Allamanda schottii Pohl, Pl. Bras. Icon. Descr. 1: 73 1827. (Syn: Allamanda brasiliensis Schott ex Pohl [Invalid]; Allamanda cathartica Schrad. [Illegitimate]; Allamanda magnifica B.S.Williams; Allamanda neriifolia Hook.; (≡) Allamanda cathartica var. schottii (Pohl) L. H. Bailey & Raffill); . al-uh-MAN-duh — named for Dr. Allamand of Leyden who sent seeds to Linnaeus SHOT-ee-eye — named for Arthur Carl Victor Schott, German-born naturalist . commonly known as: bush allamanda, dwarf golden trumpet . Native to: tropical South AmericaAs per efi thread: I think the difference given in another post as below by … may be more appropriate to differentiate them as per POWO (Allamanda schottii Pohl) and POWO (Allamanda cathartica L.): “A. cathartica, long cylindrical tube and much shorter swollen upper half is distinctive, in A. schottii cylindrical portion is much shorter than moderately swollen upper portion” .As per efi thread : A. cathartica : A tropical twining vine with deeply veined, whorled leaves and large, trumpet shaped bright yellow flowers. A. nerifolia (Syn. of Allamanda schottii Pohl): A bush typically grows to 4-5 ft tall. It bears clusters of yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers with orange-red throat stripes. Flowers are bell-shaped with a golden yellow corolla, striped orange at the throat. . Location: Soureni, Mirik, India Date: 21 April 2017 Altitude: 4200 ft. Allamanda neriifolia Hook. (synonym) I am not finding these reddish shaped sepals in your image at images under Allamanda schottii Pohl To me, It appears Allamanda neriifolia. I think, it is rightly identified. Thanks, … But why such sepal like growth is clearly seen here and not in other photographs. ..;., this is colour pattern on the outer surface of Corolla and not sepals. Sepals are small in Allamanda. None of these photographs have sepals in the frames. Thanks, … I will look carefully again in the last image. .
trumpet flower for ID :: Vythiri, Wayanad :: 13 NOV 19 : 9 posts by 5 authors. 4 images. … at a resort in Vythiri, Wayanad Date: November 13, 2019 … Altitude: about 700 m (2,300 ft) asl trumpet flower for ID Dear friends, Not able to make out this member of Bignoniaceae, the flower measured about 3 cm wide. I am not sure the structures in photos 3 & 4 – whether they are galls. Please help. there are a few examples in plant pathology of galls that may develop thorn like/spikes on surface of round galls. one such is on willow leaves and on forsythia twigs and an interesting paper from Noroth carolina college… NC STATE Interesting upload …, even if they are galls, the consistency in shape and size is astonishing…. fruit is not characteristic of family to which I suppose it belongs.. It is Allamanda cathartica and the round balls with spikes are the fruits. I have it in my Nasik home garden. Fruits are not common, but occasionally you get one. Had seen some in Lalbagh too. the fruit matches internet photos of Allamnda cathartica but most flowers show a narrower long tube below the wider tube. different sp or variety? … did you show us the case? of your plant? thread url if any. thanks I just found a thread that exactly matches with … flower and fruit picture by our member, … These are the real fruits of Allamanda. I have seen such fruits in my house garden. Right now I do not have the photographs. Most probably the plant in question is a variety of an Allamanda species. Thank you very much … for the ID. Thanks very much … This is again a prize find for me. Never seen or expected Allamanda to fruit like this ! Allamanda schottii as per discussions at Flower for ID: Hyderabad July13-NAW02 Thanks … for pointing to this ID. I have labelled my photos at flickr accordingly. These ornamentals can be tricky to go as per descriptions of any one aspect like flowers – that is what I think. So many cultivars and hybrids, that their aspects may not match the actual species. Allamanda schottii to me as I understood when I labelled my first observation was – its habit was bushy, with linear leaves like that of Nerium. The posted plant is standing tall about 5 feet or so, with diffused branching, and leaves are elliptic. I express my point so that experts can throw more light whether these are variations of A. schotti OR do we need to label them as some hybrid or cultivar. I think difference pointed out by …, is very much correct. Ok, thanks I had seen similar flowers in the Atlanta Botanical Garden. Id these flowers please : (mixed thread): 1 correct image as above. The yellow flower is Allamanda neriifolia. Shrub for ID – 251012 – RK: this is alamanda which one? Allamanda cathartica Allamanda schottii as per discussions at Flower for ID: Hyderabad July13-NAW02 . Allamanda schottii from Lal Bagh Bangalore-GS17112021-1: 2 images. Allamanda schottii Pohl Syn: A. neriifolia Hooker Shrubs with flowers narrowly funnel shaped with swollen part much longer than lower narrow tubular part. Photographed from Lal Bagh, Bangalore, 29-9-2015 Yes … .
I hope Allamanda schotii How do you differentiate between Allamanda schotii and Allamanda neriifolia? Both are known as Bush Allamanda.
. References: The Plant List GRIN Flora of China missouri botanical garden Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India Top Tropicals Dave’s Garden Zip Code Zoo Wikipedia Hort |
Allamanda schottii
Updated on December 24, 2024