Impatiens thomsonii

Impatiens thomsonii Hook. f., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4: 128 128 1860. ;
im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting openDave’s Botanary
tom-SON-ee-eye — named for Thomas Thomson … superintendent of Calcutta Botanic GardenDave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Thomson’s balsam

Native to: Afghanistan, India, Pakistan

Small annual species with smaller pink and white flowers usually smaller than 2 cm and nodding somewhat clubshaped capsules narrowed towards base.  
Simple or branched glabrous her usually less than 60 cm tall, somewhat 4-angled in upper part; leaves usually alternate, somewhat whorled in upper part, elliptic-lanceolate, 5-15 cm long, margin crenate-serrate with bristle-like glands between teeth, lower leaves petiolate with 2 stipitate glands at base of petiole, upper sessile; flowers pink mixed with white and yellow and white areas, 12-18 mm long excluding spur, forming racemose-subcorymbose or panicle-like inflorescence at ends of branches; pedicel slender up to 15 mm long, bracts gland-tipped; lateral sepals 2, green, obliquely ovate to subcordate, 3 mm long, lower sepal broadly funnel-shaped, suddenly narrowed into long tapering spur curved at tip spotted with yellow and brown; upper petal pale pink, rounded, apex retuse; lower petals with darker lower lobes; throat yellow spotted with rounded apex; capsule nodding, narrowly clavate, 15-20 mm long.  
Somehat similar looking to I. balfouri which has flowers whitish in upper part, pink in lower broader part and capsules are linear, erect and longer.   



Pangi id continued Impatiens- al071011a: All along the way there was an Impatiens plant growing… Presuming it to be I. bicolor.. I neglected to take proper photos… until now when I realised it may be something else….
Location Pangi, Himachal
Altitude 3000 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 20-24 inches

I hope Impatiens thomsoni



Impatiens thomsonii Hook. f. in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 4:128. 1860.
Small annual species with smaller pink and white flowers usually smaller than 2 cm and nodding somewhat clubshaped capsules narrowed towards base.
Simple or branched glabrous her usually less than 60 cm tall, somewhat 4-angled in upper part; leaves usually alternate, somewhat whorled in upper part, elliptic-lanceolate, 5-15 cm long, margin crenate-serrate with bristle-like glands between teeth, lower leaves petiolate with 2 stipitate glands at base of petiole, upper sessile; flowers pink mixed with white and yellow and white areas, 12-18 mm long excluding spur, forming racemose-subcorymbose or panicle-like inflorescence at ends of branches; pedicel slender up to 15 mm long, bracts gland-tipped; lateral sepals 2, green, obliquely ovate to subcordate, 3 mm long, lower sepal broadly funnel-shaped, suddenly narrowed into long tapering spur curved at tip spotted with yellow and brown; upper petal pale pink, rounded, apex retuse; lower petals with darker lower lobes; throat yellow spotted with rounded apex; capsule nodding, narrowly clavate, 15-20 mm long.  
Somehat similar looking to I. balfouri which has flowers whitish in upper part, pink in lower broader part and capsules are linear, erect and longer.
Photographed from Apharwat Kashmir., alt about 3000 m

Mystery white-flowering Impatiens from Uttarakhand:  in last several days I checked Impatiens posts on this forum.

For me plants from J.M. Garg post, post of Balkar and Prashant looks like the same species, with white flowers, rather short and wide open lower sepal, some yellow markings and red spots inside. Flower seen from mouth is rather high but narrow.
I have no idea, however, which species it is. 
Dr. Prashant Pusalkar asked how many Impatiens species are known form Uttarakhand answered that about 30. I was able to track 28 taxa. Eighteen of these are different in important features, like flower color, spur lenght, flower dimensions, etc. I have no access to good enough descriptions of further ten species: I. cothurnoides C. E. C. Fisch., I. duthiei Hook. f., I. glauca Hook. f. & Thomson, I. inayatii Hook. f., I. jaeschkei Hook. f., I. podocarpa Hook. f., I. polysciadia Hook. f., I. reidii Hook. f., I. vexillaria Hook. f. and I. violoides Edgew. ex Hook. f.  
At the moment there are at least four possibilities for identity of this mysterious Impatiens: 1) this is one of “data deficient” species; 2) white color form of other species (but which?); 3) new record for Uttarakhand; 4) new, undescribed species. 
I think the best idea is to ask … for assistance.

My photographs are already on Flowers of India.
I am attaching some more views from same population in Baramulla Kashmir, alt. 1600 m.
Here are my other uploads that may interest you
In the mean time would it not be good idea to devote 2-3 days exclusively to this genus wherein members can upload all their collections Impatiens, to have them critically examined by you. Or else it may run concurrent with Brassicaceae week early November with separate subject line “Impatiens uploads:……………….(name/ID code for unknown sp.) from ……………(place)” 

many thanks for your interest and idea of uploading Impatiens pics.
Please remember that I live and work far away from diversity centers of Impatiens (Poland) and have limited access to Indian floristic and taxonomic literature.
I can try my best, but I know only few species, big part of these only from pictures.

I think I found what it is :-).

Several months ago I found information that white-flowered form of I. thomsonii was found in western Himalaya. I can’t found source now, but I finally compared pictures of typical I. thomsonii and our mystery white flowered Impatiens.
Shape of lower sepal and spur is very similar, lateral petals too, so only big difference is colour pattern.
What do you think?

Thanks a lot, …









Impatiens thomsonii? ABJUL2017/11 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (10)
I have collected photos from last year and my recent visit to attempt a clear ID. I think the size, leaves and shape suggest I. thomsonii. Please advise.
Impatiens thomsonii?
Snowline and above, Dharamshala, HP
3100m and up
03-04 September 2016 and 10-11 July 2017

I tried to compare all posts with I. thomsonii on eFI and it looks that your plants have features of this species: short but high lower sepal, spur starting straight with abruptly bended end, medium sized flowers, white and rosa coloured with some dots, sometimes with rusty/brownish markings in lower part of lower sepal and spur. Leaves looks serrate, plants rather short.
However bear in mind that even Shinobu Akiyama who is working with Impatiens more than 30 years call this species problematic.

Thank you very much … I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this.

Saw this near Mana village, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID, is this Impatiens thomsonii?

May be. I am not sure as per images at 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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