Bauhinia x blakeana Dunn; TSPNOV2015-2: Images of Bauhinia blakeana ( Fabaceae ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) It is my pleasure to share few images of Bauhinia blakeana (Fabaceae) Habit: Medium sized tree. Habitat: Cultivated. Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl Date: 6-07-2014 and 26-09-2015 Here is a Bauhinia shown by … in Pune. Kindly do the ID. most probably Hong Kong Orchid tree .. Bauhinia x blakeana, also known as Blake’s bauhinia … please wait for comment(s). yes B.blakeana from me too. … attempting to put some visual differences, they too may need validation !! Blake’s bauhinia has large leaves compared to B. variegata or B. purpurea … PLUS richer in green colour, with a shine. I am adding my pics of B blakeana in the hope that they will aid comparison. (However I do not notice any shine in the leaves.) The flowers are very fragrant and a lovely sight. Many thanks … for validating … agreed there is no shine on the leaves. That would be my first guess as well. If any seed pods present, then no, as it is a sterile hybrid. This looks like B. purpurea to me. Perhaps this should help B. blakeana B. purpurea B. variegata Early flowering, Nov-Dec. in Delhi Early flowering Oct-Nov. in Delhi Late flowering, Feb-March in Delhi Leaves 15-20 cm across, cleft 14-1/3 Leaves 10-15 cm across, cleft 1/2 Leaves 10-15 cm across, cleft 1/3 Fls. in long racemes Fls. in short racemes Fls. in short racemes Flowers 12-15 cm across, appear with leaves Flowers 10-12 cm across, with leaves Flowers 10-12 cm across, after leaves fall Petals broad, overlapping, Petals narrow, non-overlapping Petals broad, overlapping Petals rose-purple, veins whitish Petals pink, whitish in centre Petals white with purplish veins, upper darker Stamens 5 Stamens 3 Stamens 5 Pod not produced Pod 12-25 cm long, 2-2.5 cm thick Pod 15-25 cm long, 1.5-2 cm thick I think there should be no doubt about both sets of plants (uploaded by … and …). Both belong to B. x blakeana. Agreed that sometimes the flower colour in B. purpurea may look similar, but that species has three stamens, and petals are much narrower. B. variegata has broader petals and five stamens, all nearly of the same length. B. x blakeana also has five stamens, of which three are longer and two shorter. This characteristic feature can be seen in both sets of photographs. I think Hongkong orchid but not sure about sterile hybrid though many plants have sterile hybrids Yes B. x blakeana, 3 long stamens and two short stamens. This is B. purpurea. (Photo should probably be renamed to avoid confusion with B. x blakeana of same photo name). … agreeing with Ken on this Bauhonia veriagata5A.JPG being Bauhinia purpurea. Enlarged central portion of Bauhonia variegata5A.jpg to clearly show three long and two short stamens, characteristic of B. x blakeana … had also mentioned a difference in the cut section of the buds; triangular in one and circular in the other. The problem in raising this tree (Bauhinia X Blakeana) is that one is not sure whether or not it is the same variety. Nurseries often palm off variegaata or acuminata in its place. Anyway now I have it. The other challenge is to convert this bushy tree into a shapely one! Another special point I forgot to mention last time is that this flower was discovered in Hongkong and as it is a cross, only vegetative propagation is possible. So like Bodhi Vriksha all the trees have been developed from a single plant. This is the national (!) flower of Hongkong. If I was allowed to nominate two Flower pictures of the year, this one would have been my second one. I had posted this plant from Herbal Garden plant, and simply love it for its beauty and unique story of origin. Here is link to my upload
Which bauhinia – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 3 images. This has bloomed in my garden for the first time. Grateful for detailed ID. Is it variegata or blakeana? … most probably the Blake’s bauhinia … Bauhinia x blakeana … the official floral emblem of Hong Kong. Please wait for comments. I agree with … Thank you … You know first time the nursery sold me a couple of plants of B. acuminata. The second time from another nursery I got B. variegata in the name of B.X Blakeana. This is the third trial. Did they say ‘Third time Lucky’! Fw: Flowering tree–Bauhinia blakeana(hong kong orchid tree) – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 image. Continuing with the series on flowering trees, this one was taken 10 days back at Sunder nursery (Delhi) just 10 days back. The flowers looked much more beautiful than what the photo could capture. I think this is Kachnar (Bauhinia variegata) with five long stamens as in the picture compared to 3 long ones & two short ones of Hongkong Orchid Tree (Bauhinia blakeana). You may see the earlier thread of Kachnar on Indiantreepix (in which there was a lot of discussion) at. I am in no way an expert in the field and therefore can be wrong in id This shot was taken at tree walk led by Mr Pradeep Kishan and was ided as Bauhinia blakeana Besides: The flowers were pretty large and deep coloured There seem to be 3 long and 2 short stamens (another pic attached) No leaf shot could be taken(largely because of speed of the walk) I leave it for the experts to comment further I further think that it is a bit early for kachnar to flower in delhi On further re-look at the picture, it seems you may be right. It has rich Purplish red flowers & is the most beautiful among all Bauhinias. Often confusable with Kachnar. However, it has three large stamens (with two smaller ones) unlike five long stamens of Kachnar (Bauhinia variegate). Leaves are also not over-lapping near cleft unlike in Kachnar. It is sterile (does not produce seeds). All pictures taken on 27/1/07 at Garden Reach, Kolkata with the assistance of … For detailed & other interesting inf., pl. click on the following link: HOOPOE: Few years back I read a Middle in The Times of India, where the author was narrating his observation about a Woodpecker. From his description I could make out that he was talking about a Hoopoe. This mis conception about Hoopoe is not restricted to the city folks. I have asked about the identity of this bird from the villagers, they also think that the bird is Woodpecker. Attaching an image of this bird. I am also attaching an image of Bauhinia Purpurea (Deva Kanchan). Once in bloom. none can miss this tree. – This appears to be Bauhinia x blakeana to me. If I am not mistaken, I can see the characteristic black margins and centre spot black, on one of the petals in the top left flower. . Fabaceae – Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpinaceae) – Bauhinia × blakeana S. T. Dunn: Bauhinia × blakeana S. T. Dunn Family: FABACEAE One of the hybrids of Bauhinia. It is often called as Hong Kong orchid tree. It originated in Hong Kong in 1880 and apparently all of the cultivated trees derive from one cultivated at the Hong Kong Botanic Gardens. कांचन ( Bauhinia purpurea ): कांचन ( Bauhinia purpurea ) clicked in Badlapur. ID source Ref : Further Flowers of Sahyadris by Shrikant Ingalhalikar Page # 257 sorry for a mix up of pictures on page 257. Picture wrongly placed here is actually B. blakeana which has 5 stamens. B. purpurea has 3 stamens. B. monadra has 1 and B. variegata has 7 stamens. Plant in this post is B. blakeana. Bauhinia variegata also usually has 5 stamens. Here is the comparison from one of my earlier posts B. blakeana B. purpurea B. variegata Early flowering, Nov-Dec. in Delhi Early flowering Oct-Nov. in Delhi Late flowering, Feb-March in Delhi Leaves 15-20 cm across, cleft 14-1/3 Leaves 10-15 cm across, cleft 1/2 Leaves 10-15 cm across, cleft 1/3 Fls. in long racemes Fls. in short racemes Fls. in short racemes Flowers 12-15 cm across, appear with leaves 10-12 cm across, with leaves 10-12 cm across, after leaves fall Petals broad, overlapping, Petals narrow, non-overlapping Petals broad, overlapping Petals rose-purple, veins whitish pink, whitish in centre white with purplish veins, upper darker Stamens 5 Stamens 3 Stamens 5 Pod not produced Pod 12-25 cm long, 2-2.5 cm thick Pod 15-25 cm long, 1.5-2 cm thick Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Bauhinia purpurea from Pune: Photographed this beautiful tree in full bloom, in wild, at Pune. dated- Oct 2010 . look like Bauhinia purpurea all pics says Bauhinia purpurea , but the close up flower pic resembles Bauhinia x blakeana . really no idea… cv are most difficult ones to id. It is Bauhinina blakeana Kindly see the differences I had listed with my upload of B. blakeana This one is Bauhinia blakeana as it has 5 stamens. Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) :: Bauhinia x blakeana at Manor: Bauhinia x blakeana Dunn baw-HIN-ee-uh — named for Gaspard and Jean Bauhin, physicians and botanists blay-kee-AY-nuh — named for Sir Henry Blake, governor of Hong Kong Mar 24, 2007 … resort garden at Manor, Thane, Maharashtra commonly known as: Blake’s bauhinia, Hong Kong orchid tree, purple orchid tree Native to: Hong Kong more views: Mar 24, 2007 … resort garden at Manor, Thane, Maharashtra Bauhinea x blakeana Dunn, J. Bot. 46:325. 1908 Common name: Hong Kong orchidtree A possible hybrid B. variegata × B. purpurea Evergreen tree up to 13 m tall, leaves 8-10 cm long, 12-18 cm broad, cleft 1/4-1/3; flowers 12-15 cm across, fragrant, in long racemes, appearing with leaves; petals broad, overlapping, obovate or elliptic, rose-purple with whitish veins; stamens 5; pod not produced. Photographed from Herbal Garden, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi on December 1 The closely similar species can be separated as under: B. blakeana B. purpurea B. variegata Early flowering, Nov-Dec. in Delhi Early flowering Oct-Nov. in Delhi Late flowering, Feb-March in Delhi Leaves 12-18 cm across, cleft 1/4-1/3 lvs. 10-15 cm across, cleft 1/2 Leaves 10-15 cm across, cleft 1/3 Fls. in long racemes Fls. in short racemes Fls. in short racemes Flowers 12-15 cm across, appear with leaves 10-12 cm across, with leaves 10-12 cm across, after leaves fall Petals broad, overlapping, Petals narrow, non-overlapping Petals broad, overlapping Petals rose-purple, veins whitish Petals pink, whitish in centre Petals white with purplish veins, upper darker Stamens 5 Stamens 3 Stamens 5 Pod not produced Pod 12-25 cm long, 2-2.5 cm thick Pod 15-25 cm long, 1.5-2 cm thick Today I found beautiful Hong Kong orchid tree Bauhinia x blakeana flowering in Herbal Garden Delhi. Uploading its photographs Fabaceae – Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpinaceae) – Bauhinia × blakeana S. T. Dunn from Hong Kong: Bauhinia × blakeana S. T. Dunn All Hong Kong cents have image of flower of this plant. I assume there are only two countries in the world who have hybrid flowers as their national flower, Singapore with Vanda Miss Joaquim and Hong Kong with Bauhinia blakeana. History (WIKI): This tree was discovered in around 1880 near the ruins of a house on above the shore-line of western Hong Kong island near Pok Fu Lam and propagated to the formal botanical gardens in Victoria/ Central. It was later named for Sir Henry Blake, British Governor of Hong Kong, from 1898 to 1903 who was a keen amateur botanist, by the man who made the first thorough scientific description of the ‘Hong Kong orchid tree’ S. T. Dunn, Superintendent of the Botanical and Forestry Department, who assigned it to the genus Bauhinia and named it after Blake in his paper of 1908. Hope you will like the picture Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Bauhinia blakeana Pune.: Bauhinia blakeana A hybrid one. More darker colours and with 5 stamens.
Bauhinia for ID : Pali,Maharashtra : 251212 : AK-2: A small, cultivated tree seen at a farm in Pali, Maharashtra on 23/11/2012. Purple flowers seen, no pods when the picture was taken. Id please. It is Bauhinia purpurea. i guess B. blakeana and not B. purpurea Considering the latest and earlier discussions on similar post by you I think this is B.blakeana as I can see 2 small stamens and some longer stamens should be 5.
Pls ID. Bauhinia purpurea? Place-Alapuzha Habitat-cultivated garden. Height-15 feet.erect tree. Flowers-rose scented. Bhauhinia racemosa The images are of Bauhinia variegata L. I think, you could also check for Bauhinia x blakeana…. Looks more like B. x blakeana 5 stamens are clearly seen, petals broader, so B. purpurea is out of race Flowering season of 3, B. purpurea summers in Delhi, mostly July to October, B. blakeana November to February along with leaves, B. variegata January-March mostly start appearing before leaves. Thanks … that is a very nice succinct differentiation. Hongkong Orchid found at Borivli East, Mumbai Flowering wef November, 2015 Some species of Bauhinia Thanks, …, I think you mean Bauhinia blakeana Yes this is Bauhinia x blakeana Dunn. It is a hybrid between Bauhinia purpurea L. and Bauhinia variegata L. Yes, with … the mail was sent from Phone & Now I realised that the pix having ID Tree ID help needed : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Please let me know the species name of this beautiful tree that I see on my way to work. Thanks in advance for all the help. Is it Bauhinia purpurea. Bauhinea blakeana (Orchid tree / Kanchan in Indian languages) Thanks, …, for Id. I think matches with images at Bauhinia blakeana ID OF THIS BAUHINIA (KACHNAR) FROM THE SUKHNA LAKE PROMENADE, CHANDIGARH : 3 posts by 3 authors. 3 images. Could the members of this esteemed group help ID this Kachnar species from the Sukhna lake promenade, Chandigarh. These trees were planted in the 1960s under the guidance of MS Randhawa, then Chief Commissioner, Chandigarh, and were the result of grafts not directly from seeds. The Kachnar at Sukhna bloom in winters only. The flowers have five stamens. The leaf is about 15 cm across. Pics were taken today. Is this Bauhinia blakeana or Bauhinia purpurea? Not Bauhinia purpurea It is Bauhinea blakei. Bauhinia × blakeana :: TMC Biodiversity Park :: 22 APR 18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. TMC Biodiversity Park Thane Date: April 22, 2018 … Altitude: about 15 m (50 feet) asl Bauhinia × blakeana Is it Bauhina variegata or B blakeana? Please identify. It is from Phra Nam Mon, Ayutthaya, Thailand. I think close to images at Bauhinia blakeana Thanks … I also think that it is B. blakeana. ID REQUEST-( Mansar, Nagpur )-131111VS: Here the leaf is called ‘Sona Pan’ ..kindly identify Yes..I think Bauhinia variegata L. Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Bauhinia x blakeana – Hong Kong Orchid Tree (Please Confirm): Pl. check as this plant does not set seed being sterile. It’s true that this tree is sterile but very rarely I have observed one or two fruit being produced. Is this the same Bauhinia which has a name plate as ‘ Bauhinia krugii urban in Lalbagh I have posted earlier? Kindly confirm. Bauhinia krugii is a synonym of B. monandra. Thank you for your reply and feedback. I think my pictures are also of the same tree in Lalbagh that is discussed here. I will resurface my post for you to see. Some relevant feedback from another thread: “I too think the tree label is wrong as 3 long and 2 short stamens are clearly seen. All features point to B. x blakeana, but I think the pod shown by … in another thread needs to be closely checked. The pod does not look like any of the two parental species or other species of Bauhinia. It may well belong to another tree, or perhaps a climber. Is that pinkish colour of the petioles and the pink tinge of the new leaf normally a feature of B.x blakeana? This tree has been bothering us for a long time. Assuming that pod belongs to this tree only, we have to completely reject the possibility of B. x blakeana. (you will find a lot of reports of pods on the net, but all cases of misidentification). Let us see the alternatives keeping this table in mind. B. purpurea has only 3 fertile stamens, petals (more so upper petal) are much narrower and quite separated. This should exclude this also. While comparing this photograph with mine (of B. x blakeana) I was curious about the width of upper petal, more in above pplant. While checking stamens closely I noticed that of the five stamens (in above plant, mine, as well as below link of B. variegata), three of the stamens a slightly longer with thicker pinkish filaments, two slightly shorter with thinner whitish filaments. Also the width of petals (especially upper overlapped petal) leads me to suggest that this tree may a darker coloured form of B. variegata only But then perhaps flowering period has also to be explored. In Delhi B. x blakeana flowers from middle of November to about middle of December, B. purpurea flowers in September-October and B. variegata in February-March. The pattern in above garden may be kept in mind. I was wondering, if anybody anywhere hasn’t been studying bauhinia for indepth study, for genetic analysis etc? May be we can get an input from them?? As far as I can understand, a hybrid between two different species at the same ploidy level as parents would be sterile. It may produce flowers but due to problems of pairing (it has one genome each from each parent) no proper gametes would be formed and hence no proper pod formation. The only way it could be a sexual fertile species is immediate duplication of chromosomes after hybridization as in wheat or Tragopogon kashmirianus (I had described in 1976). I have never heard about production of pods in this species of Bauhinia. Lalbagh always have surprises, as I find something new every time I go there. But I haven’t seen a Bauhinia Tree which doesn’t have pods. Every one of them have pods and plenty of them. I have been taking care of 5 Bauhinia x blakeana trees and watching them through all the seasons for the last 20 years. This is what I was getting at perahps… To me it defies scientific logic to find mature fruits on B. x blakeana. It would be worthwhile to check whether this is really B. x blakeana. I am reproducing the key given earlier in another thread. I fully agree with … and compliment his great efforts in providing detailed info. with keys etc.not only for this plant but also for all the postings whenever such doubts arise. Oh! it is great. Plants and trees mutate like crazy, just like tumors is the lesson here, and they surprise the heck out of the experts, just when one thinks one has a handle on some damn tumor, something new turns up… Bauhinia krugii Urban : ID Confirmation : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 020812 : AK-1: Pictures taken in Lalbagh,Bangalore on 24/7/12. Flower dark purple in color. Sorry for the bad quality pictures due to cloudy weather. Kindly validate. For me the ID on the name board seems to be correct. It is Bauhinia monandra. Bauhinia krugii is the synonym of Bauhinia monandra Resurfacing my post as the tree under discussion seems to be the same. … to me this flower looks very much like the Hong Kong orchid, Bauhinia blakeana. Have not yet seen Bauhinia monandra – the name suggests Bauhinia bearing one stamen … though not sure monandra in this context implies one fertile and some infertile. I agree the flower looks like B. x blakeana, but I have never seen leaves like those in the pictures on that species. That pinkish tinge and the way the new leaves are folded is not seen in B x blakeana. That tree’s new foliage is always a lightish green. Veins also look more prominent in your pics. IT is not easy to make a definite judgement based only on these images. I think there should be little difficulty in getting correct identity if … remembers major aspects of the plant. Leaves are very small in B. krugii Bauhinia monandra (syn: B. krugii) Bauhinia x blakeana 1. Leaves 2.5-4 cm long. 1. Leaves 9-13 cm long 2. Flowers in a short raceme. 2. Flowers in a large panicle 3. Fertile stamen 1. 3. Fertile stamens 5, 3 longer. 4. Pod formed. 4. No pod formed 5. Flowers pink with purple veins. 5. Flowers with purplish petals. 6. Petals barely 3 cm long. 6. Petals 5-8 cm long. Thanks … i for the summary. The ones in Lalbagh have lots of pods. Atleast I know two of them one near the rose garden, another near the palms I have the pictures of both of the trees in this link. I have also uploaded in the group Thanks a lot for the distinguishing features between the two. Both the set of pictures posted by … are of the same tree photographed by me. This is near the palms, a small tree with two main trunks. Leaves are definitely not small, but large. Flowers very dark with purple petals. Only confusing factor is the pods. Although I haven’t seen any, … photographs have pod formation. You can see the pinkish tinge on the new leaves. Even … has posted the same flower earlier. Although the flowering season was over when I took the pictures, the single dark flower caught my attention. Had not come across a Bauhinia so dark pink, almost purple. If the tree really bears mature pods, it can’t be B. x blakeana, which being a hybrid does not set seeds/pods, One has to check the number of fertile stamens and leaf size to confirm. I don’t think it is B.monandra as B. monandra clearly has only one big single visible stamen. Others may be small or rudimentary. Here I can see many and all appear equal in size. I too think the tree label is wrong as 3 long and 2 short stamens are clearly seen. All features point to B. x blakeana, but I think the pod shown by … in another thread needs to be closely checked. The pod does not look like any of the two parental species or other species of Bauhinia. It may well belong to another tree, or perhaps a climber. If this tree is same as one uploaded by …, then perhaps comments in the other thread have to be kept in mind. Taking it as Bauhinia variegata as per another thread Thanks for the update. Many of us had thought it to be Bauhinia blakeana earlier. …, the label is misapplied. B. kurgii is now considered as synonym of B. monandra which has flowers with marrower pink petals, only one posterior petal is red and most important has only 1 fertile stamen. But it does not look like B. x blakeana also as there are only three well developed stamens, other two seem much smaller. Most important leaves don’t seem lobed (1/3 to 1/2 in purpurea; 1/4 to 1/3 in blakeana and variegata) To me this appears to be the same as Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Bauhinia x blakeana – Hong Kong Orchid Tree (Please Confirm) Pl. check. Bauhinia… : 7 posts by 3 authors. 4 images – around 600 kb each. Bauhinia purpurea or Bauhinia blakeana ? Mândû, Madhya Pradesh, 600m, january 2020. Cultivar ? Another image. Finally, i choose B.purpurea compared to flowering in winter, but few things separate them… Can you send a close up of the flowers clearly showing the arrangement of stamens to Id the plant. Also refer to Trees of Delhi by …, wherein the proper key is available. OK, according to the book “Trees & shrubs of India” P.Sachdeva and V.Tongbram, B.blakeana is an hybrid of B.purpurea and B.variegata. Attachments (2) It will be Bauhinea x blakeana as per Keys at HYBRID ORIGIN OF BAUHINIA BLAKEANA (pdf) . Flower for Id pl. Is it Bauhinia purpurea ? Unsure about the species. Location – Ratnagiri Date – Feb 2021 Yes ! No. It is Bauhinia x blakeana (Cultivated) as per images and details herein. Thanks … I never thought of Bauhinia x blakeana. . (14/Apr/2021 ART 3) Is this Bauhinia purpurea?: 12 images. Date: 2021/Apr/06 Location: Palani, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu Can you please confirm if this tree is Bauhinia purpurea? Yes it’s, Agree with … Bauhinia purpurea it is Definitely!! And lovely pictures. It is Bauhinia x blakeana as per images and details herein. For final ID check with Trees of Delhi, where a key has been proposed to ID different species of Bauhinia. Check physically. Checked with the keys given in the book “Trees of Delhi” for Bauhinia variegata, Bauhinia purpurea and Bauhinia x blakeana. Flower: The three central petals are not overlapping. Hence it is not Bauhinia variegata. I am not experienced, but comparing the photos I had taken earlier with other photos available on the internet, it seems the petals are larger and deeper coloured, indicating Bauhinia x blakeana (and not Bauhinia purpurea). [Images in page 2 of Hybrid Origin of Bauhinia blakeana PDF also give a good comparison of the flowers of the three species.] Leaves: Upper lobes are not overlapping near the cleft, unlike this picture of Bauhinia purpurea leaf. Instead, they are clearly set apart. The leaves are also not longer, and the cleft doesn’t run deep (unlike Bauhinia purpurea). I guess these are the clear keys for Bauhinia x blakeana. Couldn’t check physically right away, but comparing photos closely does point to Bauhinia x blakeana. Thank you for the correction. That is fine. You got the correct ID. Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Bauhina sps at kalina campus , mumbai univesrity Bauhinia will come under Fabaceae-Subfamily : Caesalpinioideae. I think it may be Bauhinia blakeana Dunn. . Camel foot in trouble: An image would help. I think by parasite you mean a pest feeding on the plant. Feathery meand it could be mealy bugs, whitefly or psyllids. Some more information on it ? Are you referring to Trialuerodes ricini or Aleurodicus dispersa both of which have bauhinia as a host Yes …, Exactly that. They are all over the leaves. Apply general purpose pesticide Rogor (DIMETHOATE 30% EC). Dosage: 2ml per liter of water. How to apply: Spray it on the infected area as well as the healthy shoots to prevent further infection. Duration: twice a week during the evenings. Watch for two weeks for recovery. Thanks for this. I think the tree will be glad of your help. . Fabaceae: Bauhinia purpurea L.: 1 image. I guess you are right
Bauhinia x blakeana (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024