Gymnema sylvestre

¿ JIM-nee-muh ? — Greek: gymnos (naked), nema (thread), referring to thread-like stamens … Wikipedia
sil-VESS-tree — of the woods, growing wild … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known as: periploca of the woods, small Indian ipecacuanhaBengali: মেষশৃঙ্গ meshashrungaGujarati: ગુડમાર gudmar, મધુનાશિની madhunashiniHindi: गुड़मार gurmarKannada: ಮಧುನಾಶಿನಿ madhunashiniKonkani: कौळी kawliMalayalam: ചക്കരക്കൊല്ലി cakkarakkolliMarathi: बेडकीचा पाला bedakicha pala, गुडमार gudmarOriya: ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀ lakshmi, ମେଣ୍ଢା ଶିଙ୍ଗିଆ mendhasingia, ନାଗପୁଷ୍ପୀ nagapushpiSanskrit: अजशृङ्गी ajasrngi, मधुनाशिनी madhunashiniTamil: சிறுகுறிஞ்சா cirukurinca, கோகிலம் kokilamTelugu: పొడపత్రి podapatriTibetan: sa si nga, sa sri ngi


Request for ID : 250511 : AK-2:
Taken on the 16th of April, 2009 at Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra.

Yes, this is Gymnema sylvestre.
Tamil names: Siru kurinjaa  சிறு குறிஞ்சா, Sarkkaraikkolli சர்க்கரைக்கொல்லி.

yes it is called as bedkicha pala in marathi or madhunashini in sanskrit and best medicine on diabetes.
plant is propagated through cutting


Flora of Haryana: 01102011-BS-1 vine for id from TDL Herbal Park Yamunanagar:
sharing pics of a cultivated vine from TDL Herbal Park Yamunanagar for id
Flowers 0.5 cm in size in axillary cymes about 5-15 in each in oppositely arranged groups. leaves opposite and ovate

Yes Gymnema sylvestre, commonly called Gurmar.


Flora of Haryana: Marsdenia sylvestris (Retz.) P.I.Forst. from CCSHAU Herbal Garden Hisar:
Marsdenia sylvestris (Retz.) P.I.Forst. from CCSHAU Herbal Garden Hisar
Family: Apocynaceae
Pls validate

flowers remind me of Gurmar, is it? an important ayurvedic herb…

Yes This is Gurmar Buti



Flora of Madhya Pradesh: 03022012BS-2 Asclepiadaceae twinner from Maihar MP:

Asclepiadaceae twinner from Maihar MP
Only fruits seen no flowers there. This plant was found twining around Acacia sp plants
pls id

This is Gymnema sylvestre

I was also thinking about Gur mar Buti

Yes …, you are right!
The leaves are used for the treatment of diabetes, I think.

Yes Sir you are right

The leaves are used in Ayurveda. Confirmation test for Gymnema sylvestre: Chew a few leaves and after a minute put sugar in your mouth. It does not taste sweet!



ANAUG49 Please confirm if Gymnema sylvestre : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Farmlands adjoining Bannerghatta National Park
August 2014

Aesclepiadaceae member.

Yes, Gymnema sylvestre.

Images by tspkumar


TSPNOV2015-78-121: Images of Gymnema sylvestre (Apocynaceae) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Gymnema sylvestre  (Apocyanaceae 

Habit: Climbing shrub 

Habitat: Wild, Dry deciduous scrub 

Sighting: Devarayanadurga, Tumkur, Karnataka, about 800 msl

29-06-2014, 23-02-2015, 05-03-2015 and 24-08-2015

yes. very nice. here we see it only in herbal gardens for demonstration purposes

via Species‎ > ‎G‎ > Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Sm. … family: Apocynaceae ~ Asclepiadaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
¿ JIM-nee-muh ? — Greek: gymnos (naked), nema (thread), referring to thread-like stamens … Wikipedia
sil-VESS-tree — of the woods, growing wild … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asperiploca of the woodssmall Indian ipecacuanha • Bengaliমেষশৃঙ্গ meshashrunga • Gujaratiગુડમાર gudmarમધુનાશિની madhunashini • Hindiगुड़मार gurmar • Kannadaಮಧುನಾಶಿನಿ madhunashini • Konkaniकौळी kawli • Malayalamചക്കരക്കൊല്ലി cakkarakkolli • Marathiबेडकीचा पाला bedakicha palaगुडमार gudmar •Oriyaଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀ lakshmiମେଣ୍ଢା ଶିଙ୍ଗିଆ mendhasingiaନାଗପୁଷ୍ପୀ nagapushpi • Sanskritमधुनाशिनी madhunashini • Tamilசிறுகுறிஞ்சா cirukurincaகோகிலம் kokilam • Telugu:పొడపత్రి podapatri • Tibetansa si ngasa sri ngi 
botanical namesGymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Sm. … synonymsAsclepias geminata Roxb. • Periploca sylvestris Retz. … more … The Plants List (2013). Ver. 1.1. 

Wonderful compilation,

¿ JIM-nee-muh ? — Greek: gymnos (naked), nema (thread), referring to thread-like stamens … Wikipedia

sil-VESS-tree — of the woods, growing wild … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: periploca of the woods, small Indian ipecacuanha • Bengali: মেষশৃঙ্গ meshashrunga • Gujarati: ગુડમાર gudmar, મધુનાશિની madhunashini • Hindi: गुड़मार gurmar • Kannada: ಮಧುನಾಶಿನಿ madhunashini, ಸಪ್ಪೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು sappe soppu • Konkani: कावळी kavli • Malayalam: ചക്കരക്കൊല്ലി cakkarakkolli, മധുനാശിനി madhunashini • Marathi: बेडकीचा पाला bedakicha pala, गुडमार gudmar, कावळी kavali, मेढशिंगी medhashingi, वाकुंदी vakundi • Odia: ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀ lakshmi, ମେଣ୍ଢା ଶିଙ୍ଗିଆ mendhasingia, ମେଷ ବଲ୍ଲୀ mesha balli, ନାଗପୁଷ୍ପୀ nagapushpi • Sanskrit: अजशृङ्गी ajasrngi, मधुनाशिनी madhunashini, मेढ्रशृङ्गी medhrashringi, मेषशृङ्गी meshashringi • Tamil: சிறுகுறிஞ்சா cirukurinca, கோகிலம் kokilam • Telugu: పొడపత్రి podapatri • Tibetan: sa si nga, sa sri ngi • Tulu: ಮಧುನಾಸಿನಿ madhunasini

botanical namesGymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Sm. … homotypic synonymsMarsdenia sylvestris (Retz.) P.I.Forst. • Periploca sylvestris Retz. … heterotypic synonymsAsclepias geminata Roxb. • Gymnema affine Decne. • Gymnema humile Decne. • Gymnema parvifolium Wall. … and many more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
periploca of the woods
small Indian ipecacuanha
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
মেষশৃঙ্গ meshashrunga
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
ગુડમાર gudmar, મધુનાશિની madhunashini
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
गुड़मार gurmar
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಮಧುನಾಶಿನಿ madhunashini
ಸಪ್ಪೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು sappe soppu
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
कावळी kavli
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
ചക്കരക്കൊല്ലി cakkarakkolli, മധുനാശിനി madhunashini
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
बेडकीचा पाला bedakicha pala (or just बेडकी bedaki), गुडमार gudmar
कावळी kavali, मेढशिंगी medhashingi, वाकुंदी vakundi
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀ lakshmi, ମେଣ୍ଢା ଶିଙ୍ଗିଆ mendhasingia (or ମେଣ୍ଢା ଶିଙ୍ଘିଆ mendhasinghia), ମେଷ ବଲ୍ଲୀ mesha balli, ନାଗପୁଷ୍ପୀ nagapushpi
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
अजशृङ्गी ajasrngi
मधुनाशिनी madhunashini
मेढ्रशृङ्गी medhrashringi
मेषशृङ्गी meshashringi
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
சிறுகுறிஞ்சா cirukurinca
கோகிலம் kokilam
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
పొడపత్రి podapatri
  • వికీపీడియా – స్వేచ్ఛా విజ్ఞాన సర్వస్వమ
  • FRLHT’s ENVIS Centre on Medicinal Plants
  • or బోడ పత్రి bodapathri … Flora Andhrika – Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India … other name variants: పొడ పత్రి podapathri, పుట్లపొడర putlapodara, పుట్లపొద్ర putlapodra, పుట్ట పొడము puttapodamu, పుట్ట పొదర puttapodara
~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~
sa si nga, sa sri ngi
Names compiled / updated at

Kannada: Madhu nashini means ‘destroyer of sugar’. The plant is used in herbal drug for sugar control in Ayurveda.

Chew a piece of leaf and then eat sugar. It will have no taste (blank)  !!!

Gymnema Sylvestre : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Gymnema Sylvestre.
I eated the leaves which were very bitter and could not able to feel sweetness even after having mouthful of white sugar.
சிறு குறிஞ்சான்(Siru kurinjan) in Tamil



Ethno-pharmacology and Ethno botany, Yarrow and other Indian herbs:
As you describe the tongue numbing effects of Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium ) i am reminded of another common Indian herb called Gurmar (Gymnema Sylvestre) whose tongue numbing effects i have myself had the occasion to taste and interestingly both these have been purportedly utilized as anti-diabetics although i am not sure if there is any hard ethno-pharmacological evidence to suggest any effect of benefit.
I am copying this to my friend … with an interest in ethno pharmacology for his inputs.


Need ID: liana with tiny yellow flowers: 3 images.
Black soil

Pl. check


I think Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Sm., as per images and details herein.

Yes its Gymnema sylvestrae,


Gymnema sylvestre: 2 images.
Photos taken at Aambyvalley rd., Upper Lonavala Maharashtra India in June 22.

Leaves in the foreground in the 1st image, may be of some other plant.

If you are sure of it’s ID chew a bit of the leaves and then eat some sugar. You do not feel any sweetness!!!

You may be right….the leaves were of different plant. I have attached another photo.


ID KZD 01/29/07/23: 2 high res. images.
Please identify this climber from Kozhikkode district of Kerala. 29.07.23


Apocynaceae: Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) Schult.: 1 image.
synonyms: Marsdenia sylvestris (Retz.) P.I.Forster, Gymnema alterniflorum (Loureire) Merr., Gymnema sylvestre R.Br.
location/date: Barha, Jabalpur Distr., Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


Apocynaceae: Gymnema sylvestris: 2 high res. images.
Gymnema sylvestris collected from East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh


161224PKD2: Regarding identification of the species collected from Gajapati Odisha on December 24: 2 high res. images.
Reposting again as clubbed in the same thread due to exactly the same subject from …
Requesting … to send images with different subjects only.

Apocynaceae member.

Yes … Its Gymnema sp.

Updated on February 19, 2025

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