Carduus edelbergii Rech.f., 1955. (Syn: Carduus lucidus Wall. nom. nud.; Carduus edelbergii Rech.f. subsp. lanatusCarduus nutans (auct. non L.) Hook. f.) as per efi thread;


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads – Cirsium verutum (NSJ-09): Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Caucasian Cotton Thistle – Cirsium verutum from Srinagar (Jun-11)

Carduus onopordioides I hope

C. edelbergii as per another thread.

Yes …


Caucasian Cotton Thistle from Srinagar (12/06/11-NSJ 01):
Looks to be Caucasian Cotton Thistle from Srinagar. Photo taken in June 2011.

Yes, Carduus onopordioides

C. edelbergii as per another thread.

Yes …


Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Thistle from Hunder Sand Dunes Ladakh :: PKA13: : : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 3 authors.

Seen this Thistle (Asteraceae) plant at the Sand dunes at Hunder, Nubra Valley, Ladakh.
Plant was seen growing in sand. Few plants were of whitish heads also. Sharing photographs of the same.
Date/Time: 18-09-2011 / 12:15PM

To me this looks like Cirisium arvense… this comes as a surprise to know its very wide range of distribution …

Neither leaves nor long spines on involucre bracts suggest Cirsium arvense
I would go with Carduus onopordioides.

C. edelbergii as per another thread.


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Carduus in Kashmir….onopordioides…….edelbergii…….pycnocephalus-GS2 : Attachments (9).
The Kashmir Carduus, treated as C. nutans in FBI, has more recently been treated as C. onopordioides (Fl. Afghanistan; Fl. Nainitalensis) or C. edelbergii (Flowers of Himalayas; Stewart catalogue; as subsp. lanatus Kazmi in Ann. checklist of Nepal plants). Recently I also read about C. pycnocephalus growing in J & K (probably described in Sharma, B. D. et al., eds. 1993–. Flora of India. (F India)).

I have seen three distinct populations this year:
one with larger heads 4-6 cm across, nearly globose with broader involucre bracts more or less spreading and heads purple to white, the leaves more spiny and not flattened;
the second similar to first one but less spiny, heads oblong, barely 15-20 mm broad, 3-4 cm long, involucre bracts less spreading, leaves similar but smaller and less spiny;
third seen mostly in Dachhigam has smaller heads, although more globose in shape like first one, in shape less than 2.5 cm across and with more or less erect involucre bracts, leaves are less spiny and more or less flattened. heads are mostly purple. the latter fits with C. pycnocephalus but heads are solitary, not clustered as typical for this species.
I am sending all three for your strict scrutiny and sort their identity, particularly whether globular one is edelbergii or ononopordioides (Stewart was unsure whether two are synonyms or not; now treated distinct species. The genus is profusely flowering these days. Perhaps you can scrutinise them further.

C. edelbergii as per another thread.


Thistle for ID-021011-PKA3:
Seen this
thistle plant at the Sand dunes at Hundar, Nubra Valley, Ladakh.
Date/Time: 18-09-2011 / 12:15PM
Location: Hundar Sand Dunes, Nubra valley, Ladakh.

I hope Carduus edelbergii
But white flowered heads look stange. Were they growing in same area.?

Yes, same area.

Do you have leaf shape pictures and vein patterns? and basal cluster…?

I am surprised, this one remarkably resembles Cirisium arvense but for being more prickly at the leaf margins.

Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Carduus nutans from Chakrata – NS 08 : Attachments (8). 4 posts by 2 authors.
This beautiful thistle was found growing on a hill top in Chakrata area, Budher caves road… I hope this should be Carduus nutans L…. please validate/correct..

Carduus nutans does not grow in India. It could be C. onopordioides or edelbergii. I have still find differences between these two.

Thanks Sir for the input.. actually I was guided by this…

Yes …
This earlier reported in FBI and other earlier Floras.
According to Kitamura Fl. Afghan 394, 1960, C. nutans does not grow in Indian subcontinent. It is C. onopordioides Fisch. ex M. Bieb.. This has been followed in Fl. Nainitalensis, 1968 and my book in 1976.
Flowers of Himalayas considers Himalayan C. nutans (C. lucidus Wall.) as C. edelbergii.
The Plant List recognises both. I have yet to find differences between the two to decide precisely.

Please have a relook in light of recent discussions…

Yes after Flora of India publication it should be C. edelbergii

Thanks Sir…


Carduus in Kashmir….onopordioides…….edelbergii…….pycnocephalus:
The Kashmir Carduus, treated as C. nutans in FBI, has more recently been treated as C. onopordioides (Fl. Afghanistan; Fl. Nainitalensis) or C. edelbergii (Flowers of Himalayas; Stewart catalogue; as subsp. lanatus Kazmi in Ann. checklist of Nepal plants). Recently I also read about C. pycnocephalus growing in J & K (probably described in Sharma, B. D. et al., eds. 1993–. Flora of India. (F India)). 

I have seen three distinct populations this year:
one with larger heads 4-6 cm across, nearly globose with broader involucre bracts more or less spreading and heads purple to white, the leaves more spiny and not flattened;
the second similar to first one but less spiny, heads oblong, barely 15-20 mm broad, 3-4 cm long, involucre bracts less spreading, leaves similar but smaller and less spiny; 
third seen mostly in Dachhigam has smaller heads, although more globose in shape like first one, in shape less than 2.5 cm across and with more or less erect involucre bracts, leaves are less spiny and more or less flattened. heads are mostly purple. the latter fits with C. pycnocephalus but heads are solitary, not clustered as typical for this species.
I am sending all three for your strict scrutiny and sorty their identity, particularly whether globular one is edelbergii or ononopordioides (Stewart was unsure whether two are synonyms or not; now treated distinct species. The genus is profusely flowering these days. Perhaps you can scrutinise them further.

C. edelbergii as per another thread.


Thistle Species : Kashmir : 040518 : AK-6 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Thistle seen on way to Gulmarg during our visit.

Missed posting earlier.
To me, it looks close to … pictures of Carduus edelbergii on FOI.

To me also appear close to images at Carduus edelbergii


Thistle For ID : Srinagar : 20JUN16 : AK-34 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Thistle plant from Srinagar.
Picture taken on 28th April.

Pl. post full plant also.

This seem to be the only picture I have. Let me search further.

I hope Carduus edelbergii


Carduus nutans??: 1 high resolution image.

Indian species as we know now is not C. nutans L., earlier it was named as C. onopordioides (Flora Afghanistan), but now it is identified as C. edelbergii 
Carduus edelbergii – Edelberg’s Cotton Thistle (


Thistle for ID : Kashmir : 10JUN21 : AK-06: 1 image.
An old picture.
Thistle seen on the way to Gulmarg.
No flowers.

Closeups are required.. If u have flower pics it would be easy to identify

Carduus edelbergii I hope

Unfortunately,  I have only one picture.
Probably that’s the reason not posted earlier.


SK 3066 21 October 2021: 6 very high res. images.
Location: Jumla, Nepal
Altitude: 3118m. 
Date: 18 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Carduus edelbergii Rech. fil. ??

Yes, appears close to images at Carduus edelbergii Rech.f.


Carduus edelbergii: 2 high res. images.
Location: ANANTNAG J&K
Date of Collection:08-05-2022



Carduus edelbergii Rech. fil.: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Mugu, Nepal
Altitude:  2753m.
Date: 22 August 2021
Habit : Wild 

Check with Carduus sp. Aster

Sorry, I didn’t observe that it is already identified


J&K, Pampur, April 2023 :: Carduus (?) for ID :: ARK2023-024: 3 high res. images.

These flowers were seen growing wild in the saffron fields at Pampur, J&K in April 2023.
Guessing them to be Carduus edelbergii based on eFI and FoI pics.
Requested to please ID.


Yes C.elderbergii

