Senegalia modesta (Wall.) P. J. H. Hurter, Mabberley’s Pl.-Book 1021. 2008 ((≡) Acacia modesta Wall. (basionym)); . Afghanistan (N) ; India (N) ; Bihar ; Delhi ; Himachal Pradesh ; Jammu-Kashmir ; Orissa ; Punjab ; Rajasthan ; Tamil Nadu ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal ; Pakistan (N) as per ILDIS; .
I think the id should be accurate… Phulai ….. characteristic thorny tree of hot, stony hills of northern India. Need to be promoted.
Photographed in August Pinnae usually 2 pairs Leaflets usually 4-5 pairs, oblong to oblong-obovate, rounded at apex, about 7-8 mm long flowers white in 5-7 cm long spikes pod flattened, thin, 5-7 cm long, broadest towards tip Kindly Validate Acacia modesta Wall., Pl.As.Rar. 2:27.t.130. 1831 Another superb distant shot with a great detail of a very interesting plant for me Sir. Especially the arrangement of leaflets looks superb in distant shot. very nice photos, New plant to me,, is it wild there sirji? Yes … It was growing wild there. . Tree for ID from Ludhiana: 260313BM : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors. Please help ID this tree growing in Garden conditions in Ludhiana. Nearly 25 feet high. Can be Acacia modesta.. Thanks a lot … Tree for ID ludhiana 11-01 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) Adenanthera pavonina This looks like Acacia senegal.. agree with … … its not Adenanthera …leaves and the color and overall shape of the flower spike is all different efi page on Senegalia senegal Please check this link for A.senegal in, wherein … has identified the tree A.senegal: http://www.flowersofindia.GumArabicTree.html. The present picture posted by … does not tally (foliage type and leaflets) with the picture in flowersofindia. I think it matches with images at Senegalia modesta (Wall.) P. J. H. Hurter Beautiful image of Senegalia modesta. May I know the name of the place and state where the photograph was taken? Thanks, … It is mentioned as Ludhiana, Punjab. Should I add my pics here for confirmation …? Certainly. Why not?
Thanks, … To me these look close. Thank you very much for sharing these images. There are only a few collections available in CAL indicating that this is a rare species (possibly abundant in some localities of Punjab). This was originally described by Wallich in 1831 from a cultivated plant in the Calcutta Botanic Garden, presumably introduced from Saharanpur and described again two times in 1832 by Roxburgh as Mimosa dumosa.and M. obovata. The specimens which I have seen are from Delhi (cultivated), Punjab (Saharanpur), Shimla and Rajasthan (Churru district). It extends to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Southwards, this has been described from Tamil Nadu as Acacia tanjorensis.
After going through … link of Lalbagh trees, this seems to be Senegalia modesta (Wall.) P. J. H. Hurter. Kindly validate. Does this have a common name other than Phulai Tree? I could not find many pictures of this tree on searching. Found some common names Amritsar Gum, Black Sally, Blackwood. Syn Acacia modesta. . This looks like Acacia modesta… It looks like it. . . References: GRIN Mabberley’s Plant-book: A Portable Dictionary of Plants, Their … The Plant List 1 Ver.1.1 (Acacia modesta Wall. syn. Mimosa dumosa Roxb., Mimosa obovata Roxb.) ILDIS The Plant List 2 (Senegalia modesta (Wall.) P.J.H. Hurter) |
Senegalia modesta
Updated on December 24, 2024