Impatiens scapiflora B.Heyne, Fl. Ind. 2: 464 1824. (Syn: Impatiens cordifolia Herb. Madr. ex Wall.); S-India as per Catalogue of life; As per efi thread: In I.acaulis the wing petals are bilobed where as in I. scapiflora it is 3-lobed; Balsam flowers sprout everywhere endurng the mist: When it rains in coorg, Pink Balsam flowers sprout every where along the forest hill paths, bravely enduring the mist or silhouetted against the lush green tree barks or rock cliffs or along the forest streams. Talacauvery / Bhagamandala Western ghats, 27 July 2011 (I hope think is Impatiens acaulis – Rock Balsam, Family – Balsaminaceae I was thinking of the character “scapigerous” and typed scapigera. Thank you … for pointing out the mistake. Yes it is I. scapiflora Impatiens flower species from coorg appears to be Impatiens scapiflora as per wikipedia links. Thanks for the ID help. Is this species described in by any other synonym. Need to narrow down to the plant & learn the plant description part. Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: RKC_03 :: 08 MAR 13 :: Balsaminaceae » Impatiens from Kemmanugundi, Karnataka : 2 images. 3 posts by 3 authors. Impatiens sp. for ID plz. Balsaminaceae Loc.: Kemmanugundi, Karnataka (ca 1000m) Growing in wild. Nice find … Was this growing on rock? Yes… As far as I remember it was growing near a stream. Yes, it is I. scapiflora. Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: RKC_03 :: 08 MAR 13 :: Balsaminaceae » Impatiens sp. 01 from Kemmanugundi : 2 images. 5 posts by 4 authors. Impatiens sp. for ID plz. Loc.: Kemmanugundi, Karnataka (ca 1000 m) Found growing in wild Can be Impatiens acaulis…the rock Balsam.. This is Impatiens scapiflora. In I.acaulis the wing petals are bilobed where as in I. scapiflora it is 3-lobed. The pdf link has illustrations as well as key to differentiate I.scapiflora and I.acaulis. The key and descriptions are simple to follow. This is Impatiens scapiflora from my collection from Kerala Very good to observe this one from Kerala. Flower shape somewhat similar to I.acaulis. TSPSEP2015-12:Images of Impatiens scapiflora shared. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Sharing few images of Impatiens scapiflora (Balsaminaceae). Generally the flowers are pink, but this specimen with white flowers was standing out among its pink sisters. Not a single white one in the near vicinity other than this. May be a colour variant…! Habit: Herb Habitat: Montane forest. Sighting: Mullaianagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700.msl Date: 10-09-2015 TSPSEP2015-11: Images of Impatiens scapiflora shared. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Sharing few images of Impatiens scapiflora (Balsaminaceae). Habit: Herb Habitat: Epiphytic-Lithophytic, on moss clad tree trunks and rock crevices, montane forest. Sighting: Mullaianagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700.msl Date: 25-7-2015,11-08-2015 and 28-08-2015 Nice set of photographs. Liked the photograph showing habitat… Impatiens scapiflora and three variants GSOCT05/19 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) While exploring the hills around Chikkamagalur, I found three variations of this interesting scapigerous species Impatiens scapiflora During one of the most adventurous trips with Tsp Kumar I came across most plants for the first time, but the most interesting were small stemless Impatiens, all fitting possibly into I. scapifolra but looking different. All were clicked along track between Chikmagalur Mullayaiamgiri and Bababudangiri on September 26, 2015 First one is typical I. scapiflora with pink flowers and each wing being 3-lobed. The second one similar to above but it seems the two lower adjacent lobes having been united giving a total of 5 wing lobes instead of six., the two apparently overlapping or partially connate. The third one looking like a dancing doll simillar to second with adjacent lobes fused/connate/overlapping to count 5 wing lobes but lobes are shaped much differently.. I am uploading all three here. All are nothing but Impatiens scapiflora only. We do find such flower changes in this species. I feel that the genus Impatiens is now in need of an overhauling. There are so many additions and name changes since its publication in the Flora of India Volume keeping aside the confusions. I think Dr. Bhaskar has recently published a monograph of South India Impatiens and he always identifies them for efloraofindia I would humbly request for a reprint of the paper. The key to the species in the earlier published monograph breaks down. Impatiens scapiflora :: Kemmangundi :: 13 NOV 2016 :: DVDEC42 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 4 images. Kemmangundi Karnataka Date: 13 NOV 2016 … Altitude: ~ 1488 – 1513 m (4882 – 4962 ft) asl Impatiens scapiflora B.Heyne ex Roxb. … (family: Balsaminaceae) Flower ID request | AR01: Flower size 4cms An old photograph from my archive Coorg, Mercara 09 Aug 2003 – … the lithophytic herb, Impatiens acaulis … commonly known as rock balsam, in Marathi: पाण तेरडा paan terda I think images are of Impatiens scapiflora as per keys and details herein.
BALSAMINACEAE: ID-Prejith003. Some balsams for identification.: mixed thread- 1 correct image. These were photographed when I went to South Wynad at 900 meters asl in September. Can anyone identify them for me? I think, each picture represents different species that are seen in the Western Ghats. the last one is Impatiens acaulis – Rock Balsam. They are found near water falls and rocks in the Watern Ghats. Waiting for the Id of other Balsams. Last image is of Impatiens scapiflora as per keys and details herein.
Wild balsum taken from Thusharagiri,kozhikode,Kerala – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 image. Here I attached the pic of an impatient sp i recently taken from Thusharagiri, Kozhikode, Kerala. This wild balsum is abundant near the waterfalls and small stream of the thusharagiri region. Can anyone identify this species? Place: Thusharagiri Waterfalls, Kozhikode, Kerala Date: 08-08-08 I am grateful to my friend A.K.Shivakumar for giving inspiration to take this pic and gave field support I think image is of Impatiens scapiflora as per keys and details herein. Yes …!
Impatiens scapiflora variations in Chikkmagaluru Karnataka-GS21022020-2 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) While travelling a distance nearly 26 km along Mullayanagiri to Baba Budangiri in Chikkmagaluru, Karnataka we found a lot of variation in populations of Impatiens scapiflora. I am attaching these here for expert views by … I am not a expert (at least not currently) just a learner moreover i only know Himalayan Balsams as i don’t have much experience with Impatiens of Western Ghats/South India. So can’t say much about these variations however i also thinks this is Impatiens scapiflora. In Himalayan Balsams we have a lot of variations and the reasons for variation including altitudinal variations and seasonal variation mainly because of temperature changes inducing smaller flowers and also color changes… May be … can have better explanations for these variations as he is expert… Thanks, … These variations were already confirmed by Dr. Bhaskar, who has written Monograph on South Indian Balsams at Impatiens scapiflora and three variants GSOCT05/19
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Impatiens scapiflora
Updated on December 24, 2024