Barleria strigosa Willd., Sp. Pl. 3: 379 1800. (syn: Barleria caerulea Roxb.; Barleria macrophylla F.Heyne ex C.B.Clarke [Invalid]; Barleria polystachya Hook. ex Nees; Barleria strigosa var. polystachya (Nees) C.B.Clarke; Barleria strigosa var. terminalis (Nees) C.B.Clarke; Pseudobarleria coerulea Oerst.; Pseudobarleria polystachya Oerst.); . bar-LEER-ee-uh — name commemorates French botanist, Jacques Barrelier strig-OH-suh — with bristles . commonly known as: dense-spiked blue nail dye, Western Ghats blue nail dye • Bengali: নীল ঝিন্টি nil jhinti • Malayalam: കരിമകുറുഞ്ഞി karimkurunni, നീലകുറുഞ്ഞി nilakurunni • Marathi: itari, नीली nili, निळी कोरांटी nili koranti • Oriya: chavaldhua • Sanskrit: आर्तगलः artagalah, बाण bana, दासी कुरण्टकः dasi kurantakah, ककुभ kakubha, कुरण्टकः kurantakah, कुरवकः kuravakah, महासह mahasaha, नीलझिंटी nilajhinti, नीलकुरण्टकः nilakurantakah, नीलकुसुमः nilakusumah, नीलपुष्पी nilapushpi, सहचरः sahacharah, सैरीयकः sairiyakah • Tamil: மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli, நீலாம்பரம் nilamparam, நீலி nili • Telugu: నీలగోరింట nilagorinta, నీలఅంబరము nilambaramu • Tibetan: sa ha ra tsa rnam gcig . Native of: India . Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Barleria strigosa ::Rani Bagh :: RVMAR1 : 4 posts by 3 authors. I think this is Barleria strigosa. Please validate! According to BSI Fl of Maharashtra: Barleria strigosa: Entire plants less strigosely hairy, inflorescence axillary, occasionally terminal, often glomerate, always secund (means directed towards one side) Barleria terminalis: Entire plants densely strigosely hairy, inflorescence terminal, occasionally axillary, dense short spikes. If we look at the illustration in the same book we see the shape of the bracts differ. Those of B. strigosa are broader with ciliate margins, those of B. terminalis are more lanceolate. Distributions given for B. terminalis are: Along the western ghats. Frequent. Kolhapur, Pune, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Satara, Sindhudurg. For B. strigosa: In Deccan and to eastwards. Frequent. Chandrapur In eflora we see several plants correctly identified, for example: Barleria strigosa Barleria terminalis and a few incorrectly identified. I have a feeling the B. terminalis in FOI may not be correct, but the image doesn’t show a full picture of the bracts. If we go only on the flowers then it’s very difficult to differentiate. Looking forward to your comments regarding these 2 species. This are wonderful photos to identify B. strigosa from terminalis. Thanks Radha very much for sharing these. yes i have exactly this plant pic from a herb garden curated by Prof D C Pal. in bangla its called neel jhanti. Its leaves and roots are used for coughs and inflammations. Barleria terminalis : For Validation : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 121213 : AK-12 : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors. Seen in Lalbagh on 21/11/13. Is this commonly known as Blue Barleria as in FOI? Experts kindly validate. Barleria strigosa Is this a wild flower or a garden flower? Would like Common, Botanical looking at those elliptic lancelike leaves may be ?Barleria terminalis Nili koranti in Marathi Yes …, the posted Barleria does look like B. terminalis Pl. validate it as Barleria terminalis or otherwise in view of another thread. this has got to be Barleria strigosa – referring to … post RVMAR1. Yes, B. strigosa Barleria terminalis – Blue Barleria – 151112 – RK4: 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). Appears like Barleria terminalis (Blue barleria, Nilikantashelio, Nili koranti) . See the links: http://www.flowersofindia./Blue%20Barleria.html (details with a picture), Pl. validate it as Barleria terminalis or otherwise in view of another thread. this is Barleria strigosa – referring to … post RVMAR1. Yes, B. strigosa Garden Flower For ID : Acanthaceae : Mumbai : 27AUG15 : AK-51 : 51/51 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Yes, … Thanks for validation of this Barleria.
. name :: itari :: Barleria strigosa: One of the names of Barleria strigosa is put as itari. . Requesting for id of an Acanthaceae species. Is it species of Barleria? Photograph taken in Mahe in November 2019. Barleria strigosa, . Names of Plants in India :: Barleria strigosa: 1 incorrect image. via Species > B > Barleria strigosa commonly known as: dense-spiked blue nail dye • Bengali: নীল ঝিন্টি nil jhinti • Malayalam: കരിമകുറുഞ്ഞി karimkurunni, നീലകുറുഞ്ഞി nilakurunni • Marathi: itari, नीली nili, निळी कोरांटी nili koranti • Oriya: chavaldhua • Sanskrit:आर्तगलः artagalah, बाण bana, दासी कुरण्टकः dasi kurantakah, ककुभ kakubha, कुरण्टकः kurantakah, कुरवकः kuravakah,महासह mahasaha, नीलझिंटी nilajhinti, नीलकुरण्टकः nilakurantakah, नीलकुसुमः nilakusumah, नीलपुष्पी nilapushpi, सहचरः sahacharah, सैरीयकः sairiyakah • Tamil: மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli, நீலாம்பரம் nilamparam • Telugu:నీలగోరింట nilagorinta, నీలఅంబరము nilambaramu • Tibetan: sa ha ra tsa rnam gcig Barleria terminalis Nees as per another thread. Many thanks … for putting the corrected ID – Barleria terminalis – for the plant in above picture. The compiled names however hold good for Barleria strigosa. Barleria strigosa Willd. bar-LEER-ee-uh — name commemorates French botanist, Jacques Barrelier … Dave’s Botanary strig-OH-suh — with bristles … Dave’s Botanarycommonly known as: bristly blue barleria, dense-spiked blue nail dye • Bengali: নীল ঝিন্টি nil jhinti • Hindi: कर्बुदार karbu-dar • Malayalam: കരിമകുറുഞ്ഞി karimkurunni, നീലക്കുറുഞ്ഞി nilakkurunni • Marathi: निळी कोरांटी nili koranti • Nepali: बन उर्धयरे ban urdhayare • Odia: ବଣ ମଲ୍ଲୀ bana malli, କୋଇଲିଖିଆ koilikhia • Sanskrit: आर्तगलः artagalah, बाण bana, दासी कुरण्टकः dasi kurantakah, ककुभ kakubha, कुरण्टकः kurantakah, कुरवकः kuravakah, महासह mahasaha, नीलझिंटी nilajhinti, नीलकुरण्टकः nilakurantakah, नीलकुसुमः nilakusumah, नीलपुष्पी nilapushpi, सहचरः sahacharah, सैरीयकः sairiyakah • Tamil: மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli, நீலாம்பரம் nilamparam • Telugu: నీలగోరింట nilagorinta, నీలాంబరము nilambaramu • Tibetan: sa ha ra tsa rnam gcig • Urdu: کربدار karbu-darbotanical names: Barleria strigosa Willd. … synonyms: Barleria caerulea Roxb. • Barleria fasciculata Russell ex Wall. • Barleria macrophylla F.Heyne ex C.B.Clarke • Barleria polytricha Wall. • Barleria purpureosepala H.P.Tsui • Barleria unilateralis Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. • Pseudobarleria caerulea (Roxb.) Oerst. • Pseudobarleria hirsuta Oerst. • Pseudobarleria polytricha (Wall.) Oerst. … POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ bristly blue barleria dense-spiked blue nail dye
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ নীল ঝিন্টি nil jhinti ~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ કાળો કાંટાશેરિયો kalo kantasheriyo
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ कर्बुदार karbu-dar
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ കരിംകുറിഞ്ഞി karimkurunni നീലക്കുറുഞ്ഞി nilakkurunni
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ निळी कोरांटी nili koranti ~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ बन उर्धयरे ban urdhayare ~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ବଣ ମଲ୍ଲୀ bana malli, କୋଇଲିଖିଆ koilikhia
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ आर्तगलः artagalah, बाण bana, दासी कुरण्टकः dasi kurantakah, ककुभ kakubha, कुरण्टकः kurantakah, कुरवकः kuravakah, महासह mahasaha, नीलझिंटी nilajhinti, नीलकुरण्टकः nilakurantakah, नीलकुसुमः nilakusumah, नीलपुष्पी nilapushpi, सहचरः sahacharah, सैरीयकः sairiyakah ~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli
நீலாம்பரம் nilamparam
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ నీలగోరింట nilagorinta, నీలాంబరము nilambaramu
~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~ sa ha ra tsa rnam gcig ~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~ کربدار karbu-dar
Bracts are familiar. Yes, from Acanthaceae. Pl. check Looks familiar to me as well, can’t recollect. Since you suggested Barleria, can we check with Barleria strigosa? Yes, close to images at Barleria strigosa . Barleria strigosa Willd.: 15 very high res. images. Location: Jalthal, Jhapa, East Nepal Date: 02 January 2023 Elevation: 67 m. Habitat: Wild Nepali Name : बन उर्धायेरे Ban Urdhaayere Beautiful ornamental shrub; collected from undisturbed moist deep forest areas. Yes, appears close to images at . References: The Plant List Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Flora of China Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post India Biodiversity Portal Wikipedia IAAT eFlora ENVIS – FRLHT DDSA Barleria strigosa information from NPGS/GRIN CMS JCU Medicinal plants: chemistry and … – Google Books Barleria terminalis – Blue Barleria Photo Gallery – Barleria terminalis |
Barleria strigosa
Updated on December 24, 2024