Erigeron annuus

Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., Syn. Pl. 2 431 1807. (Syn: Erigeron annuus var. discoideus Cronquist; Stenactis annua (L.) Nees;
(≡) Aster annuus L. (basionym); (≡) Erigeron heterophyllus Muhl. ex Willd.);
Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim and Meghalaya; Canada, Europe, United States of America and China (A very variable apomictic species, cultivated or naturalised in some places) as per BSI Flora of India;
er-IJ-er-on — Greek: eri (early), geron (old man)Dave’s Botanary
AN-yoo-us — annualDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: annual fleabane, daisy fleabane, eastern daisy fleabane, sweet-scabious, tall fleabane, whitetop
Native to: U.S.A,, Canada; widely naturalized
Annual or short-lived perennial hairy plant with elliptic to ovate basal leaves, coarsely toothed; upper leaves lanceolate, toothed or entire; heads 2 cm across, many in corymbose panicles; ray florets white or pinkish.

Erigeron annuus is a herbaceous plant with alternate, simple leaves, and green, sparsely haired stems. The flowers are white with yellow centers, borne in spring through fall.
(From Wikipedia on 12.5.13)

Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.
er-IJ-er-on — Greek: eri (early), geron (old man)Dave’s Botanary
AN-yoo-us — annualDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: annual fleabane, daisy fleabane, eastern daisy fleabane, sweet-scabious, tall fleabane, whitetop
Native to: U.S.A,, Canada; widely naturalized
References: Flowers of IndiaWikipediaMissouri PlantsNPGS / GRIN

at Manali on 03 JUN 08

Lovely composition, sharp pics..


The plant has naturalised in several places in Western Himalayas.
Annual or short-lived perennial hairy plant with elliptic to ovate basal leaves, coarsely toothed; upper leaves lanceolate, toothed or entire; heads 2 cm across, many in corymbose panicles; ray florets white or pinkish.
Photographed from Kashmir and Chakrata.


This individual was shot from Shimla.. can this be Erigeron pulchellus?

It is Erigeron annuus.


Asteraceae For ID : Patni Top : 201013 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors.

Picture taken at Patni Top on 5/9/2011.

Seen at the roadside growing wild.

Erigeron annuus

Ranunculus muricatus

Geranium nepalense

How many plants in this picture:

Three already identified by … Others-
Viola sp.
Cynodon dactylon
Oxalis corniculata
Galium sp.
and A grass too.

Believe me, I was trying to identify the Asteraceae flowers!

Now I have a huge list of ids!!

Could the learned members of the group establish the identity of these flowers growing wild on the banks of the river Beas at village Katrain (30 minutes enroute to Manali). The flowers were in close proximity to the river’s rapids and were photographed on June 27, 2014.
Any background information on this flower would be welcome.

Astaraceae member

Thanks for following up, … The identity was settled by …, and I featured this in my Sunday `wildbuzz’ column in the Hindustan Times of July 6, 2014. The online link is below.

I think, it is Erigeron annuus (Syn.: Aster annuus, Erigeron heterophyllus)
Common names: Annual Fleabane, daisy fleabane, sweet-scabious, tall fleabane, whitetop.

It is erigeron annus


Erigeron bellidioides? : 6 posts by 4 authors.

I took this picture a week back and assumed it to be Daisy Fleabane or Erigeron bellidioides.
Could you please confirm?

It is growing aplenty on mountain slopes, its flowers magnets for some butterflies.

but can we know which mountain slope, which state please thanks and how high was this plant

Thank you … This is taken in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh at an altitude of roughly 1700m. This wild plant grows in rough clumps and is usually about 2 to 3 feet tall.

Hope this information helps.

Appearing as Erigeron annuus (Annual Fleabane).

Yes Erigeron annuus. It has spread rapidly in recent years in Western Himalayas.

Please help in Id of this Erigeron photographed from Manali.

The heads look like E. annuus but lack the broader greenish-yellow disc.

I take it finally as Erigeron annuus only.


HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation – Erigeron :: ARKJAN-11/11 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
Requesting to please validate ID of this white flower captured near Manali, HP in October 2014.
I hope this is Erigeron annuus.

I think, Erigeron annuus.

Erigeron annus

Seems to be Erigeron annus


Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. ??? : 16 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Altitude: 6600 ft.
Date: 20 June 2017 
I could not find it listed in Nepal list but it was shot in the wild.

Looks different from comparative images at Erigeron

Is it the same ? FOI

Yes, to me also appears close as per images at FOI

The Plant List has listed E. annuus and E. heterophyllus as separate accepted IDs whereas the FoI has listed as synonyms and the Google showing two different plants for above names.

Also check Catalogue of life and Flora of China and BSI Flora of India

Yes sir its Erigeron annuus.
A common weed in temperate areas of Himachal Pradesh.


Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. (accepted name)
Erigeron bellidioides Spenn. (synonym)
Plant List 
Erigeron bellidioides (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Benth. ex C.B.Clarke Accepted
Erigeron bellidioides Spenn. Synonym
Eflora Nepal
Erigeron bellidioides (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke
It is something like Algebra calculation😁😁

As per Flora of China, Erigeron annuus (Linnaeus) Persoon is native to E North America; widely introduced worldwide.
Also as per BSI Flora of India, distribution is given as India: Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim and Meghalaya; Canada, Europe, United States of America and China (A very variable apomictic species, cultivated or naturalised in some places).
In efloraofindia, we also have observations from Kashmir & Uttarakhand at Erigeron annuus
Thus it is possible that it also got introduced in Nepal, being the area in between these states.

Yes … It is listed in Nepal under Erigeron bellidioides (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke which is syn: to Erigeron bellidioides Spenn. in the Plant List and ultimately Syn: to Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.  in the Catalogue of Life  which I had mentioned in my earlier mail.
Just look like Algebra calculation ! 

No, it is not like this.
Erigeron bellidioides Spenn. is a synonym of Bellis annua L. as per The Plant List Ver. 1.1 based on data from GCC.
Pl. see more details in GCC 2
Erigeron bellidiodes (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Benth. ex C.B.Clarke is different as per images & details herein.

All IDs showing different plants however names are linked through one another portals. Anyway, it is decided as earlier and looks a new to Nepal, may be!

Wild Flowers for ID : Asteraceae : Atlanta, Georgia : 01FEB19 : AK-1 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Seen growing wild in Oct,19.
Erigeron Species?

Yes its Erigeron sp. Most closely to Erigeron annuus. Check and confirm.

fleabane, a weed

It does match with your suggested id Erigeron annuus.
Sharing a pic. of Asteraceae sp. from Mizoram.
Date/Time: 10th Nov- 2008 / 03:00PM

Erigeron annuus


Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Erigeron for id from Chakrata- NS 61 : Attachments (4).  4 posts by 3 authors.
This Asteracean was shot from Chakrata region, tentatively identified as Erigeron pulchellus… please provide id..

E. annuus could be considered.

I guess E. annus is the correct ID.

This erect branched herb was clicked from along roadsides in Yamunanagar, Haryana on May 24, 2015.  I hope it narrows down to Symphiotrichum pilosum, it has been reported from J & K as per Flora of India 12:99, 1995, but listed as excluded species, because being perhaps escape from cultivation. Related species S. ericioides has spine tipped phyllaries.  

I am having doubts as per close up images at Minnesota Wildflowers as phyllaries appears to be different.
May I request you to pl. post original of 1st image.

Here it is …

Attachments (1)- 3 mb.

Yes, it looks different and is not Symphiotrichum pilosum

I had posted this common picture on Indian Flora facebook, with this plant on right, I am also sharing plant on the left still unidentified. I agree ray florets are much narrower in my right plant shared above, could be some Erigeron.
I am sharing another plant separately also.
Attachments (3)

Reply in from another thread:
Rather my other upload which I suspect Symphiotrichum pilosum is more closer to E.annus

Looks different from Symphiotrichum pilosum !

These are rather two populations not very far away, one with  very long florets and  one short ray florets . They look different.
Help with ID perhaps Erigeron from Yamuna Nagar to Renuka ji Road-GS28022020-1 (

Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.

I am not getting convinced.

But that is the correct possibility, I am getting at this time.

SK2011 19 June 2019 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) – around 750 kb each.
Location: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur
Date: 7 June 2019
Elevation: 1508 m.
Habit : Wild
Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. ???
But not listed in Nepal so far.

Yes. To me also appears close to images and references at Erigeron annuus (L.) per comparative images at Erigeron
It has already been reported from Nepal as per

Thank you … It is difficult for me to find the sp. which are not listed in the book and ACFPN.

Going by phyllaries, it appears more closer to images at Erigeron multiradiatus (Lindl. ex DC.) Benth. ex C.B.Clarke rather than Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.

This looks right

On further consideration, I think Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. only as phyllaries seems to match as per GBIF observations:

SK 2303 20 November 2019 : 7 posts by 2 authors. 6 images- 1 to 7 mb each.

Location: Matatirtha, Kathmandu
Date: 19 October  2019
Elevation: 1724  m.
Habit : Wild
Myriactis nepalensis Less. ??

I think looks different from images at Myriactis nepalensis

Also check some Erigeron species.

I could not find a match as per comparative images and keys from Flora of Bhutan at Erigeron
I tried other genus as per comparative images at Astereae, but did not succeed

Basal leafing pattern resembes Leucanthemum vulgare Lam., however floral pattern and size looks smaller.

Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. as per images and details herein.

Reference: GBIF specimen

Going by phyllaries, it appears more closer to images at Erigeron multiradiatus (Lindl. ex DC.) Benth. ex C.B.Clarke rather than Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.

Little confused about the shape and stalk on basal leaves.

E. radiatus leaf stalk has wing up to the stem joint whereas my images do not have.

On further consideration, I think Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. only as phyllaries seems to match as per GBIF observations:



Fwd: Erigeron annuus : 4 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Sharing some pictures of E. annuus shot on the way to Nagarkot Nepal at 6000 ft. on 8 July 2016.

ID validation please !

Pl. check images at

I think it is closer to images at Erigeron annuus


Erigeron annuus from Canada-GS12112022-1: 6 very high res. images.
Sharing Erigeron annuus, a common weed on roadsides here in Brampton Canada,clicked on July 11,2022. 

Pangi variety – i.d. al091011a:
Another one from Pangi…
Location Pangi, Himachal
Altitude 3000 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Flower diameter 1.8 cm
Plant height 12 inches

I hope Erigeron bellidioides

Yes Sir agree with Erigeron bellidioides

Yes I too agree with …

Thank you, ……. for the i.d….
I guess I just got confused over the colour.. since the ones we have in Kalatope are usually light violet…

Perhaps then we did not know about this new introduction.
It should be Erigeron Annuus

Thanks a lot, …

I think, this should be Erigeron bonariensis.

1: …: its most likely not small horse fleabane look at its inflorescence its forms a pyramidal shape and the leaves are thinnish lhence also known as flaxleaf fleabane.
2 it could be the annual fleabane. … had told us the flowers were 1.8 cms ie just about 3/4th inch in diameter. But the leaf i can see in those 2 pictures from 2011 (there is no way … can go back and take more pictures now) does not look like this. this is common weed in midwest usa this website talks of Illinois. so now we need to go thru a key as best as we can make with two pictures from 2011 .

Erigeron bellidioides is a more delicate plant – this looks sturdier than that. To me this looks like Myriactis wallichii
found at 2600-3600 m throughout Himalayas.

good thought. the flowers do look similar what Thingam photographed. so may be this is … but my concern remains  relook at the leaves and the habit… without … input and relook at the plant where it was growing i cant be sure and … being far away that’s not possible. so???

It still appears Erigeron to me. See the capitulum and disc florets. My choice is either what I have previously mentioned (Erigeron bonariensis) or E. annuus as suggested by …

After going through various Floras on Himachal Pradesh especially ‘FLORA OF CHAMBA – HIMACHAL PRADESH’, it appears only Erigeron annuus as earlier suggested by …
As far as Myriactis wallichii  is concerned, it has semiglobose heads, ca 6 mm across, on slender pedicels, forming a wide paniculate inflorescence. But in the present case, capitula are quite large, on thick pedicels.

Thank you, … for prompting me to go through different FLORAS.

yes your differential diagnosis is correct to my eyes it resembled the annual fleabane. the Erigeron annus. very common weed in the american and canadian Midwest. it perhaps arrived with the humans traveling or the congress grass (american midwest is the corn and wheat belt) so take your pick. for the time being we will have to let go of the leaf. Its a good academic exercise to go thru numerous refs i am glad you did

Thank you … for your kind words.
It has become very common on the roadsides in all parts of Himachal Pradesh.

Going by phyllaries, it appears more closer to images at Erigeron multiradiatus (Lindl. ex DC.) Benth. ex C.B.Clarke rather than Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.





The Plant List  GRIN  GBIF BSI Flora of India  Flora of China  Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  Flowers of India  Wikipedia  

Updated on December 23, 2024

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