conservation & Beneficiation – Compendium on
the Focal Theme of 17th Kerala Science Congress. pp. 23-28. January 2005.

10. Begum SN, Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar R,
Ved DK. Profile of medicinal plants diversity in Tamil Nadu MPCAs. In:
Abstracts of XIV Annual Conference of IAAT and National Seminar on New
Frontiers in Plant Taxonomy and Biodiversity Conservation. TBGRI,
Thiruvananthapuram. p. 97. December 2004.

9. Ravikumar K, Lakshmanan V, Vijayasankar
. Notes on the extended distribution of three Indian endemics in Tamil
Nadu. Rheedea 14: 69-70. 2004.

8. Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar R, Ved
DK, Bhat KG. Is Madhuca insignis (Radlk.) H.J. Lam (Sapotaceae) really
extinct? Phytotaxonomy 4: 119-123. 2004.

7. Vijayasankar
Ravikumar K, Ravichandran P. Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr.
(Menispermaceae) – A hitherto unreported Red Listed medicinal plant from Tamil
Nadu state. Indian For. 130(7): 731-734. July 2004.

6. Vijayasankar
Ravikumar K. First report of Barleria lupulina Lindl. (Acanthaceae) from
southern India. Zoos’ Print Journal 19(5): 1484. May 2004.[PDF, Supplement]

5. Vijayasankar
Ravikumar K, Ravichandran P. Dipteracanthus beddomei (C.B. Clarke)
Santapau (Acanthaceae) – A new report to southern India. Zoos’ Print Journal
19(4): 1442. April 2004. [PDF, Supplement]

4. Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar R,
Ravishankar T. Rediscovery of Memecylon sisparense Gamble
(Melastomataceae) 110 years after Type collection. In: Janarthanam, M.K., D.
Narasimhan (eds.). Plant Diversity, Human Welfare and Conservation. Dept. of
Botany, Goa University, Goa. pp. 151-156. 2003.

3. Vijayasankar
Ravikumar K, Ravichandran P. Endemic species, Brachystelma brevitubulatum (Bedd.)
Gamble (Asclepiadaceae), relocated after a century. Phytotaxonomy 3:
130-133. 2003.

2. Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar R.
Ethnobotany of Malayali Tribes in Melpattu village, Javvadhu Hills of Eastern
Ghats, Tiruvannamalai district, Tamil Nadu. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 27(3):
715-726. 2003.

1. Ravikumar K, Vijayasankar R,
Prabhakaran V. Utleria salicifolia Bedd. ex Hook.f.
(Periplocaceae) A Monotypic, Endemic and Critically Endangered, Red Listed
Medicinal Plant relocated from its type locality. My Forest 37(2):495-498. June 2001. 

CAMP (Conservation Assessment and Management Prioritization) Reports

1.   Ved,
D.K., G.A. Kinhal, K. Haridasan, K. Ravikumar, Utkarsh Ghate, R. Vijayasankar & J.H. Indresha
(eds.). 2003. CAMP for the medicinal plants of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,
Meghalaya and Sikkim – Proceedings of the workshop. FRLHT, Bangalore. pp 157.

2.    Ved,
D.K., G.A. Kinhal, K. Ravikumar, V. Prabhakaran, Utkarsh Ghate, R. Vijayasankar & J.H. Indresha (eds.).
2003. CAMP for the medicinal plants of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh
& Uttaranchal. FRLHT, Bangalore. pp 206.

3.    Ved,
D.K., G.A. Kinhal, K. Ravikumar, Mohan Karnat, R. Vijayasankar & J.H. Indresha (eds.). 2003. CAMP for the
medicinal plants of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. FRLHT, Bangalore. pp 165.

4.    Ved,
D.K., G.A. Kinhal, B.M.S. Rathore, K. Ravikumar, R. Vijayasankar & R. Venkateswaran (eds.). 2006. CAMP for
medicinal plant species of Madhya Pradesh – Eco-regional assimilation for
conservation action – workshop report. FRLHT, Bangalore. pp 134.

5.     Ved,
D.K., G.A. Kinhal, K. Ravikumar, S.K. Jain, R. Vijayasankar & R.Sumathi. 2007. CAMP for the Medicinal
Plants of Rajasthan – report. FRLHT, Bangalore.

D.K., G.A. Kinhal, K. Ravikumar, P.C. Panda, R. Vijayasankar & R. Sumathi. 2007. CAMP for the Medicinal
Plants of Orissa – report. FRLHT, Bangalore.

D.K., G.A. Kinhal, K. Ravikumar, R.R.P. Singh, R. Vijayasankar & R.Sumathi. 2007. CAMP for the Medicinal
Plants of West Bengal – report. FRLHT, Bangalore.


Conference Presentations

1.     Raman V, Khan IA. Calcium
oxalate crystals in Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae). American Society of
Pharmacognosy 2014 Annual Meeting & 14th Annual Oxford International
Conference on the Science of Botanicals, Oxford, Mississippi, USA, 2-6 August
2014. Planta Med 2014; 80 – PV2. DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1382764 [

 2.  Raman V, Sagi S, Galal AM,
Avula B, Khan IA. Comparative morpho-anatomy and HPTLC studies of leaves of
Agathosma betulina and Agathosma crenulata. American Society of Pharmacognosy
2014 Annual Meeting & 14th Annual Oxford International Conference on the
Science of Botanicals, Oxford, Mississippi, USA, 2-6 August 2014. Planta Med
2014; 80 – PPL11. DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1382647 [

 3.  Tabanca
N, Demirci B, Avonto C, Wang M, Ali A, Bernier UR, Raman V, Khan IA. Mosquito repellent activity of essential oils and
extracts from Chamomile flowers. American Society of Pharmacognosy 2014 Annual
Meeting & 14th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of
Botanicals, Oxford, Mississippi, USA, 2-6 August 2014. Planta Med 2014; 80 –
PD53. DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1382474 [

 4. J
Zhao, E Bedir, M Wang, B Avula, YH Wang, S Sagi, V Raman, IA Khan. NMR-based metabolomics for chemotaxonomic
characterization and authentification of Astragalus species. American Society
of Pharmacognosy 2014 Annual Meeting & 14th Annual Oxford International
Conference on the Science of Botanicals, Oxford, Mississippi, USA, 2-6 August
2014. Planta Med 2014; 80 – PPL16. DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1382652 [

 5.    Raman V, Galal AM,
Weerasooriya A, Khan IA. Identification of Yams – A Comparative Study of the
Tubers of Four Species of Dioscorea
L. (Dioscoreaceae) by Microscopy and HPTLC. 12th Annual Oxford
International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICSB), Oxford, MS. April
15th-18th, 2013.
Med 2013; 79 – P8. DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1336450. [

 6.   M
Wang, B Avula, YH Wang, J Zhao, C Avonto, V
, J Parcher, J Zweigenbaum, P Wylie, IA Khan. GC/MS Coupled with
Advanced Data Mining and Chemometric Tools for Differentiation and
Classification of Chamomile Plants, Essential Oils and Commercial Products.
Planta Med 2013; 79 – PH11. DOI:
10.1055/s-0033-1348601. [

 7.  Wang
M, Avula B, Wang Y-H, Zhao J, Avonto C, Raman
, Parcher JF, Khan IA,
J Zweigenbaum. Analytical  Investigation of German, Roman
and Chinese Chamomile Plant, Oil and Commercial Samples. 12th Annual
Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICSB), Oxford,
MS, April 15th-18th, 2013.
Planta Med 2013; 79 – P122. DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1336564.

 8.    Rehman
JU, Ali A, Tabanca N, Raman V,
Demirci B, Baser KHC, Khan IA. Biting Deterrent and Larvicidal Activity of
Essential oils of Magnolia grandiflora
against Aedes aegypti. 12th
Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICSB),
Oxford, MS. April 15th-18th, 2013.
Planta Med 2013; 79 – P20. DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1336462. [Abstract]

 9.  Raman, V; Avula, B; Galal,
A; Wang, YH; Khan, IA. Identification of Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia johimbe) using Microscopy and UPLC-MS Techniques. 11th
Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals. Oxford, MS.
April 16th-18th, 2012.
Planta Med 2012; 78 – P_21. DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1307529. [Abstract]

 10. Raman, V; Galal, A;
Weerasooriya, A; Khan, IA. Comparative Anatomy of Four Species of Piper (Piperaceae). 11th Annual
Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals. Oxford, MS. April
16th-18th, 2012.
Med 2012; 78 – P_22. DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1307530
. [Abstract]

 11. Chandra
S, Lata H, Raman V, ElSohly MA, Khan
IA. Acclimatization of Micropropagated Stevia
Bertoni to ex-vitro Conditions: Comparative Ecophysiology and
Leaf Anatomy. 11th Annual Oxford International Conference on the
Science of Botanicals. Oxford, Mississippi. April 16th-18th,
Planta Med 2012;
78 – P_3. DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1307511
. [Abstract]

 12. Kowalczuk,
AP; Raman, V; Galal, A; Khan, IA;
Siebert, D; Zjawiony, J. Anatomical Features of Salvia divinorum Epling and Játiva-M as Supporting Information in
Marketed Product Identification. 11th Annual Oxford International
Conference on the Science of Botanicals. Oxford, Mississippi. April 16th-18th,
Planta Med 2012;
78 – P_20. DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1307528
. [Abstract]

 13. Galal,
A; Rumalla, CS; Vijayasankar Raman;
Weerasooriya, A; Khan, IA. Comparative Study of Three Species of Plumbago using Microscopy and HPTLC
Fingerprinting. 10th Annual Oxford International Conference on the
Science of Botanicals. Oxford, Mississippi, USA. 11th-14th
April 2011.
Planta Med
2011; 77 – P_68. DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1273597
. [Abstract]

Vijayasankar Raman; Khan, IA.
Identification of Terminalia Species
from India using Macro-morphological Features. 10th Annual Oxford
International Conference on the Science of Botanicals. Oxford, Mississippi,
USA. 11th-14th April 2011.
Planta Med 2011; 77 – P_1. DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1273530. [Abstract]


Popular Articles

1.     Prabhakaran, V., K. Ravikumar and R. Vijayasankar. Rediscovery of the
millennium – Utleria salicifolia. Amruth Vol.5 (2): 21-27. April-May 2001.

2.     Vijayasankar, R. and K. Ravikumar. Blue mist in
bloom. Amruth Vol.5 (3): 26-27 &
32. June-July 2001.

3.     Ravikumar, K., R. Vijayasankar and I.K. Sambashiva Rao. The potential green
medicine from northeast India.      Amruth
Vol.5 (4): 5-7. August-September 2001.

4.    Prabhakaran, V., K. Ravikumar and R. Vijayasankar. Janakia arayalpathra – the
. Amruth Vol. 5(5):
October-November 2001.

5.   Prabhakaran, V., D.K. Ved, Darshan Shankar,
K. Ravikumar, R. Vijayasankar and
N.M. Ganesh Babu. Medplant Network News
Vol.4 (3): 1, 3-4. June-August 2004.

6.      Ravikumar, K. & R. Vijayasankar. Threatened medicinal
plants-Series: Aegle marmelos. Poorveegam 1(2): 9-10. 2002.

7.    Ravikumar, K. & R. Vijayasankar. Threatened medicinal
plants-Series: Aristolochia tagala. Poorveegam 2(4): 7-8. 2004.

8.     Ravikumar, K. & R. Vijayasankar. Threatened medicinal
plants-Series: Artocarpus hirsutus. Poorveegam 3(4): 10-11. 2005.

9.    Ravikumar, K. & R. Vijayasankar. Threatened medicinal
plants-Series: Aphanamixis polystachya.
Poorveegam 1(1): 15-16. 2005.

10.   Ravikumar, K. & R. Vijayasankar. Threatened medicinal
plants-Series: Cycas circinalis. Poorveegam 1(2): 24-25. 2005.

11.  Ravikumar, K. & R. Vijayasankar. Threatened medicinal
plants-Series: Coscinium fenestratum.
Poorveegam 1(2): 21-22. 2005.


Updated on December 23, 2024

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