Barleria terminalis

Barleria terminalis Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 225. 1847 [25 Nov 1847];
Blue barleria, Nilikantashelio (Gujarati), नीली कोरांटी Nili koranti (Marathi);
Barleria strigosa Willd.

at Matheran on December 8, 2009

the posted plant is Barleria terminalis Nees … thanks to … for validating the ID in another post with sighting from Matheran – DVMAR25/36. Will soon correct my notes at flickr.

Barleria strigosa Willd.

at Matheran on November 1, 2012

Is this Barleria strigosa or Barleria terminalis?
Until I saw the other species I could never be sure, but now I feel this one that we see all around our area, including at Matheran, is Barleria terminalis.
I’ll try and post pics of what may be Barleria strigosa and you can see what you think.
BSI Fl of Mah is very helpful for this.

Thanks very very much … for validating this ID. It had taken me lot of time to tally the plant aspects with line drawings and descriptions in Rheedea document – Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India. While it was not easy for me to differentiate the two species easily, there is a line describing habitat of B. terminalis which says “Habitat: Along streams in higher altitudes.” That made me think of changing the earlier labelled B. terminalis to B. strigosa !! There is just no stream in the anywhere in 100m vicinity of that colony of B. terminalis.

Will revert to B. terminalis in my flickr notes, very soon.

So dear friends, the posted plant is Barleria terminalis Nees and so is in my another sighting in Matheran – DVMAR24/35.

Yes. that paper does make it easier though classification based on just few pictures and not the dissection can be tricky


Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Barleria strigosa :: Amboli Ghat :: DVMAR26/37 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.

Barleria strigosa Willd.

along Amboli Ghat on December 23, 2014

To me this is Barleria terminalis.

Yes …, … now to me too ! Will correct my notes at flickr soon.

Thanks very much for showing strigosa.


Acanthaceae Fortnight::Barleria terminalisi :: NSJ-15 :  1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)

Barleria terminalis (Marathi – Nili Koranti)

Photographed at Satara


Names of Plants in India :: Barleria strigosa: 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.

Barleria terminalis Nees as per another thread.

Many thanks … for putting the corrected ID – Barleria terminalis – for the plant in above picture.

The compiled names however hold good for Barleria strigosa.


Request for ID -271010RA2 : 10 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (3)

Saw this beautiful Strobilanthus sp. flowering at several places in Matheran, Mah., last weekend (27.10.10). Request species ID please.

May be Barleria lawii

This is Barleria sp.

am sure you have inadvertently put your doubt as Strobilanthes … this is some species of Barleria.

… good chances of Barleria terminalis.

Barleria terminalis.

Pl. validate it as Barleria terminalis or otherwise in view of another thread.

Yes …, Barleria terminalis.

Yes, B. terminalis

Amboli Ghat :: Barleria strigosa :: DVJAN96 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.

Amboli Ghat Maharashtra

Date: 23 DEC 2014 … Altitude: from 400 m to 700 m asl

Barleria strigosa Willd. … (family: Acanthaceae)

Barleria terminalis as per another thread.

Yes …; many thanks for putting the corrected ID – Barleria terminalis, in this post.

… shows B. strigosa in one of her posts RVMAR1.


Bot. name: Barleria terminalis
Location: on a trek route to Mahabaleshwar from Jorwadi


Seen this small Shrub on a trek route to Mahabaleshwar from Jorwadi.
Date/Time: 28-12-2013 /08:00AM
Bot. name: Barleria terminalis
Family: Acanthaceae
Acanthaceae Fortnight :: ID Request :: Devgad :: ARKMAR-73/85 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attached is a lone pic of a Barleria captured at Devgad, Konkan, Maharashtra in November 2012.
The flower was blue in colour.
Someone had suggested B. terminalia at that time.
Is it possible to ID based on this pic?


Barleria terminalis :  Attachments (4).  1 post by 1 author.

Seen this small Shrub on a trek route to Mahabaleshwar from Jorwadi.
Date/Time: 28-12-2013 /08:00AM
Bot. name: Barleria terminalis
Family: Acanthaceae

Pl. validate it as Barleria terminalis or otherwise in view of another thread.

Yes, Barleria terminalis


Barleria terminalis??? :  Attachments (2).  6 posts by 4 authors.

Another set of photographs of Barleria sp..
Location: on a trek route to Mahabaleshwar from Jorwadi
Could this be Barleria terminalis ???

A very similar looking Barleria posted by me was identified by … as Barleria strigosa.

I think … is right

It is Barleria terminalis commonly found in ghat regions. For more details consult my research article published in journal Rheedea Revision of genus Barleria for India.

It can be finalized as Barleria terminalis


4 images.

Seen these flowers at Matheran, an hill station near Mumbai, MH in the last week of December 2020.
Hope they are Barleria terminalis.

Requested to please validate.



1st of December, 2009: On the Pratapgadh road, Mahabaleshwar,Maharashtra; 1st of December at Mahabaleshwar;Request for ID: BARLERIA: 290110-AK-3 – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Again one of my earlier posts.

Barleria terminalis according to …
Barleria cristata by …

Request for ID: BARLERIA: 290110-AK-3

I think Barleria terminalis 



Updated on December 24, 2024

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