Wildlife and Nature Photography Exhibition 2022

2nd WLNPE 2002- Request for Entries:

Due to preponement of UG and PG   Exams of Kurukshetra University, we are forced to prepone our event  *Wildlife and Nature Photography Exhibition 2022*.
Therefore we request you all to share your one best high quality/ Resolution image (Printing Size 18×15 inch) with 1-2 line text matter mentioning importance/ any specific point about that plant on or before 22nd May.
Your cooperation in this regard is highly solicited.
email for sending pics
Organising team
WLNPE 2022
Arya PG College Panipat

Pls share your Best Flora Photograph as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for sharing the details of WLNPE 2002, I am sure to submit my entry with in the stipulated time.  Please inform me it is to be affect the quality of image when I have upload through my mobile phone,

I am not clear about what you want to ask regarding:
“Please inform me it is to be affect the quality of image when I have upload through my mobile phone”

Is it more better to upload flora image by email through desktop capable for printing size 18×15? Can I upload the same through mobile phone?

If you send by What’s up quality gets severely detoriated. So send by mail only.

Entries can be sent to 2ndwln…@gmail.com
Through desktop or mobile with highest quality

Pls share your Best Flora Photograph as soon as possible.

Also posted on the efloraofindia Facebook group.

I think now around 18.

I think story is very important behind a great image.




2nd WLNPE 2022 is now  ready for Inauguration.
Those who are residing in nearby cities must visit.

All are most welcome

Thanks a lot, Balkar ji, for the superb efforts.

Best wishes, Balkar ji, and your team !!!

Wait I am coming to  Inaugurate….. just kidding.
Oh I see some of my pics.
Best of luck!!!

इस कार्यक्रम के लिए हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं बलकार जी।


Wildlife exhibition by Botanical society Arya PG College and eFloraofIndia:

Balkar ji has taken tremendous efforts in organising this exhibition and spreading awareness about our wild Flora.
This has filled all of us with great enthusiasm, in celebrating completion of 15 years of eFloraofIndia.
Here is coverage in newspapers.
Hats off to Balkar ji for this tremendous initiative.

Published on
Posted it in the efloraofindia Facebook page.
Pl. give it wide publicity in Social media, by posting it in your profile/ groups/ Instagram etc.

Congratulations Balkar ji ! Great efforts.

Thanks Balkar Ji for your efforts.

Phenomenal, magnanimous efforts, Balkar ji … kudos, bravo !!!!


Great well organised exhibition, congratulations Balkar ji.

Celebration of completion of 15 years of ‘Efloraofindia’ has started with grand exhibition.
Hats off to Balkar Ji.

Great efforts Balkar Ji.

Hearty congratulations.

Few more images showing our stalwarts Nidhan ji and Balkar ji.

Few more images.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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