Cyperus brevifolius

Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Hassk., Cat. Hort. Bot. Bogor. 24 1844. (syn: Cyperus brevifolius f. firmiculmis Kük.; Cyperus cruciformis (Schrad. ex Schult.) Endl.; Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.; Kyllinga brevifolia var. andamanica Wad.Khan & Diwakar; Kyllinga brevifolia var. cruciformis (Schrad. ex Schult.) Cherm.; Kyllinga brevifolia var. gibbosa Honda; Kyllinga brevifolia var. intermedia (R.Br.) Kük.; Kyllinga brevifolia f. laxa H.Pfeiff.; Kyllinga brevifolia var. longifolia Boeckeler; Kyllinga cruciata Nees, not validly publ.; Kyllinga cruciformis Schrad.; Kyllinga elongata Kunth; Kyllinga fuscata Miq.; Kyllinga gracilis Kunth; Kyllinga hohenackeri Hochst. ex Steud., pro syn.; Kyllinga honolulu Steud. ex Jard.; Kyllinga intermedia R.Br.; Kyllinga intermedia var. oligostachya C.B.Clarke; Kyllinga laxa Schrad. ex Nees; Kyllinga longiculmis Miq.; Kyllinga monocephala L.f., nom. illeg.; Kyllinga monocephala Thunb., nom. illeg.; Kyllinga nivea Pers.; Kyllinga odorata Liebm., nom. illeg.; Kyllinga oligostachya Boeckeler; Kyllinga pumilio Steud.; Kyllinga sororia Kunth; Kyllinga tenuis Baldwin; Kyllinga tenuissima Steud.; Kyllinga tricephala Salisb.; Mariscus kyllingioides Steud.; Schoenus capitatus Crantz);
Afghanistan; Alabama; Aldabra; Andaman Is.; Argentina Northeast; Argentina Northwest; Ascension; Assam; Azores; Bahamas; Bangladesh; Belize; Bermuda; Bolivia; Borneo; Brazil North; Brazil Northeast; Brazil South; Brazil West-Central; California; Cameroon; Canary Is.; Cayman Is.; Central African Repu; Central American Pac; Chagos Archipelago; China North-Central; China South-Central; China Southeast; Christmas I.; Cocos (Keeling) Is.; Colombia; Comoros; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; East Himalaya; Easter Is.; Ecuador; El Salvador; Fiji; Florida; French Guiana; Gabon; Galpagos; Georgia; Gilbert Is.; Guatemala; Guyana; Hainan; Haiti; Hawaii; Honduras; India; Jamaica; Japan; Jawa; Kazan-retto; Kenya; Kermadec Is.; Korea; KwaZulu-Natal; Laccadive Is.; Laos; Leeward Is.; Lesser Sunda Is.; Liberia; Louisiana; Madagascar; Madeira; Malaya; Maluku; Manchuria; Marianas; Marquesas; Mauritius; Mexico Central; Mexico Gulf; Mexico Northwest; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Mississippi; Mozambique Channel I; Nansei-shoto; Nepal; New Guinea; New South Wales; New Zealand North; Nicaragua; Nicobar Is.; Nigeria; Niue; Norfolk Is.; North Carolina; Northern Territory; Ogasawara-shoto; Oklahoma; Pakistan; Panam; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Pitcairn Is.; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Queensland; Rodrigues; Runion; Samoa; Seychelles; Society Is.; Socotra; South Australia; South Carolina; South China Sea; Spain; Sri Lanka; St.Helena; Sudan; Sulawesi; Sumatera; Suriname; Taiwan; Tanzania; Texas; Thailand; Tibet; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad-Tobago; Tuamotu; Uganda; Uruguay; Venezuela; Victoria; Vietnam; Wallis-Futuna Is.; West Himalaya; Western Australia; Windward Is. as per Catalogue of Life;
Trop. & Subtrop. as per WCSP;
Key to the species from efloraofindia thread:
  • Inflorescence of 1–3 sessile, white or greenish white globose spikes, the central spike larger than others; nut bearing glumes winged; glumes white, winged towards the distal end, wings ciliate ……………………….K. nemoralis
  • Inflorescence a single globose spike, green to yellowish green; nut bearing glumes not winged; glumes green, acutely keeled, keel ciliate or glabrous…………………….K. brevifolia

There are two infraspecific taxa for Kyllinga brevifolia. A key to the subspecies is given below..

Key to the subspecies

  • Glume 2.5- 3mm long with ciliate keel……………….…………….var. brevifolia
  • Glume 2.0 mm long with glabrous keel……………..…………..…var. stellulata


Grass ID request – RK16 – 15-Oct-2012:
This grass (?) seen in Karjat area with three leaves and flower in the central node.

Seems to be a Kyllinga sp., a member of Cyperaceae –
Please wait for experts view.

I have had an earlier post of Kyllinga … explained two species in that thread – efi thread.

Single green globose spike suggests this might be Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. Descr.

Kyllinga brevifolia

Yes it is Kyllinga sp. of Cyperaceae

Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Poaceae- Cyperus bravifolius from STR (nsd-7) : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Cyperus bravifolius (Rottb.) Hassk. Photograph from Satpura Tiger Reserve Seoni M.P. please validate

Two more similar looking species, with tufted culms –
i) Kyllinga cylindrica Nees should have more cylindric (three-fourth inch) spike
ii) Kyllinga squamulata Vahl is with leaves often longer than stems, and distributed in Western India, Kashmir.


Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week :: Cyperaceae: Kyllinga brevifolia from Kaithal- NS 44 : Attachments (6). 4 posts by 4 authors.
This is a common sedge along water channels, this one shot from around wheat fields of my native place in Kaithal. I hope this should be Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. Please correct me if I am wrong..

Nice photographs …

I can see … already confirmed the ID – efi thread🙂

Hooghly : sk-Oct-15 : Kyllinga sp.? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Another small, less than 6 inches cyperaceae, in front of my house, photographed today. (3.10.14)

It is Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.

Once again I convey my heartiest thanks to …. I think my earlier post is same species as this one.

Hooghly – Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.? : Attachments (6). 3 posts by 2 authors.
It is hard to believe that this small plant can be Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. But i have no other option, for if it would had been at least 6 inches high and with reddish/brownish spike i might have think of Rhynchospora wallichiana Kunth!
Recorded on 31/8/13, in front of my school.

Reply from another thread: “Once again I convey my heartiest thanks to … I think my earlier post is same species as this one (Kyllinga brevifolia).

Yes Sir, I am surprised that these are significantly smaller than K. nemoralis, and also much less spread.

Yes, it is Kyllinga brevifolia



sk2015sept16/16 – Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
This is my 3rd upload of this species, recorded yesterday. This is time it is rather stouter than the previous two.
Poor picture quality is due to cloudy day, low light in bamboo thicket, exhausted camera life!


SK 2775 09 October 2020 – Grass : 12 posts by 3 authors. 4 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Nagarkot,  Kathmandu
Date: 12 September 2020
Elevation: 2044 m.
Habit : Wild

It may rather be from Cyperaceae.

Could be Cyperus sp

No. of leaves at the base of inflorescence..???

It should be in the images, there are 5.

Close to Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Hassk. or Cyperus mindorensis (Steud.) Huygh
Need to check spike and nuts.

This seems to be Kyllinga brevifolia, but need to be confirmed with specimens.


Kyllinga ¿ species ?

Place, Altitude: Prabalgad near Panvel … about 1000 ft asl
Date, Time: 11 JUL 10 … 08:36am
Habitat: along mountain trail
Habit: small erect herb; standing about 1 ft high (guess)
Apologies: Only one photo; the closeup is cropped version … these two views may not be sufficient for ID.

Any chance of Kyllinga bulbosa P. Beauv. ?

Thank you

Can be Kyllinga bulbosa P. Beauv., need a specimen to confirm the identity. 

Taking it as Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy as per Prasad ji’s publication:
On the identity and occurrence of Cyperus pseudoalatus and Cyperus richardii (Cyperaceae) in India– Prasad V.P.- Rheedea Vol. 31(2): 85–88 (2021) (Abstract: Cyperus pseudoalatus (Wad.Khan & R.D. Taur) Kottaim. (Kyllinga pseudoalata Wad.Khan & R.D.Taur) is reduced to a synonym of Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy, with critical discussion. Based on a careful scrutiny of the protologues and type images of Kyllinga bulbosa P.Beauv., K. tenuifolia Steud. and Cyperus richardii Steud., it is confirmed that the plants reported earlier from India and Sri Lanka as Kyllinga bulbosa (Cyperus richardii) are likely misidentified and represent Cyperus tenuifolius.)

This can be Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Endl. ex Hassk. (Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.) in flowering stage. But need to examine the specimen to confirm the identity.


SK 3277 31 December 2021: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude:  382 m.
Date: 28 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Which Kyllingia??

To me appears close to images at Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Hassk.
Pl. check.
Experts can confirm or otherwise.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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