Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link (Syn: Sarothamnus bourgaei Boiss.; Sarothamnus oxyphyllus Boiss.; Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) W.D.J.Koch; Sarothamnus vulgaris Wimm.; Spartium scoparium L.; Sarothamnus scoparius subsp. scoparius (L.) Koch);
. I wonder if it might be a Cytisus species? The ridged stems, tendency to lose leaves and single flowers are what is guiding me. I think … is right. It may be Cytisus scoparius.
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link; Fam: Fabaceae, shrub commonly growing in Ooty area of Tamilnadu at Higher altitudes, some times it is maintained as a hedge plant. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Cytisus scoparius :: Ooty :: DVOCT45 : 1 post by 1 author. 6 images. Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link at Ooty on November 17, 2011 Fabaceae for id 070610MK1: : Please help to id this common Fabaceae member found at high altitudes of Nilgiris. Possibly an introduction.
I hope Spartium junceum Looks like broom, in the genus Cytisus, probably an introduction from Europe. Any possibilities for Cytisus grandiflorus ? This is Spanish broom, Spartium junceum, native to the Mediterranean. Thanks … for confirmation. The two genera are closely related but differentiated on the basis of calyx being 1-lipped (one split in calyx) in Spartium and 2-lipped (two splits in calyx) Cytisus. … may please also verify this. Also the flowers of C. grandiflorus are much larger and some leaves trifoliate. They are all simple in Spartium. The plant can be confirmed as Spartium junceum L. of Fabaceae. … please consider Cytisus scoparius for validation. Ref: Google Book I think matches with images at Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link & does not matches with images at Spartium junceum . Cytisus scoparius from Shimla:: NS May 2021: 7 images. Please validate the identification of this wild shrub recorded from Shimla-Narkanda Road.. I hope it is Cytisus scoparius…. Yes I too agree with you both for ID and collected from Nilgiris, Was it a cultivated plant ? Do you have other pictures showing other aspects / Perhaps it is cultivated, because the plants were seen in the Western Sydney university campus. Cytisus scoparius .
Yes, appears close to images at
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Cytisus scoparius
Updated on December 24, 2024