Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis

Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük., Pflanzenr. IV, 20(101): 193 1936. (syn: Cyperus alternifolius var. albovariegatus auct.; Cyperus alternifolius var. flabelliformis (Rottb.) M.R.Almeida; Cyperus alternifolius var. petersianus (Boeckeler) Kük.; Cyperus alternifolius variegatus Hovey; Cyperus flabelliformis Rottb., nom. superfl.; Cyperus flagellatus Hochst.; Cyperus gradatus Forssk.; Cyperus involucratus Rottb.; Cyperus petersianus Boeckeler; Cyperus proximus Steud.);
Tropical Africa to KwaZulu-Natal, Madagascar, Arabian Peninsula: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe; Introduced into: Algeria, Azores, Bahamas, Baleares, Bangladesh, Bermuda, California, Canary Is., Cape Verde, Chile North, China Southeast, Colombia, Comoros, Cook Is., Corse, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, East Aegean Is., East Himalaya, Egypt, Fiji, Florida, France, Galápagos, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Italy, Jamaica, Jawa, Leeward Is., Louisiana, Madeira, Marquesas, Mauritius, Mexico Central, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, New Caledonia, New York, New Zealand North, Norfolk Is., Ogasawara-shoto, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Réunion, Sardegna, Society Is., Spain, Sri Lanka, St.Helena, Sumatera, Taiwan, Texas, Thailand, Trinidad-Tobago, Tunisia, Tuvalu, Venezuela, Venezuelan Antilles, Windward Is. as per POWO;
sy-PEER-us — from the ancient Greek name for sedge Dave’s Botanary
al-tern-ee-FOH-lee-us — alternate leavesDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: galingale, umbrella palm, umbrella papyrus, umbrella sedge
Native to: tropical Africa, Madagascar; naturalised, cultivated elsewhere
Very popular with Ikebana flower arrangement classes and groups;


27012013 BRS 444:
Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. confirmation.
Location: Lalbag, Bangalore
Date: Dec. 2012
habitat: garden
Habit: grass like?

looks like Umbrella palmCyperus alternifolius
it popps up in disturbed land near water boies and high rain areas in the north eastern India including West Bengal…
the fan/umbrella shaped is very popular with flower arranging ladies esp for ikebana…
lots of seeds are produced, self seeds

It looks like the same as in /species/a—l/cl/cyperaceae/cyperus/cyperus-alternifolius. I saw this plant in Alipore Hort., later i also noticed it growing in the wild, beside a residential house.

Please also see Cyperus involucratus at –
FoC informs while Cyperus alternifolius is naturalized in many tropical areas Cyperus involucratus is widely cultivated.

both names are synonyms I think…?
on dave’s garden page at this page its listed as such… I quote…

Family: Cyperaceae (sy-peer-AY-see-ee) (Info)
Genus: Cyperus (sy-PEER-us) (Info)
Species: involucratus (in-vol-yoo-KRAY-tus) (Info)

Synonym:Cyperus alternifolius
Synonym:Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis
Synonym:Cyperus flabelliformis

Thank you very much for drawing notice to this cyperus species as have been described in the Dave’s Garden –
Search for the Cyperus alternifolius in The Plant List gives –
Search for the Cyperus involucratus in The Plant List gives –
GRIN has –
Two more sites –

So, i am totally confused.

Yes, Sir, I think it is, more precisely perhaps Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük., for its flexuose drooping involucral bracts, as in the KEY in FoC (Cyperus involucratus Rottb.) or illustration in FoP..


Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük.: 2 very high res. images.

Location:  Jawalakhel
Date: 12 December 2023
Elevation : 1300m.
Habitat : Cultivated



Cyperus sp. from Alipore:

Is this Cyperus alternifolius Linn.?
Species : Cyperus alternifolius Linn.?
Habit & Habitat : garden tree
Date : 25-05-12, 12.14 p.m.
Place : The Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Alipore (Kolkata)


very popular with Ikebana flower arrangement classes and groups

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life


Jan 2012
sharing pictures of Cyperus alternifolius now flowering at my place at Pune
Family Cyperaceae
common names umbrella plant; umbrella palm

yes and its seeds disperse to start new colonies in wet places… can become weedy

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life


“Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Cyperaceae- Cyperus alternifolius from Pune—MR19 : 5 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
sharing images of Cyperus alternifolius at Pune

Very good photographs …

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life

Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Poaceae :030413 ARK-02 from Mumbai :  2 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Attaching photographs of Cyperus alternifolius from Mumbai (Dec 2012).

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life

Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week : Cyperaceae » Cyperus alternifolius from Mumbai : VG-01 : 3 images. 1 post by 1 author.
Sharing some images of a popular ornamental sedgeCyperus alternifolius – from a private cottage garden in Kandivali, North Mumbai. The solid, pith-filled, triangular cross-section of the stem is also attached. Clicked in January 2013.

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life

Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Cyperaceae-Cyperus alternifolius from Delhi-GS37  :  Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Cyperus alternifolius, photographed from Delhi.

It is a beautiful sedge

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life


Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week :: Cyperaceae » Cyperus alternifolius in garden at Mumbai :: 14 JAN 07 05:12 :: DV02  : 4 images. 5 posts by 4 authors.

Cyperus alternifolius L.
sy-PEER-us — from the ancient Greek name for sedge Dave’s Botanary
al-tern-ee-FOH-lee-us — alternate leavesDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: galingale, umbrella palm, umbrella papyrus, umbrella sedge
Native to: tropical Africa, Madagascar; naturalised, cultivated elsewhere
References: Flowers of IndiaTop TropicalsDave’s GardenWikipediaNPGS / GRIN
in garden of residential colony, Mumbai on 14 JAN 07 

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life

Both: POWO and Catalogue of Life have not listed India in distribution for Cyperus alternifolius L. nor Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük.

May be inadvertently not listed.

Poceae cypreceae week :  Attachments (5).  3 posts by 3 authors.
few photos of Umbrella plant are here.

Cyperus alternifolius

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life

Grass for ID – 100114 – RK – 2 :  Attachments (1). 4 posts by 2 authors.
Bangalore – 05/0/14 – afternoon. Is this umbrella grass? Would appreciate Common & Bot. ID.

This is Umbrella papyrus/ Umbrella sedge wrongly also known as Umbrella palm/Umbrella grass.
This is not a grass or palm, but a sedge (Cyperaceae)

Cyperus alternifolius

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life

Kindly help to identify this Cyperaceae member.
Place: Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah
Date: September, 2011

Kindly check Cyperus alternifolius.

Thanks so much … I checked it and you are correct.

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life


Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Cyperaceae- Cyperus scariosus R.Br from HAU Hisar Canpus BS6 : Attachments (5).  9 posts by 5 authors.
Cyperus scariosus R.Br from HAU Hisar Campus BS6
Pls validate

Nice ones …

Any difference between this and Cyperus alternifolius?

Cyperus scariosus R. Br. looks quite different in (p79).
Found 3 Cyperus alternifolius

Black soil

Looks more like Cyperus alternifolius ???

Thanks, …, for the id.
To me also appears close to images at Cyperus alternifolius L.

Taking it as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. as per distribution at POWO and Catalogue of Life



Updated on December 24, 2024

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