Impatiens aadishankarii Bhaskar & Sringesh
Impatiens arunensis Grey-Wilson (Actually, experts have merged arunensis and pradhanii to bicornuta, and discolor to kathmanduensis but our expert Mr. Gogoi has already published book separating all these species as individual sp.. Accordingly, POWO has already separated discolor and kathmanduensis in their site. I hope they shall be separating these three sp. as well in due course of time)
Impatiens flaccida Arn. (S-India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius (I), Runion (I) as per Catalogue of life)
Impatiens idumishmiensis Gogoi, W.Adamowski, Borah & Chhetri (Arunachal Pradesh as per POWO)
Impatiens infundibularis Hook.f. (NE-India (NE-India, Bengal), Bhutan, Darjeeling as per Catalogue of Life)
Impatiens latiflora Hook. fil. & Thoms. (India (NE-India, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Sikkim), Bhutan as per CoL) Impatiens lemannii Hook. fil. & Thoms. (Afghanistan, India: Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Pakistan)
Impatiens radiata Hook.f. (Nepal to S. Central China and N. Thailand: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet as per POWO)
Impatiens violoides Edgew. ex Hook.f.
Impatiens williamsii Hara (Nepal as per POWO)
. In Flora of India Vol-4 MALPIGHIACACEAE- DECHAPETALACEAE, edited by P.K. Hajra, V.J. Nair & P. Daniel (1997) account of Balsaminaceae is written by K. Vivekananthan, N.C. Rathakrishnan, M.S.Swaminathan and L.K. Ghara. In this document (Vivekananthan et al., 1997) published by BSI, following species of Impatiens are described from India (the list does not include species described after 1997)-
. The genus Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) in the northern and parts of central Western Ghats by Jyosna R.N. Dessai and M.K. Janarthanam (2011- 58 pages): Rheedea Vol. 21(1) 23-80 2011: Abstract: The genus Impatiens L. comprises over 1,000 species worldwide. It is represented by c. 210 species in India and most of them are either endemic to the Himalaya or Western Ghats. We have studied the genus in the Northern and parts of Central Western Ghats. We report here 26 species and 2 varieties including a new species with detailed descriptions, illustrations, distribution, critical note, updated nomenclature and IUCN threat status. (Details With Keys)– Section Scapigerae– Impatiens acaulis var. acaulis, Impatiens acaulis var. granulata, Impatiens scapiflora, Impatiens dendricola, Impatiens stocksii, Impatiens bhaskarii, Impatiens clavata, Impatiens barberi, Section Oppositifoliae– Impatiens tomentosa, Impatiens minor, Impatiens kleiniformis, Impatiens dalzellii, Impatiens raziana, Impatiens oppositifolia, Impatiens lawii, Impatiens chinensis, Impatiens diversifolia, Impatiens vivekananthanii sp. nov., Impatiens tenella, Section Uniflorae/ Microsepalae– Impatiens gardneriana, Impatiens latifolia, Impatiens talbotii, Impatiens dasysperma, Impatiens pulcherrima, Impatiens scabriuscula, Impatiens rosea, Impatiens balsamina var. balsamina, Impatiens balsamina var. micrantha) Alphabatically arranged: Impatiens acaulis var. acaulis, Impatiens acaulis var. granulata Impatiens balsamina var. balsamina, Impatiens balsamina var. micrantha Impatiens barberi Impatiens bhaskarii, Impatiens chinensis Impatiens clavata, Impatiens dalzellii Impatiens dasysperma Impatiens dendricola, Impatiens diversifolia Impatiens gardneriana Impatiens kleiniformis Impatiens latifolia Impatiens lawii Impatiens minor Impatiens oppositifolia Impatiens pulcherrima Impatiens raziana Impatiens rosea Impatiens scabriuscula Impatiens scapiflora, Impatiens stocksii, Impatiens talbotii Impatiens tenella Impatiens tomentosa Impatiens vivekananthanii sp. nov. . Link to Impatiens of western ghat : 1 post by 1 author. I will to share link to scientific paper which is very useful for identification of Impatiens species of western ghat . Impatiens theuerkaufiana (Balsaminaceae), a new scapigerous species from the Western Ghats, India by M. K. RATHEESH NARAYANAN, JAYESH P. JOSEPH, N. ANIL KUMAR, M. SIVADASAN, AHMED H. ALFARHAN- Vol 83, No 1 (2013). Abstract– Impatiens theuerkaufiana, a new scapigerous species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Wayanad district, Kerala, India is described and illustrated. It differs from I. dendricola by having entire lateral sepals, a transversely elliptic, bilobed dorsal petal with wavy margins, a short straight spur less than 5 mm long, and tuberculate seeds; from I. agumbeana by having pendulous linear lanceolate leaves, shorter pedicels up to 3.5 cm long, non-auricled lateral united petals, and an ellipsoid capsule; and from I. stocksii by having long petioles of 5–8 cm, an elliptic lanceolate leaf lamina, long pedicels of 2.0–3.5 cm, and a pouch-like short spur. . A NEW SCAPIGEROUS SPECIES OF IMPATIENS (BALSAMINACEAE) FROM INDIA M.K. RATHEESH NARAYANAN, N. ANILKUMAR, R. MEERA RAJ, M. SIVADASAN AND A.H. ALFARHAN- Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 18(2): 141-148, 2011- Abstract: Impatiens minae Ratheesh, Anil Kumar & Sivad. a new scapigerous species of Impatiens from Wayanad district in Kerala, India is described and illustrated. The new species resembles Impatiens denisonii and I. scapiflora by its 3-lobed lateral united petals and lower sepal with a long spur; but differs from the latter in having a curved band of dense fleshy clavate papillae at the base of lateral united petals, and from the former in the absence of a dorsal filiform appendage or auricle at the base of the lateral united petals. . Three New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Western Himalaya, India by Prashant K. Pusalkar* and D. K. Singh (Manuscript received 8 June 2009; accepted 12 September 2009) ABSTRACT: Three new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), viz., I. badrinathii Pusalkar & D.K. Singh, I. leggei Pusalkar & D.K. Singh and I. devendrae Pusalkar, are described and illustrated from the Western Himalaya, India. .
Impatiens viscosa Bedd. | Herb | Western Ghats, Grasslands | Flora of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983 | Coimbatore, Theni |
Impatiens wightiana Bedd. | Herb | Western Ghats, Shoal Forests | Flora of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983 | Coimbatore |
Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on 15.4.14:
Botanical name | Synonyms | Family | Common name |
Impatiens acaulis | Balsaminaceae | Rock Balsam | |
Impatiens arguta | Impatiens gagei | Balsaminaceae | East Himalayan Balsam |
Impatiens balfourii | Balsaminaceae | Balfour’s Balsam | |
Impatiens balsamina | Balsaminaceae | Bicolor Rose Balsam | |
Impatiens balsamina | Balsaminaceae | Garden Balsam | |
Impatiens bicolor | Impatiens amphorata | Balsaminaceae | Amphora Balsam |
Impatiens brachycentra | Balsaminaceae | Spurless Balsam | |
Impatiens chinensis | Impatiens cosmia, Impatiens crassicornu | Balsaminaceae | Chinese Balsam |
Impatiens dalzellii | Balsaminaceae | Dalzell’s Yellow Balsam | |
Impatiens devendrae | Balsaminaceae | Devendra’s Balsam | |
Impatiens dolichoceras | Balsaminaceae | Long-Horned Balsam | |
Impatiens edgeworthii | Impatiens longicornu var. cristata, Impatiens chrysantha | Balsaminaceae | Edgeworth’s Balsam |
Impatiens falcifer | Balsaminaceae | Sickle Balsam | |
Impatiens flaccida | Balsaminaceae | Pink Orchid Balsam | |
Impatiens glandulifera | Impatiens roylei | Balsaminaceae | Himalayan Balsam |
Impatiens hawkeri | Impatiens herzogii, Impatiens linearifolia, Impatiens schlechteri | Balsaminaceae | New Guinea Balsam |
Impatiens inconspicua | Impatiens pusilla | Balsaminaceae | Tiny Balsam |
Impatiens latiflora | Balsaminaceae | Indian Angel Balsam | |
Impatiens lawii | Balsaminaceae | Law’s Balsam | |
Impatiens leggei | Balsaminaceae | Mary Legge’s Balsam | |
Impatiens leschenaultii | Balsamina leschenaultii | Balsaminaceae | Nilgiri Balsam |
Impatiens maculata | Balsaminaceae | Spotted Balsam | |
Impatiens meeboldii | Balsaminaceae | Meebold’s Balsam | |
Impatiens mengtszeana | Impatiens mengtzeana , Impatiens mengtziana | Balsaminaceae | Mengtsze Balsam |
Impatiens minor | Impatiens kleinii | Balsaminaceae | Lesser Balsam |
Impatiens oppositifolia | Impatiens rosmarinifolia | Balsaminaceae | Rosemary Leaved Balsam |
Impatiens pulcherrima | Balsaminaceae | Handsome Flowered Balsam | |
Impatiens racemulosa | Balsaminaceae | Pink Raceme Balsam | |
Impatiens radiata | Impatiens centiflora | Balsaminaceae | Spreading Rays Balsam |
Impatiens scabrida | Impatiens cristata | Balsaminaceae | Rugged Yellow Balsam |
Impatiens scapiflora | Impatiens rivalis | Balsaminaceae | Leafless-Stem Balsam |
Impatiens stenantha | Balsaminaceae | Narrow Flowered Balsam | |
Impatiens sulcata | Impatiens gigantea | Balsaminaceae | Gigantic Himalayan Balsam |
Impatiens theuerkaufiana | Balsaminaceae | White Tree Balsam | |
Impatiens thomsonii | Balsaminaceae | Thomson’s Balsam | |
Impatiens tomentosa | Impatiens ramosissima | Balsaminaceae | Marsh Balsam |
Impatiens walleriana | Impatiens sultani | Balsaminaceae | Sultan’s Balsam |
Impatiens sultani a synonym of Impatiens walleriana
Impatiens levingei …
Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986)-
Impatiens sultani Hook.f. is a synonym of Impatiens walleriana
I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Impatiens
Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links.
Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details.
If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful.
Any comments/ corrections are welcome.
I have added the list of species known from India based on Flora of India vol-4.
Thanks, … That’s really great.
Many pages were already done by you, ….
Thanks, … It was really a great work with around 95 species in efi.
Great efforts by …
Impatiens is very large genus and well represented in India and its pictorial database eFI.
It is still to be decided that how the generic page will be made as mentioned in a separate thread by …
Can we adopt a table format with one picture only of a species?
I was also thinking on similar lines as … to add only one representative image per species.
Pl. go through Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) page with images of species (done mainly by Bhagyashri ji & helped by Anurag Sharma ji, TSP Kumar ji & me) in efloraofindia.
If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, it will be really nice.
Also, if anybody is interested to take up the activity of inserting images on efloraofindia pages from efloraofindia posts, pl. let us know.
Great! It must be the longest genus page in eFI. More than 85 identified species on a page is enormous and extremely useful information. Thank you … for completing it.
Thanks, …, After a week of pros & cons in my mind, I decided to stick to the format though it may take some time for visibility of all thumbnails depending on the speed of the connection.