Impatiens dasysperma Wight, Madras J. Lit. Sci. 5:7, t. 2. 1837; . Impatiens dasysperma is similar to I. talbotii Hook.f. but differs in the presence of quadrangular stem, obovate standard petals and glabrous capsules as compared to circular stem, orbicular standard petals and tomentose capsules of the latter; In I. talbotii, the capsule is tomentose. In Impatiens dasysperma capsules were glabrous; . I. talbotii and I. pulcherrima do not occur in southern part of Western Ghats. . Please help me in identifying this plant found along roadside near montane forests. The leaf measures 8×4 cm. Flower measures c.2 cm across and the plant about 20cm in height. Place: Valparai, TN Date: 11 July 2012 Alt: c. 950 m ASL I. dasysperma. Yes, I agree with …, it is Impatiens dasysperma. . Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week : Impatiens dasysperma : Valparai : 090313 : MK 001 : 5 images. 4 posts by 3 authors. Name: Impatiens dasysperma Wight Location: Valparai, Tamilnadu Alt.: c. 950 m asl Photographed on 11 July 2012 Is the capsule in your specimen is glabrous? if so it should be I. dasysperma. In I. talbotii, the capsule is tomentose. I remember the capsules were glabrous. Thanks a lot for the simple key to differentiate .
Balsam for ID : 230310-AK-3 : 2 images. 9 posts by 4 authors. Date/Time : 21st of October, 2008 Location Place : Spice Garden, Munnar … Altitude : … GPS : Habitat : Wild… Type : Plant Habit : Herb … Height : small plant … Length : Leaves Type : … Shape : as seen … Size : Inflorescence Type : … Size : Flowers Size : about 1 cm … Colour : pink … Calyx : … Bracts : Fruits Type : … Shape : … Size : … Seeds : Other Info : Fragrance : did not check … Pollinator : … Uses : Found these growing wild in Cardamom plantations at Munnar. Is this plant Impatiens munnarensis? Experts please help… I had earlier posted similar flower from Munnar which was identified as Impatiens pulcherrima. Here is the discussion thread for the same… You are right this Impatiens pulcherrima. That’s why I asked for help. I. talbotti as per another thread. This is Impatiens dasysperma, a common balsam of the Section: ‘Microsepalae’. I. talbotii and I. pulcherrima do not occur in southern part of Western Ghats. Good photos indeed. . Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week : Impatiens pulcherrima : Munnar : 050313 : AK-11 : 2 images. 15 posts by 8 authors. Pictures taken in a spice garden in Munnar during October, 2008. Posted on our group earlier and identified by I could locate two more pictures taken in the same place. I hope they are helpful. I have doubts… Please compare your photographs and photograph on FOI webpage – flowers on your plants have narrow petals. In this paper Dessai J.R.N., Janarthanam M.K. 2011. The genus Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) in the northern and parts of central Western Ghats. Rheedea 21,1: 23-80. there are descriptions and some pictures similar to your plants – maybe I. talbotii? Hope … could help This herb is very similar to the one I have uploaded as I. dasysperma; is that name synonym for I. talbotii? According to paper by Dessai & Janarthaman “Impatiens dasysperma is similar to I. talbotii Hook.f. but differs in the presence of quadrangular stem, obovate standard petals and glabrous capsules as compared to circular stem, orbicular standard petals and tomentose capsules of the latter.” Unfortunately I am not familiar enough with Western Ghat balsams… This is Impatiens dasysperma, a common balsam of the Section: ‘Microsepalae’. I. talbotii and I. pulcherrima do not occur in southern part of Western Ghats. Good photos indeed. . Impatiens dasysperma FOR VALIDATION :: Kemmangundi Road :: 13 NOV 2016 :: DVDEC30 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Kemmangundi Road Karnataka Date: 13 NOV 2016 … Altitude: ~ 1021 – 1369 m (3349 – 4491 ft) asl Impatiens ¿ dasysperma / talbotii ? … (family: Balsaminaceae) Dear friends, Impatiens species SN 21818 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Wild herb from jog falls area of Karnataka Pl. check Impatiens dasysperma Wight . Impatiens dasysperma : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Impatiens dasysperma Eravikulam WLS, Munnar, Kerala, in the Nilgiris First week of October 2018 Impatiens Sp??191209PKA2 : 2 images. 7 posts by 4 authors. This is Impatiens Sp. from Munnar. Is it Impatiens pulcherrima?? Please validate.. … IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT I TOO SUPPORT HIM THIS PLANT IS INDEED Impatiens pulcherrima [Balsaminaceae] You may review your Id from Impatiens pulcherrima in view of discussions in another thread. Impatiens dasysperma Wight .
Is it appears to be correct. I could not find any species with this name. Nearest named species Impatiens agumbeana Bhaskar & Razi, look different. It is Impatiens dasysperma Wight, as per images and details herein. I was also surprised that I could not find this sp. anywhere. . References: |
Impatiens dasysperma
Updated on December 24, 2024