Ruellia simplex (Cultivated)

Britton’s wild petunia, Desert Petunia, Florida Bluebells, Mexican Petunia, Mexican Blue Bells, Langdhrei angangba (Manipuri);
Small shrub with long linear leaves, not more than 2 cm broad, entire or undulate; flowers on elongate axillary peduncles; corolla up to 4 cm long, lavander, tube expanded above, often darker in the throat; lobes rounded, spreading.
The genus was named in honor of Jean Ruelle, herbalist and physician to Francis I of France and translator of several works of Pedanius Dioscorides.
As hedge in Gardens.


Acanthaceae Week: Ruellia simplex from Delhi: Ruellia simplex C.Wright, Anales Acad. Ci. Méd. Habana 6: 321 1869. syn: Ruellia brittoniana Leonard (illegitimate); Ruellia coerulea Morong; Ruellia spectabilis (Hook.) G. Nicholson
Small shrub with long linear leaves, not more than 2 cm broad, entire or undulate; flowers on elongate axillary peduncles; corolla up to 4 cm long, lavander, tube expanded above, often darker in the throat; lobes rounded, spreading.
Often grown on Ridge in Delhi and as hedge in Gardens. Photographed from Ridge in Delhi.
Common names: Mexican blue-bells, Spanish-ladies

amituid 1 1762011:
Sending plant from Pantnagar found growing water streams details as in photo. Kindly help in identification

Desert Petunia?

to me it looks like Ruellia brittoniana 

Ruellia  sps.

Ruellia (Acanthaceae family)
Is commonly known as the ‘wild petunia’, however are no-where related to the Petunia sps.
could be R. brittoniana as well.
I think .. has ID’d the plant on ‘Flowers of India’ as well.
This particular species is also commonly known as the ‘desert petunia’ as per .. information
Additional information : The genus was named in honor of Jean Ruelle, herbalist and physician to Francis I of France and translator of several works of Pedanius Dioscorides.

Flora of Panipat: Ruellia brittoniana Arya PG College Campus Panipat:
Ruellia brittoniana
A Garden Herb/small Shrub from Arya PG College Campus Panipat

These plants are grown as ornamental.  I had these plants in my Garden in Chennai.  Any medicinal use?

We have this on Old Delhi Ridge also

Please note that Ruellia brittoniana is now a synonym of Ruellia simplex C.Wright of Acanthaceae family.

Another dwarf variety from Arya PG College Campus Panipat

ACANTHACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Ruellia brittoniana from Panipat:: NS MARCH 37/37 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Again an ornamental, Ruellia brittoniana, hope the id is right..


For ID from Panipat-2011:
This Acanthaceae herb was captured from a nursery in Panipat. I hope to get the identification…

I hope Ruellia brittonica

I could not find any google match for Ruellia brittonica. Instead it shows Ruellia brittoniana (Syn. of Ruellia simplex) as per efi site link.

For me it looks like Ruellia brittoniana as suggested by … link : The species has many shades of flowers (varieties).”

..I take this as Ruellia brittoniana…

A garden plant.


Acanthaceae Fortnight : Ruellia simplex : Nasik : 31MAR15 : AK-56 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Seen in Gangajal Nursery, Nasik.

Flower for ID -ID03052015SH1 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower from a nursery for Id pl.

May be Ruelia brittoniana

if the flower is really that light pink or white
its a variant
many exist


ID request 050515SG : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Requesting ID of following ornamental. Photo taken on 11July14 near Pandharpur, Maharashtra.

Ruellia simplex.

This should be dwarf ornamental variety of  Ruellia simplex C.Wright

identification no 160217sn1——Ipomoea aquatica? : 12 posts by 4 authors.
Your help in Id. please. Flower matches with flowers of India
but i am not sure about the inforescence and leaves. This was on dry soil and found it flowering on and off, a solitary flower on a woody stem.
location:Aambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune
plant habit:shrub
height:not more than 1ft.
leaves: digitate with a solitary flower at the center.

… not any Ipomoea; seems to be some Ruellia, and could be an escape.

I agree with … Pl. check comparative images at Ruellia

thanks …, but i don’t get by your meaning “escape”

…, the posted plant looks like an ornamental plant. You have described its habitat as “wild”. I think the garden plant must have “escaped” and has grown in nearby place, making it seem like growing wild.

Means a planted species escaping into wild.

may be so. I have narrowed my Id to Ruellia simplex Dwarf Pink found on the net. Please validate if possible. Also thanks …

Thanks, … I think it matches with images at Ruellia simplex (Cultivated)



efloraofindia:”For Id 16062012MR1’’ shrub with purple flowers at Pune:
Would appreciate your help to Id this shrub 2 feet in ht with purple flowers at a private society at Pune. I do not know if it was wild. It was a group of such shrubs all flowering. I am not sure if it is the fruit seen in IMG_2910_1 and IMG_2910_2.

Yes Ruellia brittoniana

Please ID these: (mixed thread): 1 correct image as above.
Can you please help me identifying these flowers?
All of them are blossoming in terrace of Kolkata , January 2013, except the second one ( during april 2012 )which I am searching to plant again.

1) Ruellia simplex

2) Passiflora
3) Melastoma malabathricum



Ruellia for ID : Oman : 220113 : AK-1:
An ornamental, cultivated Ruellia seen here on 28/12/2012 with Purple flowers. Garden plant. Id please.

Looks like Ruellia brittoniana

Thanks for the id.


Ornamental plant of Id:
Please id this flower growing in a house garden, my guess is it is Ruellia. Which species it is?

Ruellia tweediana     

SL 243 191213 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Please ID this small ornamental herbaceous plant with purple flower. Solanaceae? Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012.

Ruellia brittoniana
Family: Acanthaceae

Supporting …


BND 7 31/10/14 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Please ID this small herbaceous ornamental plant with pink flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in March 2013.
Ruellia brittoniana, I think.

Thank you for the ID of BND 1 and 7. According to the check list of plants of Sri Lanka both have been recorded and descriptions closely match with the IDs.

Ruellia simplex C.Wright, Anales Acad. Ci. Méd. Habana 6: 321 1869.
syn: Ruellia brittoniana Leonard (illegitimate); Ruellia coerulea Morong; Ruellia spectabilis (Hook.) G. Nicholson
Small shrub with long linear leaves, not more than 2 cm broad, entire or undulate; flowers on elongate axillary peduncles; corolla up to 4 cm long, lavander, tube expanded above, often darker in the throat; lobes rounded, spreading. Often grown on Ridge in Delhi and as hedge in Gardens.
Photographed from Ridge in Delhi.
Common names: Mexican blue-bells, Spanishladies

Ruellia simplex C.Wright
at Thane on November 23, 2008
at Malpe on May 12, 2007

One species commonly grown in Delhi also.

very nice
often shown at chelsea garden /flower show in england every year
many gardeners have planted these in monsoon in west bengal
we also have the weedy ruellia
tonnes of them in monsoon


Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Ruellia brittoniana :: Mumbai :: ARKMAR-54/66 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Attached are pictures of Ruellia brittoniana captured in a cultivated garden in Mumbai in September 2012. There were 2 different varieties, a pink and a purple…



Please ID:
Please identify the attached garden plant.

I hope Ruellia Brittonica

… me too think this to be Ruellia brittoniana, native of Mexico.

Ruellia tuberosa :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 05 MAY 18 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 7 images.
Dattaji Salvi Udyan  Thane
Date: May 5, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl
Ruellia tuberosa  L.

The images appear to be of Ruellia simplex. Kindly check.

Thanks, …, I agree with you.

Ruellia simplex C.Wright : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)- around 500 kb each.
Location:  Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation :  4500 ft.
Date 2 May 2018
Habit : Cultivated


RUELLIA TUBEROSA : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Ruellia tuberosa.

I think more closer to images at Ruellia simplex C.Wright rather than those at Ruellia tuberosa L. as per comparative images at Ruellia

Definitely Ruellia brittoniana, syn. Ruellia simplex.


Ruellia sp. from Kamarkundu – Hooghly : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Photographed today (10.3.20) outside the boundary wall of a residence. An ornamental herb, being on roadside covered with dust. Flowers are similar to R. tuberosa, but leaves are different.
Could it be Ruellia simplex C.Wright of eFI (or R. brittoniana of Flora of Pakistan)?

Yes, … Ruellia simplex


Id for this small plant flowering today in the garden : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Ruellia simplex  as per images and details herein.

Thank you. There are three colours of the same. Mexican petunia, Mexican bluebell.


Identification of plants SB2 : 2 posts by 1 author.
I have uploaded image files of some plants. Can anyone please help me identify those?

May I request you post the plant with its correct orientation ?

Ruellia tuberosa

I think Ruellia simplex as per images and details herein.


19/05/2021 : Hooghly : Acanthaceae : Ruellia: 4 images.
This is Ruellia simplex as in –
photographed on 23/04/2021, non-wild herb


Identify the Ruellia sp.: 2 images.
Habitat:- moisture area or near draina

Habit- Herb. stem short, leves lanceolate.
Flower: Reported Two types of flower in defferent plant. One is purple and second one is white.
Loc- kota, rajasthan
Date- june 2021

Ruellia simplex !

Yes it’s …


Ruellia simplex Wright: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Miraya Greens Resort, Bengaluru, India
Date: 25 March 2023
Altitude: 940m.
Habitat : Cultivated

Yes … Common here.

Yes, as per images at

Help for Id from Jammu-GS15102023-1: 3 high res. images.
Please help with id, clicked from Jammu, J & K, October 13, 2023.

This is Ruellia tuberosa like, but with linear leaves

Ruellia simplex C.Wright

It’s not Ruellia tuberosa had similarity with R. simplex.

Got confused all flowers were without any corolla, just calyx with young fruit.

From my pot !
1 image.


Acanthaceae: Ruelia simplex: 2 high res. images.
Ruelia simplex from Andhra University Campus, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh


Please help with ID of Acanthaceae Member-GS22122024-1: 4 high res. images.
Please help with the ID of this Acanthaceae member clicked from Delhi, potted plant.

May be Ruellia simplex



Updated on January 12, 2025

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