Impatiens meeboldii

Impatiens meeboldii Hook. f., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 8: 291 1910. ;
Common name: Meebold’s Balsam

Images by Prashant Awale (Id by Tabish) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)


VOF Week: White Impatiens sp. at VoF..:  Seen the White flowers of Impatiens at VoF.

Me too eager for the ID. My upload at
… is already waiting for this Impatiens at FOI since for 6 years …

This is Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar

Not Impatiens devendrae … If you look at I. devendrae flowers, the lower sepal (the one ending in a spur) is broad, cylindric, somewhat inflated.
On the other hand, in the flowers here, the lower sepal is almost conical.

A reply from another thread:

“Several months ago I found information that white-flowered form of I. thomsonii was found in western Himalaya. I can’t found source now, but I finally compared pictures of typical I. thomsonii and our mystery white flowered Impatiens.

Shape of lower sepal and spur is very similar, lateral petals too, so only big difference is colour pattern.

What do you think?”

I think this one is Impatiens meeboldii



Flora of Uttarakhand- Impatiens glandulifera 4 ?: Wild Herb captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.).

I think Impatiens glandulifera var. candida (syn: I. roylei var. candida)

I think it’s same as in … post (yet to be identified): efi thread

Is it Impatiens devendrae as per another thread by … ?:

Thanks for appreciation – I tryed to browse all Impatiens posts.
For me it is not I. glandulifera – capsules are less or more linear, nor I. devendrae – lack of orange/reddish markings near the throat and different shape of lower sepal and spur, as far as I see it.

I have no clue which species it is

A reply from another thread:

“Several months ago I found information that white-flowered form of I. thomsonii was found in western Himalaya. I can’t found source now, but I finally compared pictures of typical I. thomsonii and our mystery white flowered Impatiens.

Shape of lower sepal and spur is very similar, lateral petals too, so only big difference is colour pattern.

What do you think?”

Keeping it as Impatiens meeboldii Hook. f. for the time being.




VoF Week: 19082012 BS 2 Impatiens sp-2 from Valley for id: Another Impatiens sp from Valley for id

Any idea about the flower size (length from tip of spur to petal tip)

A reply from another thread:

“Several months ago I found information that white-flowered form of I. thomsonii was found in western Himalaya. I can’t found source now, but I finally compared pictures of typical I. thomsonii and our mystery white flowered Impatiens.

Shape of lower sepal and spur is very similar, lateral petals too, so only big difference is colour pattern.
What do you think?”

Keeping it as Impatiens meeboldii Hook. f. for the time being.

Impatiens meeboldii seems to be a good match. Is the elevation around 2400 m. and flowering May- July ?


Impatiens-8 for ID :: VOF, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKNOV-16 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Saw this at VOF, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID?

Pl. check comparative images at

Closest I can go as per comparative images at Impatiens is Impatiens meeboldii Hook. f.

Saw this white Impatiens along the Ghangaria-VOF trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID, if possible.

Pl. check comparative images at

Closest I can go as per comparative images at Impatiens is Impatiens meeboldii Hook. f.

White flowers of Impatiens at VoF.

Still unresolved…

Thanks … for this upload … plant posted in my query at efi thread looks to be same.

Impatiens glandulifera Royle ??

Impatiens ¿ species ?
Place, Altitude: Valley of Flowers … about 11000 – 12000 ft
Date, Time: 02 AUG 12 … 08:53am
Habitat: sloping meadow
Habit: erect herb about 70 – 80 cm high, flower about 2.5 – 3 cm long, about 1.5 – 2 cm across
This plant posted for ID query earlier:
VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0853 :: Impatiens ¿ devendrae ? at Valley of Flowers

? Impatiens edgeworthii

Not Impatiens devendrae in which the spur is very different.

Not also I. edgeworthii in which upper part of corolla is yellow and capsules somewhat erect not pendent. Not yet sure about ID

Our mystery white Impatiens again…

I am of the naive feeling that it may be unexplored species.

If I am not mistaken this one is pending for ID with Flowers of India since 6 years; … has the feeling that it could be a new species.

Yes … With more than 200 species reported from India, I think a lot of digging is needed, but then for this and other interesting species we will have to take multiple photographs from different angles, lower and upper leaves on stem pictures and pictures of fruit, and then make a few herbarium specimens, if we are sure it is a new species. I have a feeling this may even be true for Geranium, which has lesser species in India but with interesting variation.

We need to dig in only little more than one hundred 🙂 – Balsaminaceae flora is poor in regions to the north and west of Hiamlayan range and till now no one species from Western Ghats was found in Himalayas and vice versa…

I think it is close to the images and details at Impatiens tricornis Lindl.

This is what we have assumed as Impatiens meeboldii Hook.f. for now, although this complex needs more detailed work to resolve (i am are working on it). And It’s definitely not I. tricornis Lindl. which in fact belongs to a completely different section i.e. I. scabrida complex.




References:The Plant List Ver.1.1 Tropicos  IPNI  BSI Flora of India  Flora of Pakistan  FOP illustration Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  Flowers of India  1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants By Kerry Scott Walter, Harriet J. Gillett, World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Updated on December 24, 2024

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